Author Topic: Stan Meyers a Hoax  (Read 18675 times)

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Stan Meyers a Hoax
« on: September 20, 2008, 04:56:01 am »
I found this on another website and thought it was worthy of sharing with all of you.


Submitted by Hydrocars (not verified) on Wed, 09/17/2008 - 07:11.
I First started researching Stans work at the start of February in 2006. I Contributed to online public forums as well as private ones for sometime now. Just recently i stopped publishing as much due to the lack of common sense, and respect many people in this technology doesn't have. If people continue to think the way they do then this world as you know is doomed.

I am the creator of and the First Public researcher of Stans alternator since dave lawton. When i first started out in this technology it had nothing to do with stan. Then i found him, it was not my intentions to prove stans devices to be a hoax, it was my intentions to prove them to work. As i have worked with several groups and several people very skilled into the workings of electronics i have finely found my resting place, i have found where i belong in this technology, and followed i am not.

He may be called a hoax now, And yes what he provided to the public eye may very well be a hoax. But in the end when great knowledge steps forth, all will be understood and what stan did will be greatly respected as well as appreciated.

When this time comes, you will then see how smart stan really was, and the ones that lack common sense will be covered with embarrassment. The ones that Claims a hoax will learn that a different angle is always possible. The ones Full of Greed will cause this technology to come forth! Therefor this world will then be adjusted and maybe then there will be no more lacking of common sense. You can be very smart and lack common sense, you can also be very stupid and have great common sense, and then again, DeGreed may choose to keep this technology very well hidden! And last but not least, we could loose our leaders.

Water For Fuel is a very important thing in this world, i can not say it would be the best way to go about things. I would much rather see Happy people making happy dollars paying happy bills, "the way it was 15 years ago" The best option would be for High power to go ahead and put this technology on the market and control it as it is comming faster than you know.


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Re: Stan Meyers a Hoax
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2008, 20:01:54 pm »
I might as well do you a favor and save you the trouble, as this is my next post on that forum.

CIE Diesel engine, Race Cars, boats, model planes. Super great collection motors that will fit into the palm of your hand!

Compressing any gas raises the temperature in the cylinder chamber on the Power stroke, Normally the gas used is Ambient Air. Air is drawn into the cylinders and is compressed by the pistons at compression ratios as high as 25:1. Near the end of the compression stroke, diesel fuel is injected into the combustion chamber through an injector, but not just any injector, but a special one! The fuel ignites from contact with the air that, due to compression, has been heated to a temperature of about 700 – 900 °C (1300 – 1650 °F). The resulting combustion causes increased heat and expansion in the cylinder, which increases pressure and moves the piston downward. You can think of an diesel engine as a "Liquid To Gas Converter." the fuel ignites upon being injected into the highly compressed air in the combustion chamber.

The Speed at which you move down the road is controlled by the amount of liquid fuel injected, unlike controlling the amount of air ratio in the auto engine, To go faster you simply inject more fuel.

In older diesel engines, a distributor-type injection pump, regulated by the engine, supplies bursts of fuel to injectors which are simply nozzles through which the diesel is sprayed into the engine's combustion chamber.In common rail systems, the distributor injection pump is eliminated. Instead, a high-pressure pump pressurises fuel at up to 2,000 bar (200 MPa, 29,000 psi)[3], in a "common rail". The common rail is a tube that branches off to computer-controlled injector valves, each of which contains a precision-machined nozzle and a plunger driven by a solenoid or piezoelectric actuators. (For example, Mercedes uses piezoelectric actuators in their high power output 3.0L V6 common rail diesel).

Most large marine diesels (often called cathedral engines due to their size) run on heavy fuel oil (sometimes called "bunker oil"), which is a thick, viscous and almost un-flammable fuel which is very safe to store and cheap to buy in bulk as it is a waste product from the petroleum refining industry. The fuel must be heated to thin it out (often by the exhaust header) and is often passed through multiple injection stages to vaporize it.

Diesel fuel is a form of light fuel oil, very similar to kerosene, but diesel engines, especially older or simple designs that lack precision electronic injection systems, can run on a wide variety of other fuels. One of the most common alternatives is vegetable oil from a very wide variety of plants. Some engines can be run on vegetable oil without modification, and most others require fairly basic alterations. Biodiesel is a pure diesel-like fuel refined from vegetable oil and can be used in nearly all diesel engines. The only limits on the fuels used in diesel engines are the ability of the fuel to flow along the fuel lines and the ability of the fuel to lubricate the injector pump and injectors adequately. A related historical note: at the request of the French Government the Otto company demonstrated a Diesel engine at the 1900 Exposition Universelle (World's Fair) which used peanut oil (see biodiesel). The French government were at the time exploring the possibility of using peanut oil as a locally produced fuel in their African colonies. Diesel himself later tested extensively the use of plant oils in his engine and began to actively promote the use of these fuels.

Petrol/gasoline engines are limited in the variety and quality of the fuels they can burn. Older petrol engines fitted with a carburetor required a volatile fuel that would vaporize easily to create the necessary fuel/air mix for combustion. Because both air and fuel are admitted to the cylinder, if the compression ratio of the engine is too high or the fuel too volatile (with too low an octane rating), the fuel will ignite under compression, as in a diesel engine, before the piston reaches the top of its stroke. This pre-ignition causes a power loss and over time major damage to the piston and cylinder. The need for a fuel that is volatile enough to vaporize but not too volatile (to avoid pre-ignition) means that petrol engines will only run on a narrow range of fuels. There has been some success at dual-fuel engines that use gasoline/Ethanol, gasoline/Propane, and gasoline/Methane.

In diesel engines, a mechanical injector system vaporizes the fuel (instead of a Venturi jet in a carburetor as in a petrol engine). This forced vaporisation means that less volatile fuels can be used.

In diesel engines, a mechanical injector system vaporizes the fuel (instead of a Venturi jet in a carburetor as in a petrol engine). This forced vaporisation means that less volatile fuels can be used.More crucially, because only air is inducted into the cylinder in a diesel engine, the compression ratio can be much higher as there is no risk of pre-ignition provided the injection process is accurately timed. This means that cylinder temperatures are much higher in a diesel engine than a petrol engine allowing less combustible fuels to be used.

Meyer, diesel injecter, watertank, Laser distributor for control of high pressure injectors, water fuel heaters etc.

Thrown this post together just for you as i did not write any of it from my own knowledge. accept for that 1 sentence you just read. If you would like to learn more about engines Please referre to as they have anything you would ever want to know about

running a car on water.

I would not have pointed this out nor spoke about it but i know that the public will deny its workings, therfor this knowledge is considered a hoax and will not harm anyone because many lacks the tools and ability to make it work!

The facts are, when you mix Heat, + compression, + liquid, , you get a liquid to gas expansion conversion. You get this on demand. It does not look like stan was running his car on hydroxy, it looks as if the water fuel cell was a coverup that put a blanket on the Real Technology. However there is some files and photos floating around the internet, for some reasone people dont want you to see them. Thats crazy that your not seeing them! Crazy Crazy Crazy.

The text above does not relate to me, i have not tested it. I dont even know how the above text got where it is, i didn't write it! What you read is facts about engines, as well as in the proccess of doing so you learned how to convert a liquid to a gas right there on the spot. This is your super electrolysizer your looking for that seems so complicated in the patents jason. Throw the patents, and stans documents into a camp fire, He did not use anything in them.

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Re: Stan Meyers a Hoax
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2008, 20:42:08 pm »
As far as Stan meyers' stuff being a hoax I don't believe it for a second.

A car that runs on water by what you have stated, sure it's possible, Look at all the CDI videos on youtube and you can see it could very well work. It is true that the water does not need to be split before it enters the combustion chamber but it can be split in the combustion chamber. But it takes a lot of hydrogen to run an engine, unless you take it into the atomic stages, which I don't think are possible to do in the combustion chamber. That's what the ambient air and hydrogen gas gun are for.

But splitting water with voltage is also known and proven to work. Stan is not the only one who has patents on it, and the patent office does not just grant patents without having and seeing proof of them working!

I personally think there's more than one way to run a car on water, I think Stan is telling the truth, if not he would have never got the patents he did, and why would he go all around the world telling lies when he had the patents to protect his technology he had no reason to hide anything.


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Re: Stan Meyers a Hoax
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2008, 23:16:33 pm »
Sometimes i find it hard to post, therefor i just don't comment on stuff all that much anymore.

Now i have put to this technology my thoughts, its now another option for you to work with.

Its time for me to get a diesel engine and start experimenting, I have a 73 buggy that ran great, i torn it down and when the main crank bearings get here she will go back together. Since it is so expensive to Bore the heads i have a guy checking on smaller cylinder jugs for me since the piston lacks an half of inch before it reaches the top. If i cant manage to lower the compression this way then i have my eye's on a volkswagon rabbit which is a diesel, it has a distributor and spark plugs, but its also injected, and time injected.

As i recall, stan said it could be retrofited onto any car, so there is a possibility i do not need to lower the compression, since a diesel injecter allows you to use fuels that's not  all that flammable.

if i do lower the compression on my rail bug, i will have to add a laser distributor to control the 12 volt injectors just like stanley meyer did, the problem is finding a water pump capable of dilivering 2k bar rail pressure to the injectors. electrojolt is checking out a pressure washer pump for me to see if it could possibly work, we know parts will wear and not hold up, we clearly do not care. If i do get the rabbit, i will try hot water after the engine is warm. Someone may want to know why i would do this on these engines, well, "Thats what i bought them for."

Also, not related to this technology, check out the model RC Diesel engines on ebay, they are great to look at, and truly shows how Compression Ignition engines work.


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Re: Stan Meyers a Hoax
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2008, 23:32:02 pm »
As far as Stan meyers' stuff being a hoax I don't believe it for a second.

A car that runs on water by what you have stated, sure it's possible, Look at all the CDI videos on youtube and you can see it could very well work. It is true that the water does not need to be split before it enters the combustion chamber but it can be split in the combustion chamber. But it takes a lot of hydrogen to run an engine, unless you take it into the atomic stages, which I don't think are possible to do in the combustion chamber. That's what the ambient air and hydrogen gas gun are for.

But splitting water with voltage is also known and proven to work. Stan is not the only one who has patents on it, and the patent office does not just grant patents without having and seeing proof of them working!

I personally think there's more than one way to run a car on water, I think Stan is telling the truth, if not he would have never got the patents he did, and why would he go all around the world telling lies when he had the patents to protect his technology he had no reason to hide anything.

Based on everything i have learned, i have a pretty good ideal to what stan was doing with that little amount of hydroxy he was producing, no wonder i thought he stretched it.

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Re: Stan Meyers a Hoax
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2008, 00:23:05 am »
Uhhhhhh, are we having a party here, without me? ;D


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Re: Stan Meyers a Hoax
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2008, 08:44:26 am »
So hydro,

I think I may understand what your getting at.  Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

Lets say we have a combustion chamber filled mostly with water mist and ambient air, and a little bit of hydrogen.

We then compress the water mist, ambient air and hydrogen which causes heat, at the very top of this we ignite the little amount of hydrogen in the combustion chamber which causes an ever greater amount of heat energy, the water absorbs this heat energy, turns into super heated steam and forces the cylinder down to produce engine power. It's pretty much a steam engine with a little bit of fuel to increase the efficiency???


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Re: Stan Meyers a Hoax
« Reply #7 on: September 21, 2008, 13:49:19 pm »
Very interesting stuff.