Author Topic: My tube cell, i need your ideas & suggestions  (Read 15058 times)

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Re: My tube cell, i need your ideas & suggestions
« Reply #16 on: September 25, 2008, 17:14:53 pm »
okay thanks for the info, hadn't thought about that.

anyway some news:
 - i can't measure the output at the moment because i have an open system without any gas valves to really measure it, the pressure needed for the gas to go through a hose cant build up, so i would have to get a new closed container like ravi or d. lawton and many others have.
- the gap is to small. i hoped that a small gap would increase gas production (C = e0 A / d), but i haven't thought about the calcium (?) layer and that the bubbles can't really go upwards out of the pipe because of the small room in there. Also the current is very high. Solution: make the inner pipe smaller (decrease diameter about 1mm), i'll see

disconnected the bifilar coil for conditioning:
- i have the cell running for 5 hours now at 9V, the amp draw decreased from 1.42A to 1.37A at the moment (1 hour later edit: 1,27A, still getting lower)

- instead of the long time waiting for the buildup of the calcium layer, would it not be easier to isolate the inner pipe with thin adhesive tape like jnaudin did? or has the material of the layer influence on the gas production? anyone tried that?


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Re: My tube cell, i need your ideas & suggestions
« Reply #17 on: September 28, 2008, 00:50:37 am »
I would point out that if the pic represents your cell setup as tested, then your voltage read [erroneous as it may be due to pulsing] is actually that voltage present across each tubeset.  The parallel arrangement produces that effect.

If you had your tubes "daisy chained" in series, then the voltage would be 1/4 to each, given exact same spacing , tube length and water characteristics.

Series or parallel; which is it you ran your test with?


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Re: My tube cell, i need your ideas & suggestions
« Reply #18 on: September 28, 2008, 18:49:41 pm »
I have connected them like in the picture, the outer tubes are all touching each other, connected parallel, which means that the voltage is the same no matter where i measure it.

There's a 4-5 volts drop (input 9V) after the mosfet.

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Re: My tube cell, i need your ideas & suggestions
« Reply #19 on: September 29, 2008, 14:40:55 pm »
Hmm.. i think i'll stop the project.

I have an exact Dave Lawton circuit, producing the right waveform (see new video), i got a bifilar coil and tubes from the right material with a very small gap. I got a white coating (not as perfect like Ravis or Aarons), which decreased amp draw, but didn't increase gas production (?).

New measurements: 6V~ going into the cell, amp increased after coil from 0.98A to 1.22A which increases gas production of course, but not abnormally much.
Well, it's bubbling. I cannot measure it, but its far less than the videos of the replications i watched. Hmm..

MOV00048.3gp (1.2 MB)

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Re: My tube cell, i need your ideas & suggestions
« Reply #20 on: September 29, 2008, 15:34:55 pm »
it's not, because of one of your posts, i just looked through the documents again and compared it to my setup.
the only thing which is not accurate are the tubes, the gap is much much smaller and the coating isn't as good, but i cannot see how an isolating coating could increase the production.

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Re: My tube cell, i need your ideas & suggestions
« Reply #21 on: September 29, 2008, 16:04:51 pm »
i'll keep on conditioning until the weekend and then i'll measure it with an easy way.
cant stop without knowing my efficiency ;)

hope you know what i mean with the picture, everythings underwater, the gas goes into the measuring pitcher and is collected at the top.

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Re: My tube cell, i need your ideas & suggestions
« Reply #22 on: October 07, 2008, 17:09:22 pm »
I tested output, disappointin ;) some cc per minute, not very much, even compared to the 2.3Wh/l.

Btw, this is why you do not want to use a gap which is too small. tubes cannot be cleaned of the brown muck, water cannot flow through it as it should, resistance is too low (therefore current is too high)

MOV00048.3gp (474 KB)
« Last Edit: October 07, 2008, 22:47:23 pm by haithar »

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Re: My tube cell, i need your ideas & suggestions
« Reply #23 on: April 13, 2009, 09:47:00 am »
I suggest you insulate your cell walls with dielectric spray, typically 70 kV can be reached. Then measure inductance at different freqs with a digital LCR meter. The LCR meter is EXTREMELY important for success, in fact without it nothing will be controlled. With this instrument you will learn how to control L, C and R values with different spacings, insulations and at different freqs.