Author Topic: Hydro said he might be ready to throw the alternator away. "QUERY"  (Read 16303 times)

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Re: Hydro said he might be ready to throw the alternator away. "QUERY"
« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2008, 08:21:58 am »
Well i dont really know what this post was about lol , the alternator is scrapped or its groundbreaking lol wich one is it

both are pretty far apart , im confused now , im always confused reading forums , i just stick to the bible , i sure will read the ``Liter`` when i get home to a high speed connection . I kinda get the idea of what might happen but you would need to seriously weaken the bond to ``extract`` the electrons and consume them , maybe you are doing that i dont know plz post more about your coils then. w/e it is the process itself is caused by  pulsed opposite electrical fields and what you do with the stray electrons is up to your imagination ofc .

Steam , what about steam , molecules are farther apart from eachother and dont form complex geometrical clusters that add their charges and makes harder to break apart into hho , but you need energy to make that steam unless you know how some other secret way, then you need some more energy to get that electric field going after that  , and you need that secret steam making method , so we are still left with a big qiestion mark

I always speak my mind and back it with knowledge  , i dont deviate from the patent in wild speculation , maybe if hydro posted his real intelligence instead of keeping all the gooshy stuff i might not have dissed so bad , i`m sorry was so unfriendly


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Re: Hydro said he might be ready to throw the alternator away. "QUERY"
« Reply #9 on: August 30, 2008, 08:33:25 am »
Maybe you should read Job chapter 12 verses 12 and 13,


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Re: Hydro said he might be ready to throw the alternator away. "QUERY"
« Reply #10 on: August 30, 2008, 09:14:11 am »
i`m sorry was so unfriendly

I'm glad to see you become open, I have faith that you will think twice before you post something like that again. I believe your learning the in's and out of life.  "you got to be nice to others" ;)

Be good, make friends here and go far. From now on take my advice and do not post negative stuff in the manner in which you posted it. I do not look down on you just yet, the best always make the worst mistakes, they become men of knowledge. Lets see if you take that road, or if you take the other one.

The ones that make the most mistakes is the ones that owns knowledge, this i know as you learn from your mistakes.  I look for a change in your personality.

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Re: Hydro said he might be ready to throw the alternator away. "QUERY"
« Reply #11 on: August 30, 2008, 10:47:21 am »
Dear Members,

1. I do NOT like people talking bad about other people. We all do our best to solve the water riddle. Hydrocars is one of them.
    I know him better then anybody else in the whole world, so i can assure you that he always has been honest.
2. His way of telling things and his way of developing maybe different then some of  you outthere but that is not a reason to talk bad
    about   him.
3. I truelly do not know anybody else so dedicated and hard working on this technology then Hydrocars. He has been an inspiration to
    many outthere.
4. Hydrocars and I started this forum and we filled it with our projects and theorys. We wanted to get people here that were builders.
    Meaning, learn by doing!
5. I know for sure we provided many with costly information. Payd from our own ockets and learned it the hard way of doing!

There are some of you asking where Hydrocars is....Well, he is still reading here.

Dankie, i asked you several times by pm to change your attitude.
I appriciate your technicals views and i was hoping that you could change yr attitude a bit to keep the peace.
I told you that i like people talking from their hart, but what you wrote here last days, is also too much for me.
I write this here, so all members can read this. Dankie is not welcome anymore on this forum and will be removed.



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Re: Hydro said he might be ready to throw the alternator away. "QUERY"
« Reply #12 on: August 31, 2008, 03:08:11 am »
Dear Members,

1. I do NOT like people talking bad about other people. We all do our best to solve the water riddle. Hydrocars is one of them.
    I know him better then anybody else in the whole world, so i can assure you that he always has been honest.
2. His way of telling things and his way of developing maybe different then some of  you outthere but that is not a reason to talk bad
    about   him.
3. I truelly do not know anybody else so dedicated and hard working on this technology then Hydrocars. He has been an inspiration to
    many outthere.
4. Hydrocars and I started this forum and we filled it with our projects and theorys. We wanted to get people here that were builders.
    Meaning, learn by doing!
5. I know for sure we provided many with costly information. Payd from our own ockets and learned it the hard way of doing!

There are some of you asking where Hydrocars is....Well, he is still reading here.

Dankie, i asked you several times by pm to change your attitude.
I appriciate your technicals views and i was hoping that you could change yr attitude a bit to keep the peace.
I told you that i like people talking from their hart, but what you wrote here last days, is also too much for me.
I write this here, so all members can read this. Dankie is not welcome anymore on this forum and will be removed.


This forum is for exchange ideas about extract energy from water and we should leave personal emotional outbursts, political discussions and personal needs of being significance out of it. So i think its good to remove people that focus on their personal emotional issues and not the technology PLEASE PEOPLE!!!  FOCUS ON WFC/WFI TECHNOLOGY.



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Re: Hydro said he might be ready to throw the alternator away. "QUERY"
« Reply #13 on: August 31, 2008, 07:57:55 am »
Hi H20power!
I agree with you 100%. I really think you have a warm and life supporting soul. You are great for humanity.I been studying human behavoir for 13 years, economy, politics (its the simplest form of thinking to understand), medicine and computer science....I understand exactly how the wealthy thinks and there is no area in economy, politics,

I understand and agree with your way of thinking. I just want us to speed up the process to solve this wfc problem. To do this efficient we have to separate the different areas. And it is very important to inform other people. It is great to have political threads. I just dont want to see anybody put in to jail or targeted by whealthy families or killed(by accident, poison etc). Once they put focus on this site they just close it and put anybody in to jail if the want to. People who we throw out from here may get want to get even and put this site in focus for enemies of the people(you know who). Inform of politcal knowledge but dont mention name, nationalities or countrys. We can inform people about everything with models without mention names. If they want names we can(like you already did) give them links to sites with movies and documents.

If we cooporate in every aspect of wfc we will reach our goal fast. Like it is now everybody make their own experiments. It is better to get organised to speed things up. Here is the model of what i think we should do:
1. Gather a group of people to be involved in the "Solution team"
2. Everybody contribute with their own speciality. - you have great wfc knowledge and is practically skilled, I am skilled in modeling and make complex structures simple, somebody can find hardware resources etc.
3. we decide which wfc/wfi model to build
4. we gather all information we have
5. simplify, breakdown all problems in to small specific problems
6. problems is then sent to experts in that field(i can get some people for that)
7. solution is send to "our" lab for evaluation in form of test
8. solution from labtest is presented and posted in forum(or we can wait until the wfc is working and the present the wfc)
9. next problem....(step 5)

In short...everybody saves money(which is time) and time. if 100 peoples do same experiment that 1 do its soooo waste of manhours and money(everybody buy and build their own prototype that have to be rebulid serveral times).

This is how rich people work and thats why they are rich...they work in team and hire experts in differnt areas. Workers want to do everything themselves bescause the want to feel significance(which is a human need) and thats why they are ordinary workers.

If we create 2 labs as an example...everybody in the team contribute with money so all equipment needed is bought to the lab. everybody in the team spend time on research on specific problem to be solved. Example: We have a question about electronics...I ask my contact who works with electronics in a research lab (he doesnt need to know about the wfc, only about the specific problem)



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Re: Hydro said he might be ready to throw the alternator away. "QUERY"
« Reply #14 on: August 31, 2008, 10:43:40 am »
That's a great idea, as an archietech I am well versed in design theory and design solutions. Most of my wfc's are all ready to go, built in the computer world for study to make sure everything works as intended. Then, for me, it off too the machine shop to have them built, my weakness, then I test in the real world taking notes and everything. I used to make video's but the Ravi think show''d me that there are people looking at us.  If I can just get these two prototypes built I can test my Lord Kelvin designs. Sometimes I am tempted to put the whole design on this site to see what happens. I think I might with the part tube/cone cell I have in the works, but I have to add more parts so people can follow them easy, for I leave some of the design in my mind. Tell me if you think this is a good idea hydropower, Stevie, Spike, and others?



1. I can support any internet based lab or research centre idea. Completely secured with tokens and loginnames and paswords....
    So we can have a closed info circuit for those who wanna join in the development cycle.
2. The problem with things like this is that most of us do not know each other in person.
     This makes 1 issue to a big problem. The issue of trust.

We do not know the agenda's of the people. Most of the people are in for just 1 thing........ dollars, euro's, turtlebucks,
And we all know how people react when money is involved, do we.....

If any of you have a idea on how to do this, please let me know.



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Re: Hydro said he might be ready to throw the alternator away. "QUERY"
« Reply #15 on: August 31, 2008, 11:57:35 am »
That's a great idea, as an archietech I am well versed in design theory and design solutions. Most of my wfc's are all ready to go, built in the computer world for study to make sure everything works as intended. Then, for me, it off too the machine shop to have them built, my weakness, then I test in the real world taking notes and everything. I used to make video's but the Ravi think show''d me that there are people looking at us.  If I can just get these two prototypes built I can test my Lord Kelvin designs. Sometimes I am tempted to put the whole design on this site to see what happens. I think I might with the part tube/cone cell I have in the works, but I have to add more parts so people can follow them easy, for I leave some of the design in my mind. Tell me if you think this is a good idea hydropower, Stevie, Spike, and others?



1. I can support any internet based lab or research centre idea. Completely secured with tokens and loginnames and paswords....
    So we can have a closed info circuit for those who wanna join in the development cycle.
2. The problem with things like this is that most of us do not know each other in person.
     This makes 1 issue to a big problem. The issue of trust.

We do not know the agenda's of the people. Most of the people are in for just 1 thing........ dollars, euro's, turtlebucks,
And we all know how people react when money is involved, do we.....

If any of you have a idea on how to do this, please let me know.


I  understand completely the trust issue. Tell me what your worst case scenario is. What is you afraid of is going to happen? I list all of the scenarios that could happen(check below).

1. We work in a team. Somebody in the team is here for money. When the working wfc is ready he take it and make money. The rest of the team dont make money. Result = Everybody have the wfc drawings. Somebody make money on the wfc and the rest dont. Everybody else uses wfc to their own purpose.
2. We work in a team. Nobody is here for the money. When the drawings is ready nobody makes money. Result = Everybody have wfc drawings. Nobody makes money. Everybody uses wfc for their own purpose.
3. We work in a team. Everybody is here for the money. When the working wfc is ready everybody makes money. Result = Everybody have wfc drawings and everybody makes money.

The big picture: We work in a team = everything goes faster - everyone in the world will have wfc eventually. We dont work in a team = everything goes slower - everyone in the world will have wfc eventually.

If somebody sells it...I say: buy one wfc and make a copy of i cant see any problem with anything if the aim is to give the wfc to the world. If everbody sits on the wfc its going to be like Dingel. Says he is doing it for the humanity but wont share the drawings and he has sitting on that drawings in about 40 years. I dont think it is a great strategy if you want to stop the oil empire because one dies with the secret and the empire continues.

There are only 4 goals that anybody can have with deveolpment of wfc
1. Take wfc and make money
2. Take wfc and share with rest of the world
3. Take wfc and use all benefits for oneself
4. Take wfc and show rest of the world that one made this invention

« Last Edit: August 31, 2008, 21:37:26 pm by hydropower »