Author Topic: Hydro said he might be ready to throw the alternator away. "QUERY"  (Read 16304 times)

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Some time back, say about a month ago, Hydrocars said that he was just about to the point of saying we didn't need the special alternator.  He said he was almost inclined to think that the tube cells might also not be the way to go.  He also said that he'd come up with an amazing discovery about how to make the cells work a lot more efficiently and in an easier manner.  He said he wasn't ready to share this special secret yet.  It wasn't long after the secret announcement, that we stopped hearing much from Hydrocars.  I for one believe very much in Hydrocars and would like to know more about all three of these topics.  I have contacted Hydrocars but got no response, so he must not want to be bothered at this time.  If any of you know anything new in any of these three subject areas, please share it with the rest of us.  Thanks very much in advance.  I'm working on some special stuff myself, and as soon as I get a proof of concept thing going I'll share it with all of you.  I will give you a hint.  It utilizes steam and is potentially very dangerous.  Happy testing.

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Re: Hydro said he might be ready to throw the alternator away. "QUERY"
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2008, 00:48:36 am »
I can’t believe you guys are talking like that about Hydrocars. I have the most respect for him, I have read most of his post in several forums, I have learned a lot from him. As far as I know he was the creator of this Forum and gave it to Stevie. Hydrocars have been experimenting and sharing his findings for over 2 years, and what does he get in return?
Come on guys, give Hydro some respect and credit that he deserves.

By the way, he just got a 1.6 liter engine running 3 minutes on Hydroxy.

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Re: Hydro said he might be ready to throw the alternator away. "QUERY"
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2008, 02:10:12 am »
Hydro does that from time to time. Just disappears then shows up with an epiphany.
I'm sure he's watching.
Hope all is well Hydro,



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Re: Hydro said he might be ready to throw the alternator away. "QUERY"
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2008, 03:37:32 am »
Some time back, say about a month ago, Hydrocars said that he was just about to the point of saying we didn't need the special alternator.  He said he was almost inclined to think that the tube cells might also not be the way to go.  He also said that he'd come up with an amazing discovery about how to make the cells work a lot more efficiently and in an easier manner.  He said he wasn't ready to share this special secret yet.  It wasn't long after the secret announcement, that we stopped hearing much from Hydrocars.  I for one believe very much in Hydrocars and would like to know more about all three of these topics.  I have contacted Hydrocars but got no response, so he must not want to be bothered at this time.  If any of you know anything new in any of these three subject areas, please share it with the rest of us.  Thanks very much in advance.  I'm working on some special stuff myself, and as soon as I get a proof of concept thing going I'll share it with all of you.  I will give you a hint.  It utilizes steam and is potentially very dangerous.  Happy testing.

Well people, i also have a new idea to share with you if it can take a while to test because i have other projects that i have to push forward .And remember: "There is no hard och easy knowledge to master...either you have the knowledge or you dont and if you want it...just get it!!!

Keep up the good work, we are going to solve this soon...i promise you all.

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Re: Hydro said he might be ready to throw the alternator away. "QUERY"
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2008, 04:37:54 am »
I just heard from Hydro and here is what he has to say:

The Alternator is a Transformer which contains a primary and secondary winding, where the primary is moving and is referred to as a rotor.

The secondary, Stator has 3 separate windings. One Stator winding is magnetized 120 degree's after the other due to the way the rotor is made and the speed it spins.

Normal None Moving Transformers will consume energy on the primary windings when a load is applied to the secondary. However No extra current will be consumed from the primary Rotor when a load is applied at the stator, Instead Power is consumed from Torque, Drive chain.

Stand still Transformers when secondary load is applied will consume more power from the Primary winding, this could lead to smoking the primary winding if the load is to great. Load to the Secondary stator will not result in power consumed from the primary rotor, but will result in more needed torque. You can see how the two operate differently. The alternator can be 120 degrees out of phase, unlike the normal 180 degree out of phase single core transformer; ferrite is not needed for a core.

The Electron Extraction Circuit is right before your eye's. The charging of the cell from the stator and discharging of the fuel cell onto the rotor "oscillates" - "resonates" - Extracting electrons. The current the fuel cell can produce can be brutal, you can get more voltage and currents from a fuel cell than a normal car sized 12 volt battery can offer. Generating electricity from running hydrogen threw a fuel cell is a current and past way of electrical generation, its nothing new. However extracting electricity from the fuel cell when Producing hydroxy the technology is new and not understood to these new Workgroups. HHO can not be ran threw what i now referred to as an older Fuel cell to generate electricity. However the oxygen and hydrogen must be separated for those types of fuel cells to operate, they use membranes, the oxygen is not needed.

The harmonics from the alternator just meant you hit 120, the square waves is another story. Many alternator setups has been claimed, credited, and taken, however no one knows what’s going on. It is hear you will learn the truth, so you decide who knows what, and who is the "Monkey". The square waves from a transformer is usually impossible, but since the electrons is being extracted from the Gas, it is being used to power the "Rotor" without the use of any external power exiting the rotor. 3450 Rpm's is what it takes to get this effect; this is when the alternator resonates with itself. The fuel cell is just and add-on that resonates with the alternator, and does produce electron flow to and from the alternator oscillating. The gas is supercharged with 120 deg out of phase DC and then the electrons are Brutally extracted, the cycle repeats. This is why it is possible to run as little as 6 fuel cells on a 3/4th HP driver motor. Some alternators is junk right from the start, as the rotor and stator must be the right size. I find the "DELPHI Automotive Systems" alternator to work better than any alternator I’ve ever used, it is a Delta. Failure to regulate smoothly in self loop is related to the type of alternator you have. Gas production is Much greater, unbeatable by any other power source with tubes. However Clean hands fail to understand this, and I am outnumbered by the ones that lack. The hydrogen gas that’s emitted off the tubes lacks electrons, they was consumed by the rotor during resonance, this now allows further gas alternation due to the mixing electrons, not yet published.

Future attempts to extract electrons, Consume, Dislodge, Damage will now be conducted by the readers of this page, This release of information is a test to see if you deserve more. I have deleted my account at top secret forums and shied away from all forums, There is allot going around on the forums i just do not stand for. Like busting water with the resonate freq of water, that’s child talk and you should be spanked, assuming you're an adult. I am a man of 1, I care not what you think of me and my work, I have learned that the internet is full of thief’s, and very disrespectful people. Therefore when this nation Straightens up and acts adult like, i may return. Until then, forget it. When you see someone make a finding, Credit them for it as they deserve it. Do not take their credit, and if you see someone taking someone else’s credit, be a man, stand up and say hey, your a liar so and so came up with that. I'm not the only one disappointed here. Many is going silent.

A SPDT switched should be used to both allow current to flow into the fuel cell and direct current out and away from the fuel cell., First you supercharge the cell "180 degree out of phase" also works well, then you switch the SPDT switch to discharge the electrons from the cell to your desired load gaining back electricity, therefore all or most of the input amount the cell consumed is now gotten back. As I mentioned Extracting electricity from The hydrogen fuel cell is unlike the way you would extract it from the to date fuel cells. This way of Electron Extraction is NEW and not thought of. Therefore I bring this technology to you to see how you act upon it.

The future Fuel cells is Partly Stevies Ideal, and partly my ideal, however he has a secret one of his own. It's much more efficient and much more can be done with it. At this time I do not wish to Publish due to the lack of respect I have been shown, People like dankie should be immediately removed from these forums as I will not hang around any group that supports his type as I have explained to murray. If that’s the way this technology ends up, then I feel many will not colt with it. It should be understood my obsession with this technology and man hours as well as other people’s time invested.

What you have learned here today is how to extract electrons from a fuel cell, Now you will probably see it posted all over the internet much like you did with the ionization etc,,,. Strange how all that stuff popped up isn't it..

Since i feel i am on a streak, open up the tech brief, type Ctrl + F... type in Liter, Read.

What I published Wasn't much, although to you it may be.

Br, H

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Re: Hydro said he might be ready to throw the alternator away. "QUERY"
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2008, 05:39:20 am »
I read all the posts Hydrocars made and none make sense to me , i never felt he truely understood the concept and thats why he dissapeared , he added more confusion than good . The resonance or harmonics if you will can only be the freq that allows RLC to attain max voltage or a multiple of the larmor frequency h2o in order to accelerate the electron spin more effectively , its nothing more , it cant be nothing more . But all that is irrelevant if you simply have too much voltage or  photon energy , but you see, thats what hydrocars cant do , he cant sit down and seriously think through something without going through all his $ chasing around any possible idea because HE IS SO DEDICATED .Of course the power source is irrelevant here it would be obvious to anybody to figure out that the reason why stan used an alternator is because thats whats in a car , an alternator , you can use a battery too just look at dingel , and to think the ``harmonics``  of your alternator has a role here is simply wild speculation .

So the gas coming out of the water is already ionized HH0 ! ,thats REALLY surprising to me , even meyers had had to process the gas to ionize em after the fact .

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Re: Hydro said he might be ready to throw the alternator away. "QUERY"
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2008, 07:25:17 am »
People like dankie should be immediately removed from these forums as I will not hang around any group that supports his type as I have explained to murray. If that’s the way this technology ends up, then I feel many will not colt with it. It should be understood my obsession with this technology and man hours as well as other people’s time invested....

Exactly how I feel....Maybe it's his job to cause problems and make everyone disbelieve the hard work of others? After all it is the internet, you never know who your talking to....And don't doubt for a minute there aren't people hired to dicredit and cause disbelief of the work of others...When something big is put up on a site you can bet that site will get attacked with viruses to the point where it will completly shut down.

Personally I would never put any real information/ findings on the web due to one fact

 -As soon as you do it will be stolen and patented.....

There's a million middle class idiots that think they can make money here, and the'll do anything to get it!!!

I would advise all of you to quietly figure things out on your own....And if you want to make it public, good luck with that!


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Re: Hydro said he might be ready to throw the alternator away. "QUERY"
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2008, 07:57:50 am »
Thanks hydrocars! My respect to you. I always wondered why every time Stan standing next to a car engine the alternator was big like an i know. Thanks Hydrocars.