Author Topic: where to buy  (Read 28026 times)

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Re: where to buy
« Reply #8 on: August 27, 2008, 23:18:52 pm »
Magetite Cores
I know a guy in Canada who makes magnetite cores.  He says they are much better than the ferrite cores.  He makes them in any configuration you want.  I don't know his prices.  I can get you in touch with him if you like.

Ferrite Cores
I know another guy who has ferrite cores in Canada also.  He is Gary and his company is Chemelec.  He's a very nice guy and very helpful with our work.  He carries abou any electronic part you might need or want also.

Let me know if you want any more information and I'll provide it for you.

Fiditti i am higlhy interested in the magnetic cores!

i would appreciate any contact information to obtain a steel magnetic core.


Are welding rods a possibility for you?
Take some of those as core...


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Re: where to buy
« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2008, 00:15:36 am »
im coming to the conclusion that i should just use a simple inductor core instead of an electrical steel core.

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Re: where to buy
« Reply #10 on: August 28, 2008, 01:40:31 am »
i would stick with what is in the papers 100% to avoid any possible quirks

meyers didnt just pick w/e left over electronics from salvaged stuff lol , the guy had a budget  , and he was nice enough to tell us what materials he used .

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Re: where to buy
« Reply #11 on: August 28, 2008, 03:02:46 am »
but you also have to consider what he said in his lecture videos.....that he made different patents using differenet substances to stop people from trying to change it by 10 percent and claiming it for themselves...see a patent works like this someone patents an idea....well another person might see that idea and change it by 10 percent....then they can sell it without patent stanley as he said in his lectures when someone at new zealand brought up why does it say steel in one patent when it says copper wire in another.....and he replied just so if someone tries to say "ha, look mine is different i use steel" he made multiple vic transformer combinations and different materials.....BUT THE CONCEPT DOES NOT CHANGE......soooooo.....i will create a bifilar coil because no matter whast type of inductance core it is it still acts like a bifilar coil.

plus notice his coil in the independant looks as if its wound on an  EI core to be honest.

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Re: where to buy
« Reply #12 on: August 28, 2008, 03:52:44 am »
nah bs....he was far from protective of his inventions , he gives the most detail in his technical brief , he dont get into any type of construction in patents so for whetever reason he wrote that it has no relation , what we do have to consider is that he was a very religious man and got killed instead of being a rich billionaire .

the discription of frysteel says it all

"parralel grains for ease of magnetisation"

that means your  gonna waste less power , stan chose this for a reason

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Re: where to buy
« Reply #13 on: August 28, 2008, 03:57:47 am »
of course it is the best way to do things, but sometimes we also don't ahve the money for the best things and have to get by on what we have......he also did state the minimum of what it would take to accomplish it....and copper and a ferrite core worked fine....just as the minimum amount of eclectricity to break down water was calculated to be 13 volts......although they managed to do it with 11....

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Re: where to buy
« Reply #14 on: August 28, 2008, 23:36:22 pm »
alright i have just ordered a toroidal ferrite core from: stated in the patent a toroidal core of 1.5 inch diamter and .25 inch thickness.

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Re: where to buy
« Reply #15 on: August 29, 2008, 23:53:46 pm »
well then , seems to me like you are trying the vic of figure 3-23 with bifilar copper coils , dont set your expectations since i already saw lots of people try that and got mediocre results at best with lots of different transfo/ratio bifilar lenghts w/e

just maybe YOU will jinx that setup