alright so i know in his patent it says that for the bifilar coil you need an inductance rod of 1 inch in diamter.....i couldn;t find it for cheap but i did just buy 8 rods measuring 8 inches long and .4 inches in i know this will be fine....and i am going to wrap the entire rod just as stan has stated multiple times.....if you want to increase gas flow...don't just increaase the voltage input at the power source.....but just increase the windings on hte bifilar remeber the voltage will reach towards infinity if the electronics allow it.....and by adding more windings the electronics are allowing it to get closer....i also have 2 different transformers....the one in the patent...which i realize was intened for bare minimum for it to work.....and it does completely work.....but i went out nad got another transformer for 10 dollars.....i noticed in one of his lectures he said...."the beautiful thing of it is is since the frequency is in the audible range you can use an audio transformer." when i see people pulsing power transformers i don't know why they would ever do that.....those are intended for around 60hz not will get that transformer to backfire nad destroy your MAKE SURE YOU GET AN AUDIO TRANSFORMER.....and am using a simple audio transformer used in my input is 6 volts and it is stepped up over 50 will be posted of the transformers schematic...if you want......