No, initially, he was experimenting with the cheap method, just varnish.
He said that his experiments helped him determine that the outer tube needed to be highly conductive, while the inner tube needed to be much less conductive. He was wiring it the original Meyer's way, wih the outer positive and the inner negative. When he added a resisor to each of the individual negative tubes, his gas production really increased. He has also been experimenting with a non tube cell design, which he will not share with me. He said it is neither tubes and/or plates but that it works better than anything he has ever tried. If it's not a tube and it's not a plate, what can that be? Anyway, maybe he will share it in time.
Thanks for your interest. I will continue to add to this thread as I get more information.
Oh, he us using a choke setup he got from radio shack with the tubes too. All he would tell me was that it was the choke that went with the tweaters. He said it worked great. He's using a Lawton circuit; 13 vdc from power supply; 2 diodes; & one choke. That's all I know right now.