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Step up charging experiments
« on: July 16, 2008, 09:41:09 am »

My first attemp to replicate the set up charging ramp was done for 1,5 years ago.
That was a succes, but i didnt had the knowledge to expand that experiment to higher levels.
After this 1,5 year, i feld that as a missed opportunity!

Yesterday i rebuild the whole setup of that experiment, so i could go from there.
I was luck to get the same results! :)

Here are my first pictures of my step up charging experiments.


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Re: Step up charging experiments
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2008, 18:21:09 pm »
Step charging accoording Stan Meyer.

LC Circuit
Resonant Charging Choke (C) in series with Excitor-array (El/E2) forms an inductor-capacitor circuit
(LC) since the Excitor-Array (ER) acts or performs as an capacitor during pulsing operations, as
illustrated in Figure (1-2) as to Figure (1-1).
The Dielectric Properties (insulator to the flow of amps) of natural water (dielectric constant being
78.54 @ 25c) between the electrical plates (El/E2) forms the capacitor (ER). Water now becomes part
of the Voltage Intensifier Circuit in the form of "resistance" between electrical ground and pulsefrequency
positive-potential ... helping to prevent electron flow within the pulsing circuit (AA) of
Figure 1-1.

The Inductor (C) takes on or becomes an Modulator Inductor which steps up an oscillation of an
given charging frequency with the effective capacitance of an pulse-forming network in order to charge
the voltage zones (E1/E2) to an higher potential beyond applied voltage input

The Inductance (C) and Capacitance (ER) properties of the LC circuit is therefore "tuned" to
resonance at a certain frequency. The Resonant Frequency can be raised or lowered by changing the
inductance and/or the capacitance values. The established resonant frequency is, of course, independent
of voltage amplitude, as illustrated in Figure (1-3) as to Figure (1-4).
The value of the Inductor (C), the value of the capacitor (ER), and the pulse-frequency of the voltage
being applied across the LC circuit determines the impedance of the LC circuit

LC Voltage
The voltage across the inductor (C) or capacitor (ER) is greater than the applied voltage (H). At
frequency close to resonance, the voltage across the individual components is higher than the applied
voltage (H), and, at resonant frequency, the voltage VT across both the inductor and the c:apacitor are
theoretically infinite. However, physical constraints of components and circuit interaction prevents the
voltage from reaching infinity.

During resonant interaction, the incoming unipolar pulse-train (H) of Figure (1-1) as to Figure
1-5) produces an step-charging voltage-effect across Excitor-Array (ER), as illustrated in Figure i1-3)
and Figure (1-4). Voltage intensity increases from zero 'ground-state' to an high positive voltage
potential in an progressive function. Once the voltage-pulse is terminated or switched-off, voltage
potential returns to "ground-state" or near ground-state to start the voltage deflection process over
Voltage intensity or level across Excitor-Array (ER) can exceed 20,000 volts due to circuit (AA)
interaction and is directly related to pulse-train (H) variable amplitude input.

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Re: Step up charging experiments
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2008, 12:46:55 pm »

After listening for 4 hours to Stephen Meyer, i learned something very basic.
Water has a dielectric of 78.
Ok, that was a known fact.

What it means is that water is for 78% resistive (a resistor) and for 22% conductive.

Chemicals like KOH are killing the dielectric and the conductive part swifts from 22% to lets say 50%
That means that low voltage like 2v can be used with lots of amps to get a chemical reaction. In other words: electrolysis.
Any volts above this will only create steam.
Think about the concequences:
1. you think you have reasonable gas output, but a part of it is STEAM!!!
To get a pure Hydrogen / oxygen output, you must keep VOLTS low. Depending on that fact if you use KOH, the voltage shouldnot be higher then max 5 volts.  So, you need lots of  tubes or plates to get a nice amp pulling. I know it is very attractive to use higher volts, but you are only fouling yourself.

So, what about Stan Meyer in this case?
I my research for getting the gas in a higher energy state, i found out that you need 13 electron volts to pull the electron from the proton.
Yes, only 13 Volts!   And who confirmed this? Yes, Stephen Meyer did.

So, what did Stan the man? Indead, he used the 12Volts from his alternator to pull the electrons of the molecules.
He knew that if he didnt restrict amps, that he would fall into the trap of the chemical proces, meaning that he also would produce steam with 12Volts.
Thats were the gating of his step-up charging model is coming into the picture.
The same  as were XOGEN is using their 50% squarewaves for.
As you can see in my step-up charging pictures, i cut off the pulse as soon as the pulses are on top and prevend that the the horizontal line continue. Thats were the current starts to clime.

As soon as i do that, and i look at my gas output, i see tiny bubbles, like a cloud! Looks like an atomic bom explosion.

So, i agree totally with Stephen Meyer when he said that all you guys, including me, are getting different types of gas outputs....

will be continued...


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Re: Step up charging experiments
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2008, 21:00:59 pm »
My newest bifcoil and new settings gave me this nice ramp.....

Newest video showing 32V by 0.5 amps = 15watts
Production of the roof.... ;)
Ever seen an atomic bom exploding...... ;) from 15 watts?



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Re: Step up charging experiments
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2008, 23:45:01 pm »
I told stevie he should add more tubes, i got this effect a year ago and i learned that 6 tubes was better than one, told him this is about all the cell will do, which is why i moved from it to the alternator and now to the variac, there are 2 videos here, here is the video where i was using 6 volts 2 amps, 12 watts.

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Re: Step up charging experiments
« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2008, 23:52:30 pm »
i remeber in one of stas lecture videos he stated that if you wanted more output increase the voltage, increase the voltage by either at the transformer or at the bifilar coil.......why not do both.....try a stronger transformer, maybe a flyback.....then build a bigger bifilar coil....i will almost be able to test this.....i just got my oscope reads up to 40kv dual channel

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Re: Step up charging experiments
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2008, 11:25:19 am »

After listening for 4 hours to Stephen Meyer, i learned something very basic.
Water has a dielectric of 78.
Ok, that was a known fact.

What it means is that water is for 78% resistive (a resistor) and for 22% conductive.

Chemicals like KOH are killing the dielectric and the conductive part swifts from 22% to lets say 50%
That means that low voltage like 2v can be used with lots of amps to get a chemical reaction. In other words: electrolysis.
Any volts above this will only create steam.
Think about the concequences:
1. you think you have reasonable gas output, but a part of it is STEAM!!!
To get a pure Hydrogen / oxygen output, you must keep VOLTS low. Depending on that fact if you use KOH, the voltage shouldnot be higher then max 5 volts.  So, you need lots of  tubes or plates to get a nice amp pulling. I know it is very attractive to use higher volts, but you are only fouling yourself.

So, what about Stan Meyer in this case?
I my research for getting the gas in a higher energy state, i found out that you need 13 electron volts to pull the electron from the proton.
Yes, only 13 Volts!   And who confirmed this? Yes, Stephen Meyer did.

So, what did Stan the man? Indead, he used the 12Volts from his alternator to pull the electrons of the molecules.
He knew that if he didnt restrict amps, that he would fall into the trap of the chemical proces, meaning that he also would produce steam with 12Volts.
Thats were the gating of his step-up charging model is coming into the picture.
The same  as were XOGEN is using their 50% squarewaves for.
As you can see in my step-up charging pictures, i cut off the pulse as soon as the pulses are on top and prevend that the the horizontal line continue. Thats were the current starts to clime.

As soon as i do that, and i look at my gas output, i see tiny bubbles, like a cloud! Looks like an atomic bom explosion.

So, i agree totally with Stephen Meyer when he said that all you guys, including me, are getting different types of gas outputs....

will be continued...


The dielectric properties of water change with tempreture and pressure. To say the water has a dielectric constant of 78 is not complete you have to give the tempreture and atmospheric pressure. This is why it is hard to find the ressonance of some of the experimants I have seen others try. They wont let go of Dr. Faradays laws, and will try and put amps in the WFC's once you put amps in the mix the tempreture starts to rise and the K constant starts to change and thus the resonance too will change.

Meyer says in order to get more production all he have too do is increase the amount of voltage being applied to the water fuel cell. So just how do you do this? High power veriable resistors on the power supply will do this, or perhaps a variact transformer, and/or a transformer with different tapes hooked up too a switch that you can adjust. Sure there are more ways to do this that what I put, but the point is the power supply is the one that will allow this to happen in a controlable fashion. I have a power supply that is variable from 3-30v and given that Meyer only used 5v I think I can do that one too ;), but for me the pulsing circuit I will be using can only be on from 18-30v. So this is my range I have too work with 18-30 volts. Since I am designing my own transformers so I can addjust the coils in any way I so desire.

Now in my first attemp to understand the injector coil I just built the dam thing and tested it out. I did not even try to match the inductance values or even knew what capacitive reactance even was. But from just about 2-3 volts I was able to get 320 volts out of the injector transformer wrongfully designed. This time I have learned from my mistekes and will match the transformer to the wfc to a frequency of 26.1 or 42.8 kHz. I will take the best reading I can of the capacitance of the wfc and then make a transformer to match it. Now that I understand just how the voltages got up so high I will try again the right way and see if I can get gas production and the tempreture of the wfc stays constant or very little change noticed. My goal is to get the voltages up to 30k or so, but I will have a lot of control over the voltage since the power supply will control the voltage independently of pulsing and/or frequency.

Anyway I have a lot of work too do so I will just get too it.
Best Regards,


accoording to the reading i done, the skin effect of Stans design starts from about 1200V.
Thats my second goal in this experiment.
At this moment i have 20V acros my cell. The totall amps pulled by the whole circuit is 0.5
The question is not how to get to 1200V, but how to get them across your cell........without the amps.... ;)
I  have a variable powersupply, and when you increase voltage,  the effects will be better.
At the same moment, i can cut off the ramp were i want with my circuit.
The issue is that i do not have a clue how to do that when i have to go use a transformer.
I hate transformers, because they mes up my signal badly.
I think i continue with adding my variac to the mosfet and maybe in combi with a trafo, so i can get around 800V on my bifcoil.
The bifcoil ramps it all up....see what that will do.




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Re: Step up charging experiments
« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2008, 19:11:24 pm »
if voltage did work without any amps flow then you would only have to hook up "one" high voltage wire to "one" terminal of the fuel cell, the other side would float and high voltage would be across the cell.

you dont believe me,, touch a high voltage wire and see how it makes you feel. There is your high volts with no amp flow.

Even the guy's over at had a light that was powered by "one" wire, some neon lights can be powered from "one wire" This stuff is like CRACK, the more you sniff the worse you get