After listening for 4 hours to Stephen Meyer, i learned something very basic.
Water has a dielectric of 78.
Ok, that was a known fact.
What it means is that water is for 78% resistive (a resistor) and for 22% conductive.
Chemicals like KOH are killing the dielectric and the conductive part swifts from 22% to lets say 50%
That means that low voltage like 2v can be used with lots of amps to get a chemical reaction. In other words: electrolysis.
Any volts above this will only create steam.
Think about the concequences:
1. you think you have reasonable gas output, but a part of it is STEAM!!!
To get a pure Hydrogen / oxygen output, you must keep VOLTS low. Depending on that fact if you use KOH, the voltage shouldnot be higher then max 5 volts. So, you need lots of tubes or plates to get a nice amp pulling. I know it is very attractive to use higher volts, but you are only fouling yourself.
So, what about Stan Meyer in this case?
I my research for getting the gas in a higher energy state, i found out that you need 13 electron volts to pull the electron from the proton.
Yes, only 13 Volts! And who confirmed this? Yes, Stephen Meyer did.
So, what did Stan the man? Indead, he used the 12Volts from his alternator to pull the electrons of the molecules.
He knew that if he didnt restrict amps, that he would fall into the trap of the chemical proces, meaning that he also would produce steam with 12Volts.
Thats were the gating of his step-up charging model is coming into the picture.
The same as were XOGEN is using their 50% squarewaves for.
As you can see in my step-up charging pictures, i cut off the pulse as soon as the pulses are on top and prevend that the the horizontal line continue. Thats were the current starts to clime.
As soon as i do that, and i look at my gas output, i see tiny bubbles, like a cloud! Looks like an atomic bom explosion.
So, i agree totally with Stephen Meyer when he said that all you guys, including me, are getting different types of gas outputs....
will be continued...