Author Topic: Ionization Photons  (Read 7837 times)

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Ionization Photons
« on: July 14, 2008, 22:39:57 pm »
We have worked here on ionization, meaning we shock the hydroxy Gas with Voltage to "(Stretch)" the gas, or make it appear "(stretched") which may also alter the gaseous "(energy state)" using very little current.

Also here we work on "(Photon Light Injection") to alter the hydroxy gas. This testing dates back before this date for sometime now and is worked on by groups right now, and groups will continue to work on this technology together on this website as well as others.

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Re: Ionization Photons
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2008, 01:07:38 am »
Maybe a dumb question coming up.
I checked and read and had heard many answers to the light frequency we should use.
I am coming to a conclusion here soon maybe.

A photon :

In physics, the photon is the elementary particle responsible for electromagnetic phenomena. It is the carrier of electromagnetic radiation of all wavelengths, including gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet light, visible light, infrared light, microwaves, and radio waves. The photon differs from many other elementary particles, such as the electron and the quark, in that it has zero rest mass;[3] therefore, it travels (in a vacuum) at the speed of light, c. Like all quanta, the photon has both wave and particle properties (“wave–particle duality”). Photons show wave-like phenomena, such as refraction by a lens and destructive interference when reflected waves cancel each other out; however, as a particle, it can only interact with matter by transferring the amount of energy

Does all light emit photons, I'm guessing it does.
According to all the reading of patents (meyer and whoever) they state photon and not some wave length.
I'm also thinking that any light injected into the chamber as a secondary charge should be of some practical value.
Is this a correct way of thinking?


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Re: Ionization Photons
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2008, 18:10:38 pm »
ok, tired as i am lets see,,, suprised stevie hasn't answered this yet.

when the electron moves the the outer most shell the energy state gets greater if that atom along with its mass size, as the electron moves to the outer most shelll photons are consumed. As the atom looses its energy state and it will the atoms get smaller, as the atom gets smaller the electron will jump shells, moving closer and closer to the nucleus. as the electrons jump shells moving in closer to the nucleus a photon is released in the form of light.

Cold atoms, the electrons are closer to the nucleus, protons. hot, warm atoms, the electrons are further away from the nucleus, protons. The temp of the atom will determine its resonate freq, if you know the freq you want to put that atom in by using photon injection you must apply that photon at that freq.

For example, cold hydrogen may be resonating at 300 nanometers, one may add a 500 nanometer led light to force that atom to take on a resonate freq of 500 nanometers, increasing its mass energy state, and temp range. one forced the atom into a known state. If your not on the proper freq that the atom can understand, its possible the atom will totally ignor the photon injection and instructions all together.

you can also see how Xrays work, what it is they detect and why it is they ignore your skin.

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Re: Ionization Photons
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2008, 22:23:37 pm »

Today, you are quicker then me with answering..... ;)
Yes, the get the electron in a higher energy state, you must feed a specific photon (frequency)
The electron moves to outer orbit, or even leaving orbit! Bij forces greater then 13eV (electron volts)
The other important thing is to know what happens in the opposite direction....
What happens when an electron moves into inner orbit...
Yes, it release photon energy.
There are 2 reason for an electron to move to inner orbit.
1. Its his nature to do so
2. an external MAGNETIC FIELD

So, all the people that say that magnets are well for yr gasproductionare wrong when you are talking about the QUALITY OF THE GAS

As H2Opower always says: Hopes this helps!


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Re: Ionization Photons
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2008, 23:42:21 pm »
It still does not explain.

A photon hitting a metal plate releases an electron, has nothing to do with a photon release after electron accelleration.
There are theories that there is an electron cascade effect using photons.
My point is the photon injection method seems to me is made to release electrons in the water.
These released electrons may have an effect that is helpfull.
The splitting of water has numorous stages of oxygen and hydrogen developement.
These active electrons may be what is needed to slow the reaction of the O and H to recombine, thats what I feel.
Or at least this is what I'm making out from what I read from early theories. I may be wrong.
Also there should be in this type of setup a way to reclaim some of these electrons as there will be many.
If the oxygen has a way to pick-up some electrons maybe it will stabilize and not recombine to water, is what I'm thinking.
The frequency of the light source may not have to be a part of the spectrum (UV?) to split water .
Being that a photon will release an electron on a metal surface leaves that surface or metal in a postive mode.

Anybody else with an opinion or a experiment, please jump in and help clarify.


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Re: Ionization Photons
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2008, 02:49:36 am »
I believe Hydro is right about the part that the electron can shift orbits in the shells.
If a electron shifts it also gives off a photon and the structure of the molecule is now becoming unstable.
Our gas we are making is going into the photon injection so the photon injection circuit is an added circuit
to bring the gas to a higher potential.
The destabilized bodies gases (particles) will want to stabilize so we need the electron extraction to help keep everything
in the unstable state. He (MEYER) built several seperate containers one above the other to maintain this process
of destabilization and extraction of electrons.
These destabilized gases are much stronger I believe than our electrolized gases.
I'm not satisfied with the fequency of spectrum. The frequency of diode pumping may be more beneficial.
Meyer stated in one memo 935nm Infra Red and also ran this through 4 concentric lenses pumped at 100Khz.
Many of the pictures show this photon injection bouncing or reflecting through the containment.

After this is figured I believe we need to find and match the burn rate of H-gas.
I read and maybe others have that we should process the gas.
Add more outside air gas.
Hydrogen burn rate is over 325 centimeter per second.
Natural gas burn rate is 47cps .
That tells me we have to add a lot of non-combustables or air for the proper processing of h-gas.
We may make 1 liter per minute but that may equate to the equal of 7 liters per minute if processed correctly.
Thats another story we'll have to get into soon after this one.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2008, 05:47:35 am by komtek »