Hi guys
There has been talk of seperating the 2 gasses, H2 & O . While reading one of my books, I found that Magnetic Seperation, is a Partial solution. Hydrogen will still be mixed with Oxygen, be it a small amount.
Passing the gas from the Electrolyser, through a Diluted Sulphuric Acid Solution, will fully seperate the water Vapor and Oxygen from the Hydrogen. The Hydrogen, will flow from the container, while the rest is retained.
How this will be seperated later from the Acid, it did not say, and, my time is very limited to persue what all you guys are experimenting with. Farm life and sawmilling-lumber business, has me pretty well restricted to Internet, and my dial-up, here in CR, is poor at best.
Don't know if this info is any help, but, maybe someone can do some searching, to come up with a way to use this