Author Topic: Alright guys help me out!  (Read 5865 times)

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Alright guys help me out!
« on: July 12, 2008, 05:11:40 am »
I got my alternator hooked up to a motor, runnin about 3000 rpms. I have a wire heading from my alternator to the + side of my cell, and im grounding it back to the alternator, I have my alt grounded at casing. Im using pure water. I turn it on.... nothing. What am I doing wrong?

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Re: Alright guys help me out!
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2008, 10:14:24 am »
I got my alternator hooked up to a motor, runnin about 3000 rpms. I have a wire heading from my alternator to the + side of my cell, and im grounding it back to the alternator, I have my alt grounded at casing. Im using pure water. I turn it on.... nothing. What am I doing wrong?

Do you have power on your rotor?



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Re: Alright guys help me out!
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2008, 14:19:31 pm »
you are using pure water,  on some cells, you won't see bubbles (if it's your only way of verification) on the other hand, if you use a voltmeter, the voltage to the cell should be different then the one of the battery as the rpm changes (if the reg. is disconnected).


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Re: Alright guys help me out!
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2008, 22:25:45 pm »

Did you remember that the alternator must rotate clockwise?... 

Kind regards

Hm, clockwise from which facing? Ill just try spinning it the opposite way.

Ive been trying everything to fix it. So far im getting no current from alt. I tok it all appart, and hooked up some wires directly, and then hooked up my own 3 phase diode. and then ran the + and - to the plates, And was getting no current from thee. THe original diode was still on there and hooked up and I was getting .8 Volts from that, Though that was really weird.

I only ground the casing and then run the - from the cell back to the diode. Any ideas now? Maybe its spinning counter clockwise and zero current can flow through the cell? So there would be no current? That wouldnt really make sense though cause I grounded the amp meter passed the cell. I have no idea.


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Re: Alright guys help me out!
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2008, 02:20:56 am »
K I think is what happened is I ruined the alternator. Is what ther is, is on the magnet side, there are 2 coils aroun the rotating core underneath the magnets, and I took out the spring box that hooks them up, I think these help to generate a larger magnetic feild? So now that its not being generated its only putting out about 1 volt. Not sure, lll try to fix the alt, or get a new one.

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Re: Alright guys help me out!
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2008, 03:18:29 am »
What brand of alternator is it?

Can you post a picture of how you are hooking it up?  This would probably help trouble shoot your issue.
