Author Topic: What did Stan meyer really said.......  (Read 16574 times)

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Re: What did Stan meyer really said.......
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2008, 00:44:50 am »
Trust the Riddler, watwerfalcon.


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Re: What did Stan meyer really said.......
« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2008, 21:29:25 pm »
did anyone catch what stan's amps was, i could hear him say 5 volts and 13 3/4 psi but couldn't hear the amps.

if he was pulling minus 13 3/4 psi he would have a 93.5% vacuum.


How did Stanley get the hydrogen into his engine if the cell was under vacum?.. ;D

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Re: What did Stan meyer really said.......
« Reply #10 on: July 14, 2008, 11:14:08 am »
Stan used 40 amps. :)
Stan used many different setups.........



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« Reply #11 on: July 15, 2008, 05:24:12 am »


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Re: What did Stan meyer really said.......
« Reply #12 on: July 15, 2008, 05:29:39 am »
did no one catch how many amps he said ?


stan used 5 volts 2 amps to the rotor, roughly 35 to 40 to his cell... Oh, and the psi was 13 3/4 before he ran it into the glass display box on his buggy, the one that contained the Electrical Polarization Generator (EPG) or what i like to call the ionizer. .

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Re: What did Stan meyer really said.......
« Reply #13 on: July 15, 2008, 05:33:37 am »

I was kind of expecting the video. ;D
If not, I was going to try to make one.



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Re: What did Stan meyer really said.......
« Reply #14 on: July 15, 2008, 07:04:22 am »
Thanks riddler for the video. I now believe this is exactly how stan impressed all those clowns over the years with this simple little trick. No wonder he didnt allow any one to inspect his WFC further cause it was just regular electrolysis.

crap its sort of a bummer now that I know for a fact stan never reached OU. Beginning to wonder if the rest of stans stuff was BS too. For all we know the EPG could have been a gas tank? Wonder if it just  a matter of heating the HHO to enhance it to orthohydrogen or which ever the one is that is more explosive than regular hydrogen to idle the dune buggy at 600cc per minute.

Riddler in the video...What was the amp draw to your cell and CC per minute?

thanks again for your efforts in making the video to clear my doubts. Highly appreciated.


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Re: What did Stan meyer really said.......
« Reply #15 on: July 15, 2008, 09:05:04 am »
I have never tested the production of this cell however my last cell used the same container. So im guessing right at or over 500 cc's a min, i feel thats a close guess for now. i've only had this cell together for about 2 days now.

About heating the gas, i have ran several test on this, 3 to be exact. Relaxation was my first test it worked very well! Heat was my second test, its temp sensitive and not worth the hassle at all, to hot and the hydroxy dies. The third test was ionization which was the most easiest to do. The engine spuddered threw all 3 test, but the ionization promised more than the others. I seen that the engine could idel with more gas, im pretty sure around 700 cc's would idel it by way of ionization based on what i seen, and i think if you seen what i did youd think the same!

After i added the bubbler to my cell i failed to replicate my own work of the ionization process, i think this is due to the bubbler and pressure hoses. I'm using a bigger fatter hose then i was before and im getting bloops and not a steady flow, bloops break the connections in the gas so im not doing to great on that right now. it's important that i find a very small hose since im using a bubbler, i need a steady flow for this to work no bloops in the line.

To see that engine run on ionized gas was cool, it sounded like a diesel! i built the pressure up and cut the alternator off, slowly released the gas threw the bug zapper and i could hear the engine running on hydroxy as long as the psi gauge droped a fair bit, but it wasn't to bad.I cant run the alternator and driver motor for the engine or i'll trip a breaker..  It sounded week but was running with the starter motor, this is why i believe laser injection will make the gas less like diesel and more like gasoline, stan used it.  Stan could have ionized his gas better than i did that day, he could have been producing more than i was, or he may be like you said, a damn liar.

who knows?

I am near my last steps in determining if this is a hoax, or possible, stan was smart and its possible i may drop out rather than dedicating my entire life to figuring it out, its really hard when your the only one that can perform the test to both rule in and out what is and what is not possible based on the data that is available to us,, and lately its been a drag... So my cell is built and im kicking back and maybe taking my time on finding the hose that will give me the proper pressure due to the problems in pressure the bubbler causes. I know what i seen when i ionized the gas both with my eyes and ears when the engine somewhat ran on such low amounts of gas.

it would be  a dream to see someone take this further,, such a slow moving progress..