I was wondering if you tried connecting the cells in parallel without electrolyte? (With electrolyte parallel will consume a lot of amps)
If you did connect the burtha cell or the other earlier karebill setup you built in parallel with 2 tubes do you notice any significant gain or loss in production. (plain tap water.)?
Should i go for 3 tubes or 2 tubes, 2 tubes would be cheaper but if you say 3 is the best then 3 it is.
I was also wondering does it matter if its concentric and water flows through between the tubes, like a 2 foot long joe cell with 5 or 6 tubes with neutrals between them, rather than having 9 pairs of same size tubes?
This is because all the inner tubes in the joe cell will be immersed in water. Is exposing the tubes to air like Stanley Meyers injector design the key?
Thanks and very grateful for the advice