To put it in the simplest way: You build it as shown in the tech brief...
It's funny that people are building chokes (inductors) and not paying any attention to how there being built...People say 100 turns of this or that...What about the inductance values, and the capacitance values of the water capacitor which form the LC circuit...If you research LC circuits the reasonant frequency is such that it depends on both the inductance of the inductor, and the capacitance of the cap. The reasons for resonance is to help electrons flow at a higher pressure "higher voltage" and at the same time to reduce current.
This being said all parts of the circuit must be made to operate at the same frequency.....If you build your LC circuit to operate at a certain frequency, but your transformer was not built to operate at that frequency you will experience losses, if you build a pulsing circuit which cannot meet the frequency of the LC circuit you'll never get anywhere.....It all boils down to math, impedance matching, inductance coupling in the transformer, a well built water cap, etc etc....
I don't think Stan spent 13 years just experimenting with different designs and a different number of turns on his coils, he did the math, he worked his butt off and he eventutally made it happen....You can't just throw something together and expect big results. You've got to educate yourself on every possible and related aspect of stan's work......Most of his work allready exists in some form of another and we use it daily....For examp[le I described earlier the automobiles ignition system which consists of a High voltage transformer and forms an LC circuit....The spark plug is nearly a mirror image of the water capacitor stan meyer designed.....Many high voltage caps use ceramic insulators the same way spark plugs use.....
FOLLOW STAN MEYER'S TECH BRIEF.....A 3" tube with a .750 ID and a .50 OD rod wil resonate at around 5KhZ, from here we know the type of pulsing ciruit we will need to build.....
Build the Water cap, Get it coated with a ceramic insulating material with a high dielectric
Dip it in water and measure the Capacitance value
Now you can do the math and dtermine the inductance of your chokes required to get the circuit to resonate at 5KhZ...
From there you have the VIC coil, which contains a lot of math to figure it out....But go from there, stop wasting time experimenting, build ecerything to the specs, if stan doesen't give you the specs, search for them, after all he's not the first one to design a RF transformer, and LC circuit, and a pulsing circuit.....Good Luck!