Author Topic: Stan Meyer cracked by JNaudin!!!!  (Read 47686 times)

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Re: Stan Meyer cracked by JNaudin!!!!
« Reply #32 on: June 26, 2008, 05:03:55 am »
Is it possible that the cathode isolation in JN cell was leaking??

The reason I'm saying this is because during my 1st test, my cell was generating bubbles, but only from one area, I then realized the the isolation could be leaking,

took the cell apart and indid there was a pin hole one the isolator.

I replaced the isolation and now no more bubbles. but the tubes are making noise, the same screaching noise as the transformer.

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Re: Stan Meyer cracked by JNaudin!!!!
« Reply #33 on: June 26, 2008, 05:07:13 am »
One more thing,

In JN diagram, he shows the Oshilloscope connected before the resistor, shouldn't the oshilloscope be connected directly to the anode and cathode?


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Re: Stan Meyer cracked by JNaudin!!!!
« Reply #34 on: June 26, 2008, 07:00:12 am »

i talked to my father today, his voltage was about 230...DC...  y he measured in dc i am not sure, but the ac value would be what, a bit over 400?? so i guess this puts it close to the vale u were seeing success with. i think we r on the same page here too!

here is a thought , if you even get fair production of hho with a setup using insulated cathodes. and each cell leaks NO voltage, how many cells can u run before the voltage starts to b "depleted"....hmmmm?!  and how much hho will u get in the process?

ya see, i think there is more than one way to skin a cat, and so did stan. he mixed up these ways to confuse us a little, but i think they all will work. hydrocars' way will take up a LOT less room, he is making the available gases WAY  more powerful, as opposed to making way more gas, LESS powerful! both will work, my way will have to utilize more wfc's , thats all.

but u see when our work finally collides with his,  the perfect marriage of technology will ensue!!

this is y i think hydrocars should forget about crayons and barney, and support all who endeavor this technology, instead of busting balls of the people he may not necessarily agree with!

just because he may not have had luck in something, doesn't mean  someone else won't either.



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Re: Stan Meyer cracked by JNaudin!!!!
« Reply #35 on: June 26, 2008, 09:25:23 am »

did u ever try spherical electrodes. like a ball inside of a ball?? i wanted to try this. seems like it might act as a dysons sphere.

...and where r u getting conical shaped electrodes?




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Re: Stan Meyer cracked by JNaudin!!!!
« Reply #36 on: June 26, 2008, 10:24:40 am »
It's hard too say creationist70,

As of now I still don't have the new cone shaped wfc for testing. I know from all of my studing that this shape is the way too go, for it gives a varing point of capacitance that will keep up with waters ever changing moods. But when camster6 did his test at 480 volts he started getting the step charge, and it was not a frequency made to look like a step charge it was doing it all on it's own. I tried it and got the same results, as he did. Amp leakage is what Meyer called it, the sparking inside of the cells. With the new set up I will be able to control the water flowing through the cells and might even be able to create a cavataion bubble. The new wfc has it all everything I have learned over the years is in this wfc. From constant water level to baffel plates to keep the water from splashing around so much, and even auto fill by vacuum draw.

Isolating the neggetive might help but when looking at Meyer's injectors the center electrod was positive and the negetive was grounded or just grounded like a spark plug. This leaves me to think that the Taylor cone my just have been what Meyer used but at very high voltage. The properties of water taking on a charge and becoming h3o+ion makes this possible, for it can only exist in water in it's droplet from and if you get it to break up lower than a droplet you will get one molecule of water and one free monoatomic hydrogen. At least this is my theory on this. Since they will have the same charge they will repel eack other and not reform into water. If the timing of the injectoin is changed to bottom dead center, it will be injecting something high preesure, into a low vaccuum area that should alone break even more water droplets up into water molecules for easy break down by the spark plug. I will start doing testing on the injectors very soon.

Now again Meyer had four parts to his working model, the injectors, the gas processor,  the lazer help, and the steam resonator. Now a lot of the questions you ask I can't answer as of yet. but on figure 8-7 in the technical breif gives good graph data, showing that shape and shape alone does mater.  And yes there is more than one way to skin a cat for Dr. Dingel has a running model that is not like stans, and it works. Now since Stan used more than just the hydrogen  produced on demand, by putting in water in steam form and giving it a charge, and you all know the rest.  As the water mist/vapor absorbs the heat of the hydrogen/oxygen reaction it will expand  and make like a steam engine, heating up the water to push a piston down. Now that is simple gas law science PV=nRT. For me it's all coming together or at least it feels like it is. Can't wait to get the new wfc and put all these thoughts to the test. But if you ask me it seems like a lot of people are on the right track now, with many differnent ways. I just wish we all get the job done and can see the end of the age of oil in our time.


when stan used the injector he didn't even have an electrolysis cell on his car

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Re: Stan Meyer cracked by JNaudin!!!!
« Reply #37 on: June 26, 2008, 14:44:37 pm »
 I've been looking for the practical cone shape for the cell, and , today, read about this "Taylor Cone". Did a search and found this info ??  Maybe someone smarter then me can put it to use ???



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Re: Stan Meyer cracked by JNaudin!!!!
« Reply #38 on: June 27, 2008, 00:38:09 am »
Well Bless your heart H20, it took a man to do what you did, and thats fix your mistake. I bow to you for this.

Now, Make it possible h20. you have days to relax on this one sentence, And what i mean by it. Give it some thought.

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Re: Stan Meyer cracked by JNaudin!!!!
« Reply #39 on: June 27, 2008, 02:17:56 am »

  I'm going to show my ignorance. I know NOTHING about Chemistry OR Electronics.  BUT, if you want something built from wood, metal or any other medium, draw a rough sketch, and add some general dimensions, and get out of my way.

  What I am saying, is, some are book smart, some are well trained , some pay WAY more attention, some just muddle by.

  I am VERY grateful for all this open technology being developed and shared here.  I could NEVER learn from a book or get great scores on tests. However, I have built and ran a couple of businesses, and supported my family, without working for "The Man".

  H2O, teach as well as you can, and don't get frustrated by us dummies.   ::) ::) ;D ;D  Thank You for trying.