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Capacitor Discharge Ignition Modification From The Past.
Yes, I am familiar with that video of water sparks .
The engineer has US Patent on that method. For OLDER type vehicles that can have the existing common inductive type ignition removed, and changed over to CDI, then the other change can be made. During the capacitive discharge ignition module charges 1uf capacitor that discharges into primary of step up autotransformer. The 250volts fast induces into winding that then allows secondary to fire in microseconds, not milliseconds as normal. What exactly happens is this, what they didn't tell you in video, the capacitor does not fully discharge. The remnant voltage left is about 50 volts. The high volts diode is added , facing the high volts output. Diode is in ON condition. When high volts COMES OUT INITIALLY, it presses against diode , diode shuts off. High volts reverses and along with Radiant Energy escaping, the balance of 50v energy of cap follows the high volts to spark plug. The blast noise is the too fast resultant energy release into zero ohms spark plug to ground. Good for gasoline fuel.
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