Sorry for the delayed reply
I took a look on the simulation, seems like the electron extraction circuit
Having such a small capacitance anything we put in become high voltage..
This month I have got some business to finish and than I will be able to start some testing next week
I will be focusing on getting the water to generate electricity and gas at same time but I will be following those two or 3 major lines I talked about last year
One using the electromagnetic fields to shake water and or induction to make the process and secondly using ultrasound as direct power input seem to me the later is the easiest path to go and also this days the most expensive
The idea is to get a resonant structure that allow the water velocity to be at max where the electrode sit
Interaction of the electromagnetic and the velocity will converge in the electron extraction ckt in my opinion
I just consider it as a full feedback
This year everything will change!