Author Topic: Lakovski Cosmic Vibrational Healing Of Living Cells  (Read 1487 times)

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Lakovski Cosmic Vibrational Healing Of Living Cells
« on: October 23, 2023, 03:25:37 am »

    I used the Lakhovski passive type antenna on my old beagle dog many years ago. He had neck arthritis and was listless, for a long time. I put plastic spacer block with tape,- as insulated, with #12 bare  copper wire spiral on neck, after removing his collar.  The next morning  my alarm clock did not go off- first!. The dog was yelling out in his kennel. I went out before coffee and let him out. He tore all around the yard and wagging his tail. This was done two times as successful, several months apart. There is a thing called BIAS. GEE I THINK I FEEL BETTER! Maybe you and me , but not animals and plants. The radiation very weak frequency signals coming from space is all around us. The spiral concentrates this inside the spiral on living cell tissues and energizes the cells to heal faster. See old booklet by Clement- he was assistant of Lakovski. He wrote about the cancer plant tests called - The Waves That Heal. Expensive booklet may be already on internet to view.