Stanley Meyer > Stanley Meyer
Stanley Meyer demystified
Chris Bake:
--- Quote from: Radiant_1 on June 19, 2023, 16:34:36 pm ---Expanding on the importance of self/mutual inductance and how to manipulate it.
Making self/mutual-inductance work in phase with applied primary current, accelerating the change in work, and compressing the time scale, amplifying total power delivered (step-up transformer)
Take for instance again the attached simple circuit. I have no video at the moment, but, if you build it, you will see. Without the diode from the LV+ to HV lead, you will see both electrodes light up, with the bottom neon electrode being brighter. If you add the diode string, you will see only the bottom electrode light up MUCH brighter.
Without the diodes, the forward current of the primary, through mutual-induction creates a reversed flow in the secondary, and the the HV lead is HV- on forward induction and the top neon terminal lights up (current flows from + towards -, the HV- lights up because Voltage flows - towards + ), then the current stops flowing, and the magnetic field collapses much faster than the forward field grew, ("flyback always collapses faster), this collapse reverses the voltages, and the change in work happening over a shorter time increases voltage (Delta Work/Delta Time) making the bottom neon electrode glow brighter.
Now adding the diode...
Normally, as the primary current flows, the mutual-induced current in the secondary opposes the current flow in the primary and creates an opposing reversed magnetic field that fights the magnetic field being created in the primary, by adding the diode string with negative polarity facing the HV lead....this reversed mutual-induced HV- current shorts out through the diodes, as such the opposing induced current in the secondary is allowed to flow out of the secondary, this also removes the opposing induced magnetic field in the Flux core. So this first step, neutralizes the opposition of mutual-inductance.
At the exact same time, the rerouting of this current out of the inductor of the secondary, creates its own reversed self/mutual inductance in opposition to itself, into the secondary, along with a magnetic field also opposed to itself, this self/mutual inductance of a self/mutual induced current is now IN PHASE WITH the primary current/magnetic field (opposite of an opposition), and pulls the primary magnetic field into the core faster, and in turn, pulls the current in faster, which in turns increases the induced current/field speed, etc, essence, it creates a positve feedback loop, exponentially accelerating the speed which current/voltage is distrubuted across both primary and secondary coils (both coils are energized).
Once the capacitor/pulse is empty/off, the voltage across the primary reverses (see RLC circuits) matching secondary polarity (there is also a possibility the primary current(s) are pulled into the feedback loop as the HV- potential rises, as they would be HV+ biased regardless of their LV bias).
The diode shuts off, and the magnetic field starts to collapse, being as there is no opposed current/field in the coils, or in the iron core, the "Flyback" occurs faster than normal, and the voltage flips and increases many factors higher, and all power is sent forward across neon/gap. None of the power was lost (besides losses due to resitance), and it was in fact, amplified beyond initial input. Aetheric inpouring was allowed to occur by destabilizing/reorienting self/mutual-inductions that would normally balance/oppose forward applied current and magnetic field propagation/collapse. (I suspect self/mutual-induced counter currents/EM fields arise from aetheric polarization)
--- End quote ---
Reminds me of another circuit. Diodes help to prevent reversal, and support redirection. Harvesting backEMF nets another step. But, there's always a headroom ceiling you can attenuate within.
--- Quote from: Chris Bake on June 20, 2023, 01:58:56 am ---
Reminds me of another circuit. Diodes help to prevent reversal, and support redirection. Harvesting backEMF nets another step. But, there's always a headroom ceiling you can attenuate within.
--- End quote ---
But that's not what's going on here at all...the diode string reroutes or short circuits the reversed mutual-induction forward pulse of the secondary caused by the rise of charge and growth of the EMF of the weaker initial discharge into the primary. It's starts a chain-reaction positive feedback loop of accelerating the input charge across the primary which is normally slowed from the opposing counter-EMFs of self/mutual induction. Rerouting the this initial counter-EMF from mutual-induction caused by the time-on, has the effect of not only removing the counter-EMF, but it creates it's own self-induced and mutual-induced counter-EMF against itself, which are both working WITH the primary's EMF. As that happens, they all accelerate each other exponentially...
Easily got ChatGPT to do a thought experiment..
I've been busy with the family lately (catching up on yard work, installing a pool, and quality time)..., but I've gotten a pair of ignition coils, 40khz piezo transducers, an ozone generator with water bubbler, 6lbs of citric acid, and a 405nm laser delivered. Waiting on 40 3w 410nm LEDs to be delivered (highest energy absorbtion spectrum of hydrogen(Stan's red LEDs were the lowest energy absorbtion spectrum).
But in the meantime I've started developing a compliment-gated CD4047b frequency generator and I'm fabricating a 19-tubeset Cell, along with a few test cells with a tighter .91mm gap (gap distance for the acoustic 4th harmonic of 10khz (40khz)).
I've also had some more productive talks with ChatGPT about a hypothetical "water capacitor", effect of insulating the postive, how water would still be part of the dielectric, polarization, photoelectric effect, momentary ionization, temporary solvated electrons, orthagonal magnetic field effect on ions and moving electrons, the inverse of classic electrolysis, behavior of sound and voltage wave propagation in concentric tubes, resonant pulsed DC charging circuits, charging chokes, and even a lil argument about String theory being essentially rebranded
ChatGPT is becoming quite the valuable tool. It helped me calculate the .91mm annular gap being a 4th harmonic of 10khz waveguide for 40khz ultrasound through 20c water, and how to tune resistance and inductance experimentally to make the RLC circuit also resonate electrically at 40khz.
I've also been reading alot of recent research papers on the current state of "the art", specifically ultrasonic electrolysis, chromium and nickel catalysts, plasma electrolysis, electron and proton tunneling, and something that really clicked with photoelectric effect, and subsequent "soft x-ray" emmision... Looking at you Herman P. Anderson (RIP), and your Hydrogen isotope "radiolysis" water plugs...oh and ozone absorbtion in water, and NO3 scavenging of solvated electrons from Water, wondering why it's always NO3, and not O3...think it's probably because O3 decomposes to NO2 and NO3, and hydroxyl radicals relative quickly (1hr at most on cold water)
I'm also finishing up a scratch built 3d printer on linear rails, it has dual steppers on every axis to create torque for the heavy y-axis 5/16" forged aluminum bed, and high-speed/balance and precision for the x-axis...the z-axis has really nice anti-backlash nuts, should be really nice to help rapid prototyping. Just have to trim the bed a little, cut /drill the steel flatstock to mount the bed to the bearing blocks, and mount the solid state relay to drive the bed from mains 120vac. My old modified robo3D R1+ is getting tired, and I'm tired of the z-artifacts from the cheap "floating" gantry....So, I'm quite busy lately, but I'm chugging along..."I'll be back" 😅🫡
First video in years....I need to find my real camera...phones is too slow 😪. Although, you clearly see plasma from the top electrode when I first remove the diode string....the video doesn't do the phenomena justice.
Anyway, take a look at what I'm trying to share...
The anomalous event is so fast, the camera never once caught it...just the sound and the "after flash". Yet the previous "normal sparks" were caught, but they had plenty of error.
Now, on to the secondary....and those pesky "chokes" (think of that word....choke....) we want to do the opposite of what was just demonstrated. Instead of neutralizing self, and or mutual-induction opposition forces, we want to amplify these time-delaying forces.
The claim that the chokes flux should nullify each other, is misinformation. The very term "choke" describes thier restrict and prevent flow, "choke". Having the two coil's flux cancel, by not reversing the polarity of negative side choke (same direction coil, opposite direction flow) would also cancel their opposing induced flows....there would literally be no reason to wind the chokes at all...the diode isn't blocking anything then, as the WFC would only see positive spikes, with very little inductive ripple.
That would do nothing constructive to restrict amperage and it would, in fact, sabotage the next primary forward current flow (the energy we have to pay for) after the flyback that just pulsed the secondary. Because it would cause an opposite voltage (direction) mutual-induction in the primary....the chokes would be doing nothing, and the amplified current flow in the secondary we just so cleverly maximized/amplified have to fight the re-routed flow induced from primary current, and simutaneously create a high opposition reverse flow that would destroy our forward pulse.....horrible idea!!!!
Instead, the chokes have additive flux, restricting current flow severely, additive self/mutual-inductance...that, because of only one "pumping diode" on the positive side, is allowed to reverse flow from the negative side into our positive feedback loop. This would have two very significant results....
A. Accelerating the primary current, and increasing the primary current time-compression even more (compounding even more harmony), and....
B. Forcefully removing/sucking the opposing self/mutual-induced currents from the chokes, into the positive feedback loop, removing the opposing voltage from the pumping diode, accelerating the flyback collapse of the chokes, accelerating the secondary flow into (and simutaneously out of) the WFC (and into the positive feedback loop), all while the primary flyback collapse starts....
The result is....two harmonious, mutually accelerating, helical, caduceus in the primary flow getting sucked into the feedback loop, and a mirrored one with the secondary flow getting sucked into the feedback loop...each, accelerating each other towards infinity (limited by imperfect components....but very HUGE amplification).......Lastly, it all would be there in the positive feedback loop, existing both outside the secondary, but inside the secondary the moment the primary flyback occurs and shuts down the feedback loop's diode(s).....only to start all over again...I present to you....Stan's crypticly understated "double pulse" two mirrored S-flows,...aka, the infinity loop, aka the "flux capacitor".......But....wait, there's more.....something would have to give...failure of water dielectric, blown diodes, arc'd out burnt windings....something would, this event....happening with every resonant pulse, HAS to be modulated...aka "gated"....aka turned off periodically before components fail....and that compliment gating, off-signal, immediately turns on a completely separate circuit, to extract electrons using that huge stored charge.... Funniest part, if you don't know whats going on, and test it at any part of the just looks like plain old electrolysis.....
That's it, demystified (more on Gas processor and atomic hydrogen later) doesn't outright violate any laws...buuuuut, it does require "outside energy" to explain the amplification....that, I argue is a quantum Aether, I argue these opposing self/mutual-inductance forces are polarized eddy-like currents of sticky Aether dragging against our currents as we force them through the aether, aka the "heavy-side flow", polarized and in opposition to our currents, causing drag "every action has an equal and opposite reaction"....whatever we push against, or pull against, pushes or pulls back against us.
In an attempt to balance our "unnatural" imbalance (the entire Universe interacts on the basis of reaching equilibrium/balance) manifests a measurable opposition, and we can reroute it, and severely imbalance the Aether and rhen use the influx of balancing Aetheric energy to amplify our energy.....Furthermore, the flyback time-compression is caused also by the Aether....we pay energy to perform work (push the Aether away with a magnetic field) blowing up a balloon under the ocean....when we stop, the atmospheric pressure of the Aether collapses it so hard and fast that it spikes past ground-state equilibrium....towards infinity...and in a fraction of the time....🤓😎
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