I've spent a great amount of time analyzing patents, reading theories, and creating my own experiments over the better part of a decade...I'm at the point I believe I can adequately put it all together, I will start this thread to lay out the premise, and document results. (Most of my equipment/experiments were stolen from me in 2010, I am essentially starting over...only archive that really remains is the few videos left on my youtube channel @Zer0pointunlimited )....
Stan created, and patented several iterations of his devices...it is my belief now, that Stan, like so many others, intentionally confused and misled people for a couple of reasons. First, his most complicated device, "The Water Fuel Cell" is a culmination of multiple principles already in public domain at the time he released it. Those being, observations of bipolar dynamics of water and high voltage accumulation of charge pioneered by Lord Kelvin (think of the famous Thunder Storm experiment ran in reverse), phenomena discovered by Nikola Tesla in his Utilization of Radiant Energy patent regarding photons impinged on a capacitor plate through a transparent insulator (Stan's gas processor) and observations Tesla made on the discharge of a condensers(capacitors) into inductors, and lastly, the phenomena of nascent, aka mono-atomic, aka "Atomic" hydrogen, explored by Langmuir.
The hang-up most people quickly come to, that stops them dead in their tracks is such....Everyone is operating under the premise that you need to make enough hydrogen on demand to run an internal combustion engine in it's normal mode of operation. By that, I mean a direct replacement of gasoline....that is NOT the case, and has NEVER been. While technically possible, the size of the machine to do so would be impractically large to make it viable in a mobile setting. Even Stan's initial, and most complicated device, The Water Fuel Cell did not do this...and neither did his revised and much simpler injector plugs.
The Water Fuel Cell technology is the most complicated form of the technology and really only desirable for industrial applications where stored hydrogen is needed, and/or the creation of novel magnetized/ionized gasses is desired (more so the Gas Processor)...but I will break-down it's fundamental operation none-the less.
It all comes down to this, "Voltage can do work"...Stan's system essentially turned an electrolysis setup into a capacitor with water as part of the insulator, it uses the fact that water is an insulator, or DI-electric in it's pure form, which means it has equal and oppositely charged atoms making up it's molecule (high dielectric strength), and therefore resists the flow of electrons. The only catch is that water has a low dielectric constant due to the self ionization of water (quantum dynamic of hydrogen ions being delocalized, same phenomena of the "electron cloud" and their location being non-determinate until the very moment of observation...see Quantum "Double slit experiment"). So, just trying to step-charge the Water Fuel Cell with water as dielectric alone, doesn't have very good results as a capacitor. Stan's patents says he overcame this with a custom made stack of alternating carbon/stainless steel resistor. I hypothesized insulating one of the electrodes, which J.L. Naudin did per my recommendations here in 2008,
http://jnaudin.free.fr/wfc/index.htmThe results showed true capacitor action with clear as day step charging, and all the scope shots looked absolutely identical to waveforms in Stan's Patent. Naudin was not impressed with the results, noting only small bubbles and low production (he never went on to produce version 2)...instead Naudin went on to pursue new iterations of circuitry four years later with a pancake coil, and the use of purified water. But never came back to a single insulated electrode.
This brings me to the next requirement that MUST be accomplished to do what Stan was actually doing in the Water Fuel Cell....an ELECTRON EXTRACTION CIRCUIT MUST BE IMPLEMENTED, which I have never seen in any redevelopment....the pure capacitor result MUST stretch the water molecule due to polarization, this is not debatable and well established, and that will %100 reduce the strength of the covalent bonding of water and in fact break the bond (but without a place to go, will recombine due to nondeterministic quantum nature of electrons). This is described in Stan's patents, he shows a resonant high voltage waveform, with periodic off time....this off time is called a "gating" signal. The gating signal does two things, shuts off the input pulse, and simultaneously turns on an electrically separate "electron extraction" circuit...remember, there is covalent bond breaking due to the stresses of polarization in the voltage zone of the Water Fuel Cell, BUT....due to the "delocalized" quantum nature of electrons, as soon as the water leaves the voltage zone, or the voltage is turned off, the molecule starts to relax, and electrons redistribute to their normal probabilistic distribution. The Electron Extraction Circuit turning on from the gate pulse, as the resonant step-charge pulse is turned off, overlays a different potential path to strip the electrons during their momentarily stretched and weakened/broken covalent bond state. The light emitting diodes that make up the resistive load of the Electron Extraction Circuit act as a detector and "observe" the electron's position, making the otherwise indeterminate location of the electron, determinate....electron pulled out of water via VOLTAGE, the opposite/inverse of electrons being dislodged by current pushed into the water molecule....the establishment pushing for investors to sue Stan for fraud shortly before his death, was simply because they couldn't tell the difference and only saw electron flow...and he refused to explain the technique in a method people could grasp.
Now, even as Mythbusters showed in their attempt to debunk the movement, using Hydrogen as a direct method of replacing gasoline is not viable...enter Stan's "Gas Processor"...and the creation of "Atomic Hydrogen".
As I said above, a device that operates in the manner just described to produce enough gas to run a internal combustion engine in normal operation is prohibitive to mobile use, due to the surface area/size of such a device. Instead Stan utilized the further energy release that was described by Langmuir's Atomic Hydrogen observations. Difference being, Stan utilized more efficient methods, namely, another voltage zone, an orthogonal magnetic field, the released photons from the Electron Extraction Circuit, and another Electron Extraction Circuit to snap the Hydrogen molecules into singular Hydrogen atoms. This allows the under-powered molecular hydrogen to release atomic hydrogen's impressive (and anomalous) thermal heat and expand the size of the other incombustible gasses in the cylinder to drive the cylinder.
Lastly, the culmination of this technology into a small device the size of a spark plug.....
In Stan's final device, he figured how to get everything to happen at once, in the Water Fuel Plug...it is deceptively simple.
It starts with an efficient means to turn water to steam, he used two identical, non grounded transformers, with their secondaries attaching to overlapping voltage zones to limit current flow, and increase the vibrational excitation of water into steam, then he ionized the entire air intake of the motor, producing large amounts of ozone being loaded into the cylinders, lastly he fed the steam, and some ozone into the voltage zone of the of the plug and hit it with a high voltage, high current blast. The blast dissociated the water molecule into hydrogen/oxygen and the ozone then rips the free electrons away (making atomic hydrogen), and the massive amount of intake ozone somehow prevents the Atomic Hydrogen from re-associating to molecular hydrogen (reverse mechanism of chlorine depletion of Ozone layer?? I'm not sure, haven't analyzed this effect yet)...Creating Stan's "Atomic Nuclei Decay" of Hydrogen, that he said continues in the cylinder until the products are vented in the exhaust phase, and the Hydrogen can grab free electrons from the air/sun....
This is the easiest form of the technology, all it requires is an efficient resonant charging circuit to be able to charge a sufficiently large electrolytic capacitor on demand, then dump the capacitor into a autotransformer with sufficient inductance/mutual inductance, then an intelligent utilization of positive feedback loop(s) (diode) to re-route self-induction and mutual induction to work with the application of the forward discharge pulse, in effect, exponentially accelerating the the change in work and the change in time (Delta Work/Delta Time=Power), producing an exponential rise in energy provided by the speed in which the magnetic field can be created, and also the time in which the Aether can collapse the magnetic field and send the energy forward. Basically it makes self/mutual induction work with, instead of opposed to the application of current/growth of magnetic field, and subsequently the collapse of field/discharge of current as well.
Attached is a simple circuit I made to disprove an erroneous theory of operation MANY years ago (my explanation was oversimplified then, but ultimately correct), it is deceptively simple, but very powerful...increase the input voltage and change the neon to a spark plug of own design....be wary of those who claim to know the "secret" and mystify it...they are either charlatans only interested in exploiting you, or intentionally trying to confuse the truth. The only arguable thing here, is that Aether is the mechanism of magnetic collapse, but the current state of Quantum dynamics is on that verge now, it's about to be accepted as the current model of Quantum Mechanics.
P.S. One more reverse biased diode across the primary would make it even better, re-routing/realigning primary self-inductance, and flyback spike (I made the diagram 14 y/o, captured from energeticforum archives)
My next post will expound on this coil's operation to give everyone an easily understood basis to get you doing amazing things with it (be careful, it has potential to emit high energy radiation...ie, "soft x-rays")...it is a common thread to many OU technologies. "Splitting the Positive"...Gray, Puriarch, Stan, etc....