A recent book titled "No Carbon Required" by Paul Adams (2022) is very well researched with many references.
Online at Amazon as e-book or paperback with many illustrations
The book is 308 pages long, a good summary of Stan and Steve Meyer's work as well as others.
He believes that suppression of these inventions. is occurring as well as his own experience of constant reediting of his corrections to Wikipedia articles on Meyer's technologies.
As a technical writer, his style is clear and concise.as he explains the history theory of alternatives to current fuel sources.
To look at select pages go to google books
a 5 star book imho
links to Paul's site
https://www.hydod.comÂhttp://www.hydod.comIf you click on link below, Paul has a page with many clickable links to referenceshttp://www.hydod.com/links.html-------------
Hello Paul nice work nice layout!!
regards from across the pond....
Send a pm here and I'll get in touch regrading the Sussex archives...