Author Topic: Stanley A Meyer Raum und Zeit Article List  (Read 1121 times)

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Stanley A Meyer Raum und Zeit Article List
« on: December 15, 2022, 23:44:39 pm »
I'm working on the Stanley Meyer European Anthology Section and need to read the articles for accuracy on the archive index cards
If you live in Europe you can buy a subscription for about 48 Euros and read Raum and Zeit articles in their arkive
Raum und Zeit is a very informative magazine and it is possible to buy the complete articles for personal use only

The links below take you to their website where you can read a paragraph or so of the article. To read the entire article you should get the subscription that allows for
pdf downloads.
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Stanley A Meyer  Anthology  1974-2022   (c) 2022 all rights reserved

Raum und Zeit Section

'Raum & Zeit  European Edition For our German  hho friends, if you have original magazine hard copy issues please contact me...
Raum & Zeit European Edition- Gure alemaniar hho lagunentzat, erreferentziazko aleen aldizkari originalak badituzu, jarri nirekin harremanetan...
Volume   2022 price*    English Title / info
Raum & Zeit European Edition- Gure alemaniar hho lagunentzat, erreferentziazko aleen aldizkari originalak badituzu, jarri nirekin harremanetan...
43                1.25 euro      The article describes the 1989  SAFE meeting in Einsiedeln Switzerland. Stanley Meyer spoke on the last day of the conference in the afternoon.
                                         "Metaphysics in Einsiedeln" By Hans-Joachim Ehlers, Munich – raum&zeit issue 43/1990.  The article is said to include many photographs of participants including
                                           Stanley Meyer.  A video of this meeting is included in the Stanley A Meyer Videography found at and elsewhere on the internet
44                1.25 euro      "Stan Meyers Water Cell Technology"
                                           By Hans-Joachim Ehlers, Munich – raum&zeit issue 44/1990 
                                           "400 watts to split water"                  editor note -----      The 400 watts figure correlates with the estimated input energy (1/2) horsepower motor used to power the HHO cell  in dune buggy

48              2.00 euro          "Water cell technology now for every car?"
                                              By Stanley A. Meyer, Grove City, Ohio – raum&zeit issue 48/1990
                                             This  is an original article by Stanley Meyer

                                              "Stan Meyer Enables Water as a Fuel"
50             1.50 eruo               By Ola Deraker, Kungsbacka, Sweden – raum&zeit issue 50/1991 A description of the visit to Grove City
                                               Laboratory by members of the Griffin Commission    There's a rare photo of the Meyer dune buggy with square
                                               fenders with Sir Anthony Griffin seated in it    One of the photographs by Griffin was republished in Electronics World
                                               see reference in Stanley A Meyer British Anthology Section.     
+ includes VAT

Raum&Zeit (U.S)                 Energy of the Future series                              
                                                                                                                                                         (possible error in Third Edition Birth of New Technology p iii reference list?
Vol. 1 No.6 1990    pp 59-68     "Hydrogen Fracturing Process"  by Stanley Meyer                      (editor jm note Based on WFC Memo 420)
Vol 2  No 1 1990    pp 61-66      "Quenching Circuit Technology on How to Render Hydrogen   (editor jm note Based on MFC Memo 421)
                                                      Safer than Natural Gas"  by Stanley Meyer                                Data reference WFC Tech Brief
 Explore ?             
Vol 3 No. 4 1992                           presumed lost/misplaced  in storage locker
Vol 4 No. 2 1993                           presumed lost/misplaced  in storage locker                                         
« Last Edit: January 11, 2023, 02:43:22 am by jim miller »

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Re: Stanley A Meyer Raum und Zeit Article List
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2022, 01:05:28 am »
Here's a list Raum und Zeit list of articles by or about Stanley A Meyer with  links to a paragraph or so of the magazin articles
Use Google(r)  search bar with Google translate and read in your native language

related article
Liquid crystal colloids and ionized water (II)
By Dr. Krystina Kauffmann, Dieblich-Berg – raum&zeit issue 60/1992
energy storage in water

relsted video below
« Last Edit: December 21, 2022, 15:44:50 pm by jim miller »