Conversion of energy from one form into another
Skin effect
Dc unipolar pulses
Resonant cavity
Isolated ground
Frequency double
What you think should be the wave form of a cell under resonance with applied unipolar pulse to it?
What would be the current waveform?
How about when you hate it? What should be the waveform in the cell when you turn off the system for a short time?
Shouldn’t it be a double frequency ac waveform?
During pulse on the oscilloscope will show unipolar stepcharging effect but when you gate the cell should show a ac of double frequency since it’s oscillating and generating power at that frequency!
It’s not said that the gas generation will immediately stop by gating but
One will control the rate of gas production and if arranged so it can be made to terminate if the feedback of energy is enough to self sustain the oscillation as Stan describe saying in New Zealand that the cell would run until there is no more water in it
A subwoofer is an example of resonant cavity…
Just some food for thought
Let me propose you a simple experiment
Pick a sound speaker a subwoofer for ex pulse it and measure the current as function of current…
Plot it in a graphic
what happens?
Do the experiment! It will open your eyes if you already don’t get any idea of what I’m talking about.
Have some fun!
This knowledge and setup will be used later for water so don’t worry…
Just a reminder if you are using square waves not necessary the output will be square since current is linear in a coil and the coil will move reducing its inductance while you pulse it… and also the back emf will totally change the current but don’t worry be happy just go for it… lot to Learn there with the Vic pulsing ckt
Just for who is really smart:
Toda a energia consumida por algumas partes do sistema, aumenta diretamente a eficiência da célula combustível de água e possivelmente do processador de gases do ar também, portanto, a tensão inicial ser menor pode ser mais eficiente que uma tensão inicial mais elevada, especialmente no caso desta configuração diretamente proporcional.