Author Topic: My new approach  (Read 102821 times)

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esp32 function generator code will be updated here
« Reply #80 on: March 24, 2023, 14:45:44 pm »
#include "AiEsp32RotaryEncoder.h"
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "LedController.hpp"

// Define the MAX7219 connection pins
#define DIN 15
#define CS 2
#define CLK 4

// Define the rotary encoder pins
#define ROTARY_ENCODER_VCC_PIN -1 /* 27 put -1 of Rotary encoder Vcc is connected directly to 3,3V; else you can use declared output pin for powering rotary encoder */

// Create a new LedController object
LedController<1, 1> lc;

unsigned long increaseTimer = 0;
unsigned long counter = 0;

// Define the frequency value (in kHz)
float frequency = 99.99;

int changeprecision=0;
void rotary_onButtonClick()
  static unsigned long lastTimePressed = 0;
  //ignore multiple press in that time milliseconds
  if (millis() - lastTimePressed < 500)

changeprecision= changeprecision+1;

if (changeprecision>=4) changeprecision==0;
  lastTimePressed = millis();
  Serial.print("button pressed ");
  Serial.println(" milliseconds after restart");

void rotary_loop()
  //dont print anything unless value changed
  if (rotaryEncoder.encoderChanged())
if (changeprecision <=1 ){
        frequency = rotaryEncoder.readEncoder();

} if ( changeprecision == 2){
      frequency = frequency + ((rotaryEncoder.readEncoder()-frequency) / 10) ;

    // Clamp the frequency value between 0 and 99.99
    if (frequency > 99.99) {
      //frequency = 0;
    } else if (frequency < 0) {
      frequency = 99.99;
    Serial.print("Value: ");
  if (rotaryEncoder.isEncoderButtonClicked())

void IRAM_ATTR readEncoderISR()

void setup()

  //set boundaries and if values should cycle or not
  //in this example we will set possible values between 0 and 1000;
  bool circleValues = false;
  rotaryEncoder.setBoundaries(0, 1000, circleValues); //minValue, maxValue, circleValues true|false (when max go to min and vice versa)

  /*Rotary acceleration introduced 25.2.2021.
   * in case range to select is huge, for example - select a value between 0 and 1000 and we want 785
   * without accelerateion you need long time to get to that number
   * Using acceleration, faster you turn, faster will the value raise.
   * For fine tuning slow down.
  //rotaryEncoder.disableAcceleration(); //acceleration is now enabled by default - disable if you dont need it
  rotaryEncoder.setAcceleration(100); //or set the value - larger number = more accelearation; 0 or 1 means disabled acceleration

//  lc.shutdown(0, false); //Activate display
  lc.setIntensity( 3); //low brightness
  lc.clearMatrix(); //clear

  for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)

const int DEBOUNCE_TIME = 50;  // Debounce time in milliseconds
unsigned long lastDebounceTime = 0;  // Last time the encoder was debounced

void loop(){
 //in loop call your custom function which will process rotary encoder values

//float frequency = 0.00;
void floatToDecimalNumber()
  //We need a floating point number 
  //Generate a random float with 2 digits
 // frequency = random(99999) + (random(99) / 1000.0);

  Serial.print("Random float: ");

  //Casting the float into long will cut off the decimal digits, we keep the integers (e.g.: 12587.74 becomes 12587)
  long integerpart = (long) frequency;

  Serial.print("Integer part: ");

  //multiplying the float by 100, casting it to long, then taking the modulo 100 will give us 2 digits (10^2 = 100) after the decimal point
  //long decimalpart = ((long)(frequency * 100.00) % 100);

  long decimalpart = (long)(100 * (frequency - integerpart)); //e.g.: 100 * (12587.74-12587) = 100 * 0.74 = 74
  //Possible improvement: Sometimes the decimals of the floating point number are slightly different
  //For example, this is the floating point number: 87073.37, but the extracted decimal part is 36.
  //This can happen because I do not round the number. So 87073.37 can be 87073.3650212125... which is 87073.37 when it is rounded
  //But when I do the above operation, the two digits extracted are 3 and 6. For "more accuracy", float must be rounded first.

  Serial.print("Decimal part: ");

  //At this point we know the following things:
  //1.) we manually set the number of decimal digits to 2. it will be two digits whatever we do.
  //2.) we know the value of the integer part, but we don't (yet) explicitly know the number of digits (number can be 1245.4 but also 1.29...etc.)

  //Let's count the integer part digits
  int integerDigits = 0; //number of digits in the integer part
  long tmp_integerpart = integerpart; //temporary variable, copy of the original integer parts
  long tmp2_integerpart = integerpart; //temporary variable 2, copy of the original integer parts

  while (tmp_integerpart)
    tmp_integerpart = tmp_integerpart / 10;
    //What happens inside:
    //Original float number: 16807.34, integer part: 16807 -(/10)-> 1680 -(/10)-> 168 -(/10)-> 16 -(/10)-> 1

  int digitsPosition = integerDigits + 2; //+2 comes from the 2 decimal digits
  Serial.print("Number of digits: "); //Total number of digits of the processed float

  //now we know the total number of digits - keep in mind that the max integer digits allowed is 6!
  //The next step is to fill up an array that stores all the digits.
  //The array is filled up in a same was as the display: decimal numbers will be 0th and 1st elements, we do this first
  long digits[digitsPosition]; //array with the needed size
  int decimalDigits = 2; //manually created number of digits
  long tmp_decimalpart = decimalpart; //copy the original decimal part value

  //I do this part "manually"
  digits[integerDigits + 1] = tmp_decimalpart % 10; //2nd decimal digit (e.g.: 634.23 -> 3)
  tmp_decimalpart /= 10;
  digits[integerDigits] = tmp_decimalpart % 10; //1st decimal digit (e.g.: 634.23 -> 2)

  //                                                                [4 3 2 1 0]
  //Example: 634.23 -> Int: 634, Dec: 23. Digits: 5. Int.Digits: 3. [3 2 4 3 6]  <----- reading direction

  Serial.print("Dec 0: ");
  Serial.println(digits[integerDigits + 1]); //2nd decimal digit
  Serial.print("Dec 1: ");
  Serial.println(digits[integerDigits]); //1st decimal digit

  //We got the decimals right, now we move on to the integer digits

  Serial.print("Integer digits: "); //Number of integer digits

  while (integerDigits--)
    digits[integerDigits] = tmp2_integerpart % 10;
    tmp2_integerpart /= 10;
    //Same exercise as above with the decimal part, but I put it in a loop because we have more digits

  //This is just to check the contents of the array and if the number is stored properly
  for (int i = 0; i < digitsPosition; i++)
    Serial.print(": ");

  //Finally, we print the digits on the display


  for (int j = 0; j < digitsPosition; j++)
    if (j == 2)
      lc.setDigit(0, j, digits[digitsPosition - j - 1], true); //we know that we have to put a decimal point here (last argument is "true")
      //0: address, j: position, value, decimal point.
      //Additional -1 is because we count the digits as first, second, third...etc, but the array starts from 0.
      lc.setDigit(0, j, digits[digitsPosition - j - 1], false);
      //Example: number is 634.23
      //j = 0: digits[5-0-1] = digits[4] -> 0th element of the display gets the last element of the array which is the second decimal:   3 (hundreths)
      //j = 1: digits[5-1-1] = digits[3] -> 1th element of the display gets the last-1 element of the array which is the first decimal:  2 (tenths)
      //j = 2: digits[5-2-1] = digits[2] -> 2nd element of the display gets the last-2 element of the array which is the first integer:  4 (ones)
      //j = 3: digits[5-3-1] = digits[1] -> 3rd element of the display gets the last-3 element of the array which is the second integer: 3 (tens)
      //j = 4: digits[5-4-1] = digits[0] -> 4th element of the display gets the last-4 element of the array which is the third integer:  6 (hundreds)

void countUp()
  int numberOfDigits = 0;
  unsigned long tmp_countUpNumber = 0; //variable for the counter
  unsigned long tmp2_countUpNumber = 0; //copy of the above

  tmp_countUpNumber = counter * 10; //counter (+10 every ~10 ms)
  tmp2_countUpNumber = tmp_countUpNumber; //copy of the above

  while (tmp_countUpNumber) //counting the digits
    tmp_countUpNumber /= 10;
    //same exercise as in the float processing part

  int tmp_numberOfDigits = 0; //copy of the numberOfDigits
  int displayDigits[numberOfDigits]; //array to store the individual digits

  tmp_numberOfDigits = numberOfDigits; //copy the number of digits

  while (numberOfDigits--) //filling up the array
    displayDigits[numberOfDigits] = tmp2_countUpNumber % 10;
    tmp2_countUpNumber /= 10;
    //same exercise as in the float processing part


  for (int i = 0; i < tmp_numberOfDigits; i++)
    lc.setDigit(0, i, displayDigits[tmp_numberOfDigits - i - 1], false);
    //same exercise as in the float processing part

now it works from 0 to 1000 with rotary encoder… it has acceleation in the encoder making it wonderfull for a good range… now implementing the increments for higher precision manual tuning

i thought of making it possible to change the parameters without wifi… just saving on epprom

the idea is to use one long 5s  click to set the config mode than pressing the button change the function to change the param with the encoder

A phase
B band width
C center frequency
D Wave form
E Gate duty cycle
F Frequency manual change
G Gate Frequency
I current sensor
J magnetic field
K don’t display
L magnetic field
M and N don’t display well
O lambda  display
P  pressure limit
Q don’t display well I guess
R  Rpm control or indication
S sweep frequency select
T Air time
U exhaust time
V = U and W and X = H don’t display well I guess
Y injector min time
Y2 injector max time
Z hydrogen /oxygen time
PA gas processor phase
Pb band
Pc center f
Pd wave f
Pe gate duty
Pf freq
Pg gate freq
Pi current sensor

Also the wave form can be selected… maybe also a quick start stop would be nice too…

This is how I live since 2006 where I started this

« Last Edit: March 26, 2023, 17:58:10 pm by sebosfato »

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What if Meyer was still alive? How would he have done it?
« Reply #81 on: March 25, 2023, 04:20:01 am »
I had a nice idea of how to get the pll possibility to work analog too however making in a modern way … how would Stan make it if he was here today? With present technology?

Well basically there is this chips ad523x that are basically digital potentiometers

They can be used as the resistors in the filter and R1 and R2 of the pll this makes things easy to change the range of the frequency, ability to save different configurations all this controlled by the same esp32 via spi

The ad9833 also is controlled by spi…

I’m not sure if is totally needed to have the pll to work in analog mode too… from what I see the esp may be able to have a very high precision in current however I’m afraid the 12bit adc can be a little noisy and that I could maybe create instability jitter digital noise in the vco part… maybe I’m over thinking it…  12 bit gives 4000 points… so I imagine it can have around 1hz resolution for a 5khz if the band is around 5 kHz

However it increase if the range is reduced

The analog mode would go beyond that

I believe other controller could be used perhaps one even faster and with maybe 16 or even 24 bit this would improve the resolution possible

What is your opinion?  Any one here did something like it? Any experience on that? I never used esp32 adc only esp8266 one

Esp32 has 80Mhz clock so I found it can be used to compare the phases with huge precision! By doing this the filter can be set also digitally… so no problem with bits..  I think it can work up to a megahertz if all this is correct

The ad9833 is 50Mhz connection to the esp via spi so it seems no bottlenecks for the working frequency… maybe it’s not even required I just decided to use it to make sure the controller won’t be changing the frequency while do other operations although is a two core controller

So basically I’m reducing it to few parts

Power supply


8digit display

Frequency module


Current sensor

Bnc input and output connectors

Amplifier output 400w 2 channel (thanks again to Steve for the help getting it here)

For the feedback part I’m going to add two inputs

Although apparently any phase delay caused in one of the signals could be software compensated

Basically all that will be needed is the amplifier for the feedback and interface with the 3,3 v input of the esp

And of course the programming for all this

Gpt is helping on that some

I’m going to give the code for this only to those who contributed with me along this years like Steve and very few others…

It’s a lot of work and I want to compensate those who showed support with my hard high tech  work

This include those who send me parts and send donations…

I’m trying to make it simple so anyone can build it with just few parts

Also the cell must be though in to be produced easily and i will get into that later

Stan complete system will involve

Power supply batteries alternator

Pll + feedback

Pressure sensor



Water reservoir



User input ( accelerator)  or level of demand of energy for automated production for ex for on demand production

GMS as increase injector time —>>>> gate

gas processor

Vic for gas processor

Combustion engine


Exhaust air treatment

Depending on how the things are connected I guess is possible to run all this from the esp32 or maybe it will need a second or third controller too

At least the pressure must go to the pll circuit too for safety reasons I think also the accelerator is possible to use with it

Than this same accelerator could ne connected to a second controller that is the pll for the gas processor or simply connect bothe controlers to each other via serial tx rx connection

So the second pll will work similarly as the first however the frequency may be lower since air is lower frequency than water

It’s possible to make all this with same encoder and display just sending the commands and getting the values to display thru serial

GMS need to mix exhaust air and the gas so 3 outputs for solenoids … 4 outputs for injectors, 1 input for engine timing, 1 input for lambda oxygen feedback

The outputs can be combined with one chip that multiplexes the output this can be cascaded so it expand the outputs of the esp for example if necessary Im using one of this chips in my CNC machine under build  for that reason
« Last Edit: March 25, 2023, 09:29:45 am by sebosfato »

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Resonance or anti resonance?
« Reply #82 on: March 25, 2023, 09:27:24 am »
I used the gpt to calculate the resonance of a cell having 20cm2 with 1,7 mm flat plates with water

It resulted 7,5 kHz

It gave a capacitance of almost 1nf and the inductance it took off from the water molecules mass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I found also something new!!!

At anti resonance also the current will be in phase just like at resonance however it will be on the minimum and not at the maximum

It occur at frequency usually higher than the resonance but is not possible to calculate directly

However knowing this is all about adding a current sensing that only allow locking after its under a certain value

The sweep is from low to high so it’s always going to face first the resonance and than magically current will drop to zero at anti resonance…

I’m not sure if Meyer did just this and it worked or if an alternating magnetic field and a modification inside the cell will be required to activate this mode but certainly is possible!!!!!

And I’m going to find how!!!!

If that is correct will be possible to calsculate for the gas processor too

If we could form a team I would like to have one Pearson working at each part so we could advance on the research faster

Something like someone work at the code, one work at the gas processor one at the cell and one at the system for injecting the gas…

The gas processor may be easier than the cell to put to work!!! The result may be highly ionized gas that may change a flame behavior if feed together with some methane whatever… but basically the circuit is the same and is more of an ideal component!!!

I could help with calculations and testing of cell and gas processor too as I have many things here…

Or All could sit build everything and keep to it self hahaha


Is incredible how much info I put together this month

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Sebosfato team invitation
« Reply #83 on: March 29, 2023, 11:20:23 am »
I decided to share the system I’m building only with selected people who believe we can really make this thing work and possibly change the world in a better way

I’m developing a manner where I can share with you and all can contribute with abilities and money

Time is very precious for me now specially because I’m having a hard time making my business grow and so I know how much my time worth and that’s exactly why I want to share this who those that are talented and really interested only.

So I’m going to invite you to pay a join fee that is going to just get in the team I thought 50 euro could be a good starting point

If you don’t have the money and still want to get in the team introduce yourself and prove your worth the time I will spend with you

I’m creating a nice box that is going to house the wfc pll control and also the Gas processor and GMS system

It will all be controlled by few buttons and few displays… and leds

It will also have a Wi-Fi interface

The system will be updated by Wi-Fi and will only work with the chips I register in my code so it will be impossible to crack it or copy to other controller

So I’m going to share the plans for the box for a fee of 100 dollars

If you want me to build the box for you it will cost around 500 dollars and will be very charming

The plans for the feedback circuit and coil and resistor I will share for 50 dollars

And if anyone want it well designed like mine in a fancy metálic box bnc connectors and dc connectors and all ready to go it will cost 200

The code I will share for a 100 dollar anual fee so you can have updates for one year… if the system is already working and you don’t need more updates will be one time fee only

The code is the only part I won’t share for now as it’s unique and is the hardest part until now as it takes countless hours to do

With the plans you may find all the parts on eBay or Amazon or AliExpress and may be able to put it all together with my instructions and help

The coils former design I will share for free with the team and if tou want to buy same cores as me I can make the bridge with

Of course I will also share the design formulas and all I’m using with all detail possible

Hope you got my message

Ah last but not least

As soon as I get it to work I’m going to invite the team for coming here in Brazil to see it working before we anyone else

And if by any chance it won’t work you can sell this equipment as a ultrasonic welding power supply

Go check how much it cost! 

I think is a win win chance for everyone

I remember I will select the team and as the team get bigger team members will have a great deal of responsibility at least for keeping the info safe in the case anything happen to me or anyone

The selection will be based on your capabilities and how you can contribute so there is going to be a 15 min video call so we can meet each other and I will have to see you are a real person not a spy haha it’s all about time.. I just want to save the team time and focus to make it fast

If you don’t get accepted in the team don’t worry just sit and wait like you probably did all this time. Soon you get your world changed just send us the good vibrations and if you can donate!

Frequently asked questions

No the plans are not for sale if you are not in the team no one can give you access to it if the anyone in the team does it their balls will be smashed

No info should get out of the team regarding the cell geometry so don’t even ask about

No the pll box is not for sale too… I’m not for sale neither you… things jus cost money and so the team will have to contribute to see the community growing specially because we are so few

No! Im not trying to scam anyone I even tell you a use you can do for the system if it don’t work with water splitting but truly I believe is what it takes

No you won’t convince me of stopping

No I’m not afraid of spending my time and money to build a dream

No I’m not tired or something

Yes! It’s going to work!

No I won’t give any valuable info free anymore as they costed my a life and much work and lot of fun of my face to learn and develop

If you want it for free wait and watch… if the world really change maybe one day you get it for free but if you keep on this atitude probably will starve soon as the world goes..

Hope you all have a wonderful day!

Don’t wast time

If you want get into the team do it now… this is not a long term offer

I’m going to order the boards from China already this week… if you are in you are in let me know

I’m going to make a plataforma so we can share this info out of the servers of the big companies

The feedback boards I’m going to charge 100 dollar it has 2 bnc connectors outputs power supply input and output and connection for the current transformer and to the resistor

The pll box will have double bnc inputs so you can interface with oscilloscope I may make a video showing it working this week

Hope you have the best week in your life

Also there is going to be private videos on YouTube only specific members can have access

Levels of access are

Team member General videos and updates on the stage of technology

Who got the access to the plans of pll will get another section with videos related to it

And who get the feedback plans will get access to videos related to the feedback

Hope it’s fair for everyone… if you live in a poor or find yourself in a poverty condition make me know if maybe we can help you have the boards necessary for you for a more reasonable price… the true is that this is all very cheap if you compare with today equipments and technology but as many people we get together it can get even lighter for the pockets of everyone including mine…

I spend in this tech up to today more than 100 thousand euros along this 17 years easily and this is how much I believe

If you want to walk next me please join the team.. the worst thing that can happen is you learn something

« Last Edit: March 30, 2023, 07:54:24 am by sebosfato »

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #84 on: March 30, 2023, 14:25:25 pm »
Your silence for me is a measurement of how I’m wasting my time sharing with bunch of unknowns

If you want to get in the team manifest yourself… if anyone want to get in later there’s not going to be this possibility…

Don’t waste you time and money anymore as a forever alone individual in you isolate lab… let’s get together talk, build test results we can compare agains each otherzzz

Last call

For the number of reads this post had I guess I’m doing the right thing getting away from so many unknown people

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Double frequency wonder
« Reply #85 on: March 31, 2023, 02:18:03 am »
Have you ask yourself why Meyer consider that the frequency double?

And why he had frequency dividers in his boards?

How to compare apples pies with peach  juices?

Or how to use lemons to make a apple juice?

Base line capacitors block dc … filter high frequency if in parallel and pass it in series

Coils isolate two circuits allowing to interact with each other…

Why the cell resistance would increase?

Would the junction of the applied dc electromagnetic induction Lorentz force create a alternating spiraling out electric field?

In the very first time I got my hand on a flyback I made an experiment where I rolled the inner electrode in Mylar and inserted into the outer tube than pulsed with very high voltage and at a certain frequency there was water vapor coming right thru the middle of the Mylar worked like a gêiser geizer don’t know how spell it

When you get many thing in one hand and nothing at the other what you do?

How you compare a full wave bridge signal? To a square wave?

Enigma for the weekend

Is there a coil in the system that will show this double frequency?

How much the digital pll will make all this easier?

How much knowing what to look for make difference?

And in that case what must be in phase in relation to it?

Complex answers for simple questions…
« Last Edit: March 31, 2023, 07:35:25 am by sebosfato »

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Re: Double frequency wonder
« Reply #86 on: March 31, 2023, 14:52:54 pm »
Have you ask yourself why Meyer consider that the frequency double?

And why he had frequency dividers in his boards?

How to compare apples pies with peach  juices?

Or how to use lemons to make a apple juice?

Base line capacitors block dc … filter high frequency if in parallel and pass it in series

Coils isolate two circuits allowing to interact with each other…

Why the cell resistance would increase?

Would the junction of the applied dc electromagnetic induction Lorentz force create a alternating spiraling out electric field?

In the very first time I got my hand on a flyback I made an experiment where I rolled the inner electrode in Mylar and inserted into the outer tube than pulsed with very high voltage and at a certain frequency there was water vapor coming right thru the middle of the Mylar worked like a gêiser geizer don’t know how spell it

When you get many thing in one hand and nothing at the other what you do?

How you compare a full wave bridge signal? To a square wave?

Enigma for the weekend

Is there a coil in the system that will show this double frequency?

How much the digital pll will make all this easier?

How much knowing what to look for make difference?

And in that case what must be in phase in relation to it?

Complex answers for simple questions…

Have you ever checked the cell's impedance with a VNA? I didit once, i'll search the screenshot... ITs definetely Antiresonance.

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #87 on: March 31, 2023, 16:46:47 pm »
I did some test on that with labview but at the time I was not actually looking int it so I may have not hit it hard enough to see a pronounced effect

The resoance is easier to find anti resonance should be where water act as generator

What you results on that? and what was the setup?