First he need energy input or the system won’t start on its own
Second water is used as a medium of transformation of energy from one form into another by giving the molecules kinetic energy and converting it back to electrical energy by use of magnetic fields
Third the hydrogen and oxygen is a byproduct of the generation of electrical energy that mean that the input energy gets out in form of electricity and although it can be feedback to reduce the amount of energy required or to increase the reaction output for same energy input.
Therefor energy is required to make it work and so the hydrogen and oxygen burning will be able to provide this excess energy easily making a full system capable of self run although it will stop without water, therefore is not a perpetual motion device!
The question is where the energy come from?
We know that when we discharge a capacitor the energy is proportional to voltage squared
So the energy is not coming from anywhere we are just converting it by adding energy to water letting it discharge back
The opposite of electrolysis
Also without using the electrical energy being produced no hydrogen will be generated
Meyer says the electron extraction was the key!!!
I had my eureka moment in 2008 in Italy when playing with aluminum and copper in water it generated electricity and hydrogen and I started wondering it was the thing!
I believe Meyer had something inside the cell that may have connected all the inner electrodes in series such as to have a current flowing into them… than each Vic may tune each individual cell
There may be a current sensing in each Vic card somewhere that tell it to simply lock when current drop bellow certain value
Meyer had a challenge that is converting voltage and this secret magnetic field to a physical resonance inside the cell and after take this energy out at the lowest impedance possible as to have as many amps as possible and convert this to the required impedance to feedback in the system
Of course I’m still not sure of many things but it appear to me that a ultrasonic transducer would need to be designed or tuned to be able to give most power at a certain frequency
This frequency is tuned to the cavity size and water speed of sound
Than a magnetic field of high intensity and of same frequency must be applied into the cell, this will allow dc to be generated since the noventa of ions thru the magnetic field will generate a voltage
The inner electrode is the source of magnetic field and at 5 kHz most of amps will flow thru a skin layer of just half mm
I believe at a certain current density and having dc applied across the gap it will force some of this charges to want to use water as conductor too so there may be high current in the surface where ions are adsorbed
Meyer mention higher frequency could bit it a little harder and skin effect is increased with frequency… however sizes reduce too
There’s some missing points maybe still I’m all ears
Than if the amplitude is high enough and from my perspective the purer is the water the greater will be the voltage output to an extent so if water is a capacitor the higher is the voltage the energy increase with the square of voltage! Except if the difference in electrolyte concentration imply directly in capacitance change