Author Topic: My new approach  (Read 108188 times)

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #536 on: June 17, 2024, 15:59:57 pm »
After lot of testing I understand that the coils design on the Vic may play a role too for reduce ringing

I mean the coils need to get the lowest capacitance possible so muktispool is indeed a good way to go

The lower the capacitance is the lowest resistance is needed to kill the ringing to start with

So the coils must be few turns per layer also like the resonant coils to lower

The ringing need to go away for the feedback be able to give the correct signal and phase comparator be able to lock

The test I’m doing is make sure it will lock within the range I want when I open circuit or connect a very light load instead of shorting

The scanning circuit need to be active when there is no lock

One thing is working with clean signals the pll simply work very easy but noise is not so

Believe it or not it appear to me the best way to do the coils is actually not having perfect layers because this cause different random capacitances inductance at each turn

Adding resistance is also a possibility

But it need to be added between the layers to kill this resonance

However a limited amount of resistance can be added since power must go to the cell too

So is a trade of efficiency and ringing acceptable

Another way to make it ring less would be to use a diode on each layer of the coil or maybe loading the coil with some external resistor or capacitor to filter the noise out as I was pointing last month

The thing is that it woks

The feedback lock and etc

Isn’t it getting interesting?

Would be nice to see some more comments from you!

The secondaries that are well coupled to the primary don’t ring much they ring at much higher frequency

I though maybe try to increase the coupling a little to make it ring less on the other secondaries

I think of making anothe coil having 10 ohm resistors in each layer to see if it improves

I thought of making a multilayer coil and connect resistors until find the correct size needed

I I had ten hands here all would be doing something!

« Last Edit: June 17, 2024, 17:40:06 pm by sebosfato »

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #537 on: June 17, 2024, 22:11:14 pm »
I simply added some resistors to the dual secondaries (low coupled) in parallel with them it cleans all the noise

It consume some small power of course however it’s totally needed!

But when it’s under heavy load the noise persists since the parallel resistances only help when voltage is high

Using diodes or resistors in each layer of the coils would prevent any noise

This coils may be siting here like 10 years now so I would like to use it anyway as I put to my self the challenge to try using only things I had at home!

Must be good enough for when is tune to water

If not I simply make another with the above configuration

When Stan say he has 10k per coil I guess he was not talking about series resistance

I think that is so out of context that is easy to make wrong assumptions but for my understanding he used the resistive wire sections in between the coils or even a coil of only resistive wire but not that resistive too because otherwise you get very few power

So probably the coils were small in size and serve the purpose of detecting water tune

The feedback coil was probably sandwiched between it in the ee core

It don’t need to be resistive wire for that any magnetic wire will do when I mean magnetic is that it is attracted to a magnet

Along the years I got some ignition coils to test and they have 11kohm so for long time I thought about them

The goal with car ignition coils is pretty much the same they want a spark that cross the gap but than the spark can have more current if the coils has no resistace so they add resistance to it because as the car speeds up the frequency changes and so you need a stable voltage output it cannot peak at certain frequencies

The resistance thereto stabilizes the undesired resonances and magnetic properties of the wire is responsible to shield the magnetic field and create another one of opposite polarity this induce one the feedback coils sandwiched between it the correct feedback phase

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #538 on: June 18, 2024, 17:04:49 pm »
Almost ready to give the first shot

Just finishing the positioning the diodes and conectors for the cell

Labview is up and I fixed the graph problem

I also added a diode in series with the primary but only seem to add some voltage drop as the clamp coil is 1/1 it seem it’s not needed maybe I used some old 1n4007 that were soldered in parallle for this

Like 10 in parallel

The high amps diode goes loading the coil with the cell so whatever peak of current will be able to pass without burn

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #539 on: June 20, 2024, 00:36:54 am »
Thanks for the comments and suggestions and support!

Hope this info was helpful and that someone else with courage try too!

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #540 on: June 22, 2024, 05:51:36 am »
The 24 year  old computer is now back working

It was very bad restarting out of nothing and than I decided to investigate

First I tried all the configurations possible in bios

But I realize it was beyond configuration and software

There was like 20 capacitors that were about to explode I guess on the motherboard

So I took the challenge and substituted them today

Took 4 hours to make this change only

With the failing computer I spend days on configurations

All because I wanted to use labview as my lantern in this dark water resonance quest

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #541 on: June 22, 2024, 14:09:14 pm »
Labview allow to make plots of voltage current impedance and power as function of time

I’m trying to find how to make it plot info vs the frequency instead of time since I’m searching for a very specific frequency

My idea was to plot the cell voltage vs current and frequency and all other info related like power input voltage input etc

This will guide me like if I had a lantern in the dark and allow for more consistent tests and results

And all the info can be printed and saved as charts and tables to build charts graphs

This is scientific method being applied

Of course a simple multimeter could be used in series with the cell to read amps or even in parallel with the resistor

However having all this equipment here and keep shooting in the dark seemed stupid to me so I decided to take it with the best possible way

At the same time is so new to me this is so old in industry and used for so long that it seemed a good idea to make plots

What do you think will happen?

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #542 on: June 23, 2024, 17:51:45 pm »
At the end Stanley pll patent was about this

The wave form that shows how it behave

The feedback system that works charging and locking

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #543 on: June 24, 2024, 11:27:39 am »
3 days later now labview save automatically a table having all the values  and plot real-time graphs

So all the info can be analyzed carefully on spreadsheet

Now that I learned how to do it is not so hard but it took me the whole week to get here

Working 120 or more hours per week is not easy

Now I can make anther excel file with the graphs with the source info from the table generated by labview to get more control over the info

Next step is try to get more samples in to get a higher precision

For that I may need to get into the building blocs of labview and make it work

Is a lot of work needed but will worth it

Now I can develop nicer products with this info