Author Topic: My new approach  (Read 108917 times)

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #496 on: June 06, 2024, 06:08:49 am »
That’s for all the comments on the YouTube videos lives and shorts you are great guys

Seems we have a nice community

The coils are going to be 6 forming two in paralllel

Giving 18ohms impedance

It will be given 30v in series to each by two secondary’s having 1/3 the primary turns

The secondary will depends on the water purity

But considering pure water I would go for maybe 270v making 1:3 secondary

Also on the same leg of the core probably the I leg the clamp coil having taps as on the previous coil I builds

All 5 coils must be wound one over the other except for the 30v secondaries that are on the bottom side by side but isolated to 5kv from each other 5kv at least

Over it goes the primary and over the primary the clamp coil and over it the 270v secondary that is connected by full wave bridge to the chokes

The input is variable so at this point is 90v and the watts on each choke is 50w being 1,6amps

On the C leg of this transformer a higher voltage coil is provided for example a 1:10 secondary  or maybe more

This should give 900v at this point but will not be able to give any much power out because it has a high leakage to the primary coil

This coil is also connected to another full wave bridge rectifier in parallel or maybe even in series with the other

Over it the feedback coils will catch the phase of this coil and provide a lock at the tuned frequency when current drops to zero in it the phase goes to 0!

To increase the bandwidth a secondary having 300turns so 5:1 to the resonant coils will be put over it

Also connected to a full wave bridge rectiier in parallel with the others

This will act as a load on the resonant tank out of tune making its Q factor lower

This also should be low coupled to the resonant coils so a good gap where some steel can be inserted to control that is a good idea or add a outside coil in series before the full wave bridge rectifier this will restrict the amps and allow the voltage to pass when current drops to zero

When this coil reach 1000v that is 1/5th of the voltage on resonant coils it will provide more current than the other secondary coil making it a light load and such that the voltage output is in phase with input

The  cell need dc with some power capability and high voltage dc at same time for when the impedance rises but this second source need to be high leakage so it won’t consume much power when under short condition

A way to do that is to add a third leg on the core closing the magnetic circuit of this secondary

A third source as explained as output of the resonant coils as secondary also with some high leakage so can be in series with the others as well

Another way to restrict the amps  or add leakage to this coil is to actually add some coils in one direction than winding on the opposite direction and than on the same direction again

This will keep the voltage the same but increase leakage and resistance this can be wound from end to end one layer over the other since the layers will have the same voltage because of the direction of the windings

To keep it very simple I would put it in series with the other secondary that has already high leakage and than connect the full wave rectifier to it

This 3 secondaries coils can indeed be connected in series or parallel

Dc is dc so this is just for having dc with variable impedance output

What really control the phase is the ac part of the system the other two secondaries with 30v!

The tuning is done by sliding the core in the first transformer or adding a variabile coil where it needs

Remember dc is combated with resistance while ac with reactance

So to restrict ac is much better before it become dc !

This is why adding the secondaries in series will give a good way to go

Just need to be carefully with the voltages so it don’t burn the diode

Adding some protection to the diodes would be ideal!

This is done adding some tvs or something like a snubber in parallel with the diodes

As the current is not so high will be easy to have more diodes in series if needed

But to add them in series this sort of capacitance network to help them share the same voltage is needed!

Otherwise they will burn one after the other

I learned this when I visit a gigantic particle accelerator on the university they used 1n4007 for the 1milion volts

Tjousands or it in series with this kind of stacking with resistors and capacitors

They keep the voltage as low as 100v per diode

So you get the idea

Ah and lastly

The coils capacitance should be as small as possible…

« Last Edit: June 06, 2024, 06:43:33 am by sebosfato »

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #497 on: June 06, 2024, 19:28:27 pm »
Quick update I’m going to use my last transformer although it has a 4.8 transformer ratio I will use a coil before the full wave bridge rectifier so should do ok buts 435 v

So I’m going to make the secondaries for driving the coil over it

The feedback coil may have 1 turn…

Must be in the center of the other coil with shield and insulation this is what the isolated ground really is!

The amp inhibitor coil is nothing else than a coil in series before the rectification so it takes only ac

The only coil that must have dc is the air core coil

When you have a core it’s inductance change with dc flowing so you never will get tune

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #498 on: June 07, 2024, 23:55:09 pm »
From now the pcbs cost 150$  plus freight each without the external components

If you are not willing to waste time that’s the way to go

When they arrive the price will increase again

Each cell should need a pll to work

I cut some plastics and copper to make the capacitors that should be around 5nf

The capacitance can be tuned easier than a coil in some cases

Now I’m wondering how I’m going to put the cell inside that tube and make their connections

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #499 on: June 08, 2024, 00:09:14 am »
Now I ask to you what happens if you make the capacitor coiled on a transformer?

It will have a voltage induced to it together with the voltage because of the charge in it

Well meyer talk about an electron bounce phenomenon

I could bet has to do with that

A capacitor may be connected  with non inductive orientation

The sinonimia of bounce is jump


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Re: My new approach
« Reply #500 on: June 08, 2024, 06:13:10 am »
Building capacitors is a lot fun

I think I’m going to create a capacitor and coil business of it since I already build the machine and know how to do it

Is incredible out a piece of plástic to get amps to flow thru it

Another way to make it even more non inductive is to connect the leads in the middle of the foil

Or almost the middle if rolled

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #501 on: June 08, 2024, 08:44:06 am »
I decided to make the secondaries divided in two sections

One well coupled one isolated by the gap of the core this make its leakage great

This makes this secondary behave as a very light load for the core and actually its voltage drops a lot when any current flow and it get even reversed when the other secondary is in series with it

In the middle of it goes the feedback

So now it’s clear how the phase will zero when current drops to zero while will be showing almost opposite phase when out of tune

It looks almost as if the dot is in the wrong size of the coil if read on oscilloscope

So this secondary may have another 435 v or even higher but will become zero volts or even negative because of phase inversion I just mention

The resonant charging coils are on the Vic

The resonant chokes are another assembly

So there is a total of 8 coils and the gap between the secondaries control the frequency to an extent and also the imaginary inductance in series with the secondaries

The secondary I mention over the resonant coils will give a voltage that is 90 degrees off from its current so it not really a good way of driving the cell actually but it helps reduce its Q out of tune and that will help finding the tune

to make this voltage in phase a capacitor is needed and maybe a inductor to fine tune it before rectification

Adding a series capacitor put the current in phase an inductor would sum another 90 degrees making it 180 that is fine

In that way you make the phase have a fixed relation at that frequency range

So this is the tune to the dielectric properties of water because this capacitor is actually water and it’s where we want the voltage to get in phase with the current of the coils

So resuming the tune to the dielectric water is done by making the phase match of voltage reaching water vs the current on resonance 

Of course all that being driven at the cavity f

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #502 on: June 08, 2024, 15:39:48 pm »
Water resistance as seeing from the circuit will will rise as much as 20 or more times

So if we start with 2kohm is possible that it will increase up to 400kohm that is an open circuit for the input transformer basically

In a manner making the secondaries in series as I described cuts the possibility of tuning to the resonant peak

This along with reducing the q by loading the coils and adjusting the phase and current to water makes easier to tune only to the cavity specific frequency and not to the resonance itself for ex

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #503 on: June 08, 2024, 16:03:05 pm »
All this info came from carefully analyzing the circuit and what should happen!

What intrigues me is that no one before did such simple basic electric calculations

Meyer intention to mislead people into thinking the Vic was the only thing really worked