Author Topic: My new approach  (Read 107838 times)

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #480 on: May 30, 2024, 07:59:55 am »
Today I tried to find why the coils are not getting perfect and tried to fix some problems or the machine

The x axis motor was not well positioned so it correia was jumping a little

I made a different fixing and also improved how to stretch the y axis Correia

Took 12 hours doing it breaking many dril bits

Now I hope I can try again with coils

I’m also going to add the machine lag of the x axis to the program and hope now I can make the coils from start to end non stop

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #481 on: May 30, 2024, 16:58:17 pm »
After some test I found that the voltage appearing in the bifilar is 90degree off from the applied voltage because it’s getting the resonance only on one of the coils

If both could be resonating than we would have zero voltage between the bifilar

So the second choke need to be resonanting too however it’s resonance will not be as expected if only feed in series

That because being them in opposing polarity they should not resonate at all so I thinki need to add a primary around them to make both resonate

So this would make things a little bit more complicated in that I will need to have half the coils connected to a different capacitor and I have only one of a each kind

So maybe I need to have half the coils on the positive and half on the negative side

Each with capacitors and also pulse it with a primary coil

This primary need an unusual turn count because we want to think the secondaries resonant so their resistance vs the real output voltage is what gives the amps and from the amps you get with the reactance the voltage of the coil

So for example you get 100v in and 300ohms on resonant coils set and the ratio is 3:1 you get 1 amp out

Now if the reactance is 1500ohms you get 1500v on the coils and capacitors connected in parallel with the coils

And is basically consuming 300w

But than you think if the ratio is 1:3 would the primary have 500v?

And the answer is yes

That why the diodes on the input side are important for they will allow the voltage to get in only when possible

With that in mind we can start considering a higher turn ratio

But not before considering the current in primary the current should be 3a and that the wire amps limit is around 300ma for normal day transformer use being 28 awg

So if we add a higher ratio we get a higher voltage output and we need a lower input voltage with higher amps to get same resonance voltage

As the capacitor closes the coil in parallel for the primary you get a series resonance equivalent

So there are two series resonances in counter phase or two parallel resonances in series counter phase if you want to call it

Do you see where I’m going?

If the coils are just a little dephased you get a magnetic field to get somewhat dephased

Remember the cell is inside it?

Now think of the secondary getting some voltage thru the coils what happen?

This coils have currents going in opposite directions so the voltage drop also cancel out so what is going to happen

The voltage will be making current flow thru the cell thru the two coils resistances and the residual inductance reactance of the coils

Ah also the water resistance initially and as  its voltage increases the current in this secondary and the load it imposes to the primary and to the resonant tank itself will be reduced

Notice that this secondary has coupling to the tank circuit so it will act as a parallel load on the resonant tank reducing its Q factor

That will impact the resonance voltage to current ratio

So the secondary is wound over the primary to get lower coupling to the resonance

We can use yokes to reduce its coupling like they do in. Microawave transformers if needed

Or it could be from a resistive material or more resistive having lower thickness wire

This will limit the current in the cell only remember I’m talking about the secondary

Was it nice explanation?

Everything makes more sense now?

This secondary could even be on another transformer actually would be much better since we understand how it relates to the circuit

If we wanted it totally uncoupled we need a separate switching on this othe transformer !!!

We can even apply a different lower frequency to it . The Gate frequency probably

Did you get the picture?

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #482 on: May 30, 2024, 19:18:32 pm »
I just did a live explaining it

And than I though how important is to have this pcbs

Because each single cell need a pll to work

With that in mind probably is good to get to finish the pcbs

If anyone is interested in paying in before hands will be cheaper

Later I will charge lot more than it costed

So let me know if you are interested… I wil do like a 30 pcbs fully assembled on this first batch

So there will be a price on the pcbs and if you want with all components like pots and all will cost more but you get it assembled otherwise you get to buy the components and put in on your own

I think this first batchi will charge 100 dollars per pcb

And maybe 150 with the components assembled on an aluminum profile

This don’t include of course the snubber stuff for that you can put another 100dolalrs maybe more

At least I can tell ablout the prices I can have here

The connectors will be easy to use

It will cost around 50 dólar more for sending it to your country and depending on your country you pay taxes when you receive it so be prepared

I won’t give any refunds just in case the pcb don’t work well you may receive another version paying just the sending of it

This is what I can do for helping you guys get your hands on it and help you get there

On next time I talk about this will be higher price

Remember is not yet the working cell but I’m also able to send you the coils custom as needed also for a price

And also ferrite and magnetic materials from my supplier

Let me know if you are interested

My contact WhatsApp +5511982807111

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #483 on: May 31, 2024, 06:56:54 am »
Dude....i would not put my phonenumber out here....

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #484 on: May 31, 2024, 17:47:39 pm »
I just want to make contact easier!

We need to run with this or won’t get anywhere!

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #485 on: June 01, 2024, 09:29:06 am »
Ok so

I cut two copper strips 0.08mm thick x 20mm x tube length

It will go below the coils and the coils will be soldered on the start of its respective strip

The strips of course are on opposite sides of the tube so after soldering the very start of the wire a layer of polietileno 0.3mm goes to insulate the coil from the strips

The coils are going to be intercalated as to maximize coupling between them so this strips are going to be connected to the inner and outer electrodes

I spend the last days improving the machine to get the coils perfectly wound and fast and easy so I can do more of this exactly equal again if I want

In science we need repeatability otherwise we are doing art work not science

I was thinking something interesting is that 90% of what I used I already had on my stock hahaha it was like all this years I spend collecting all the need material to make it all

So i printed another flange for the machine such that the coil is now going to be in the center of the tube not at its top

I was planing to glue some more tube over but was an stupid idea and since my machine is big I can do it on the middle of the tube no problem

I had to make some work on the machine to tune it to make the coils without accelerating and desaccelarint much on the borders of the coil when the x axis change direction by rising the acceleration of this axis

The y axis also move so I get a feedback of the layers

It should take maybe 10 min to do each coils now with this machine setup…

The Z axis acceleration is very slow as to make a very smooth transition when starting and finishing the coil for preventing the wire from braking

The tensioner and motor works great now

Also I rises the level of the last ring of the machine to get as close as possible it could to the coil to better direct the wire

Wasn’t much but seems to improve a lot

I could not get closer because the holder motor I used is to big so it would touch the coil former holder

I would need to make a better fitting for it to get little closer so I stoped there because I wanted to do the coils

All the separators now fit on the tube and have two slots for the strips to pass thru so wen I finish each coil I  open the holder ring add a separator glue it and start another coil

So it will have 6 coils having 10mm 30turns per layer 50 layers being 3 connected to each strip

Over them goes the primary coil with 300 turns or maybe only 200 turns it depend on the source voltage

The higher number of turns is because this is air core!

I’m using 18awg it may consume up to 10 amps peak or more

Over the primary coil goes the clamp coil or second of the dual primary coil

It helps snubber function… may have taps so we can switch the voltage level

The primary also may have taps though to have more options

Over the primary I m placing some 600 turns secondary with a more resistive wire as to have it uncoupled from the system and as to act less as a load to the resonant tank since it will take power from it will lower its Q factor

Now if we have this secondary with resistive wire or thin wire it won’t be capable of giving more than a certain current value

I guess this is what meyer considered as restricting the amps maybe

This wire will work very hot! So it need to be made in one layer only like over the primaries

A variable coil can be connected between the secondary and the chokes in a manner to give impedance to it and control the current that it’s capable of giving to the cell

For that I will use one variable inductor I build with a knob that moves a core on a coil

I just need to think the coil value I want

Now that I have a machine I may do a new coil for it with taps so I can have many ranges of impedances on one simple device

Well that’s is folks the complete circuit

Now let’s make it work and finally study the cell behavior under this conditions

The Vic so far for me is a manner to generate a high magnetic field oscillating with the lowest power dissipation possible

With the ability to provide high impedance output that can self limit its power output

Without the diode it should make a noticeable water pump effect  with the helical core on the gap

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #486 on: June 02, 2024, 02:10:43 am »
Instead of polietileno I used policarbonato 10mm strips that make exactly one turn less one diameter of wire

The wire is soldered on top of the strip o the right side and goes in the channel of policarbonato till where it will start cooling

Over the policarbonato I use some polyester tape to keep in place and than start the coils

The policarbonato has 0,5mm thickness so it will isolate well although should not be so much voltage across water

I don’t think it would ever go over 2kv

If so 1kv or less so the main idea is simply to prevent any arcs and short

It looks very nice

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #487 on: June 02, 2024, 05:05:21 am »
I think I understood how those Vic coils with very thin core worked

In a transformer the secondary current is basically in phase with the primary current when you get a resistive load

Butas the load has amps going there is going to be a lag on phase of the current relative to primary

The lighter the load the lower is this effect

So if we get a very low coupling coil on the same transformer it will get zero phase lag only when there is a very light load

So what I mean is that those transformer style is a manner to get a feedback on same core

So when the coils are under high load the feedback coil will have it showing a signal out of phase and when suddenly the load becomes nothing the phase goes to zero and phase locked loop happens

Now comes the interesting part

Remember my first live on YouTube about the ultrasonic patent?

Well it happens that Stan patent is a improvement of that

On that they however had something that Stan needed but could not patent that is the current sensing

A hoses locked look is used to lock two same frequencies in phase and actually can apply a different phase to as I showed on my videos

So if we have a resonant tank working it will work as a kind of clock signal

While each cell have a current that is unique on its own and so each have a pll to make the cell current be in a certain phase relationship with the clock signal that comes from the main resonance

Luckily the resonant tank can be driven with easy by any type of frequency generator so I will use my other frequency generator for it

And for the cell I will use the pll to be able to tune to that and track for the current phase

Whenever current is in phase with secondary it may have achieved the condition in water

So basically the idea is to make the pll very narrow band so it will only sweep within the phase

Than as we adjust the cell length it should tune at a point and lock in

Stan talk about changing the frequency of the coils instead and might be easier specially if we have a pll driving it too with feedback ok

I just wanted to point that using a single cell is different than a cavity with many cells

With many cells you get the resonant coil affecting all at same time so is this main clock I say

But now you need to pulse the cells in phase relationship with that fields to be able to control the direction of the particles

After all the focus is to achieve the antiresonant point of this water transducer

So resuming the lock in detector could be simply a way to detect if there is or not a load on the transformer bringing phase to zero or close to