What I think really happens is that the polarization from inside will be pointing the hydrogen to the positive electrode
Creating a triple layer instead of dual layer
In that case water capacitance will try to polarize it back but it can’t so also it cuts the current because of that too
The charge carriers are busy
Regarding this there may be a point of balance where the polarization goes higher than the polarization caused by the incoming current
Meyer claims the less contaminants the greater is the power gain that is he consume less power to get to the effect
For example a 20ma on 100ohms is 2v but at 2000ohm is 40v!
This relation to power input capability since the greater the voltage is the higher is the acceleration of the particles and so the maximum speed
I was thinking abou the common mode chokes he use and how it could relate with the principle of the didferetial amplifier
I mean the differential amplifier suppose to eliminate the common mode noise
And a common mode resonant choke as we know resonate the cell capacitance ref to ground
During the pulse in molecules are pushed one way for example down
During the off pulse this returning molecules with the inverted magnetic field (from resonance on the coil) cause the voltage to show a doubled pulse but the doubled pulse must not discharge back into the coils so is good to have a low coupling back that can be achieved adding a resistor in series or a section of resistor cool
That because the coil during pulse off will have not much voltage!
The diode allow some reverse conduction… but could be placed there to avoid this..
Basically if water end up discharging or oscillating with the coil it will loose its charge and consume power so restrict the amps may be a way of doing it