Author Topic: My new approach  (Read 108717 times)

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #408 on: April 30, 2024, 11:53:20 am »
I think most of that is info coded… he seem to want to put many different story in the patents

Maybe just some form of make people think he is crazy

The important is the bucking fields

They are exactly as I describe they need to be…

In his case he uses toroidal fields

I created a spiral in the electrodes to be able to use simple concentric coils that I will try first

This helix makes the circular force to get a up and down component

While with the toroidal fields the force would already be up and down

I also don’t know how they allowed him to write that on the patents as I said he may have had a table with the transcription of the words or their orders etc so they may have had to accept

He repeated the story on other patents too

Did you got the part of the weakening of the bonds? He says the molecules become soft

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #409 on: April 30, 2024, 11:57:30 am »
What I think really happens is that the polarization from inside will be pointing the hydrogen to the positive electrode

Creating a triple layer instead of dual layer

In that case water capacitance will try to polarize it back but it can’t so also it cuts the current because of that too

The charge carriers are busy

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #410 on: May 01, 2024, 08:18:09 am »
What I think really happens is that the polarization from inside will be pointing the hydrogen to the positive electrode

Creating a triple layer instead of dual layer

In that case water capacitance will try to polarize it back but it can’t so also it cuts the current because of that too

The charge carriers are busy

Regarding this there may be a point of balance where the polarization goes higher than the polarization caused by the incoming current

Meyer claims the less contaminants the greater is the power gain that is he consume less power to get to the effect

For example a 20ma on 100ohms is 2v but at 2000ohm is 40v!

This relation to power input capability since the greater the voltage is the higher is the acceleration of the particles and so the maximum speed

I was thinking abou the common mode chokes he use and how it could relate with the principle of the didferetial amplifier

I mean the differential amplifier suppose to eliminate the common mode noise

And a common mode resonant choke as we know resonate the cell capacitance ref to ground

During the pulse in molecules are pushed one way for example down

During the off pulse this returning molecules with the inverted magnetic field (from resonance on the coil) cause the voltage to show a doubled pulse but the doubled pulse must not discharge back into the coils so is good to have a low coupling back that can be achieved adding a resistor in series or a section of resistor cool

That because the coil during pulse off will have not much voltage!

The diode allow some reverse conduction… but could be placed there to avoid this..

Basically if water end up discharging or oscillating with the coil it will loose its charge and consume power so restrict the amps may be a way of doing it

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #411 on: May 02, 2024, 06:19:44 am »
The bifilar coil can behave as a kind Of série/ parallel resoance

When connecting it in séries it Will have adding magnético field

However they will resonate in parallel

So maybe the coil around the cell can be a bifilar too

From my experiences I found that a small coil after the diode in the same transformer does the work of a kind of charge pump that because the capacitance between primary and secondary form a pulse forming network that sums this capacitance to the collapse of this coil charging a resonant load to ever increasing voltage

This is used to drive a parallel resonant circuit that is in series with the cell

Here you see that I want to give the high voltage pulse to the cell when the resonant coil has its maximum current that happen when it flips voltage

On this point the capacitors are at zero charge (dead short condition)

The only thing restricting is water emf

So it will give maximum force to the water

As you see the way the Vic is arranged make it work like a pulse forming network since it will always be at the level of charge that the cell is every time it receives a new pulse it must add to it

Basically it references the capacitance with cell voltage if is constructed in this way

If the primary is reversed it I’ll give a square with that peak on top and not only the peak as I drawn but you get the idea

The resistor would not see the resonant voltage but may capture the common mode signal and possible the positive pulse out of the cell going back to the Vic to charge its capacitance

Maybe if the cell capacitance is equivalent to the coils capacitance  than it may give a good ac easy to distinguish

So with a feedback transformer may be easy to get the feedback

Now let’s prove it

You may have noticed I’m trying to use the concept of the diferential amplifier to understand where the feedback need to be taken from

« Last Edit: May 02, 2024, 08:00:17 am by sebosfato »

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #412 on: May 02, 2024, 08:43:12 am »
Some of this ideas came from studying how instruments amplifier work for ecg

They have a right leg grounding of the patient that feed the patient with noise so it can completely eliminate the common mode noise

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #413 on: May 02, 2024, 09:38:55 am »
In few drawings he shows just the coils and the cell with dots opposing

While others he show the transformer and cell

There is even a drawing of him where the outer electrode is not just a simple line

So the benefits of having the coils coupled and bifilar is that their voltages are equal and so if we make one of them resonate the other will mimic its voltage perfectly that result in a series connection of zero volts

The capacitor is the first thing to get charged aways because of its negative impedance

So as it charges the current for charging it reduces

However as the coils are in series with the cell they should have low inductance for the blasting spike coming from the Vic

I believe the spike is going to be filtered mostly because it will charge the capacitor that is already charged during pulses

Of course water will take some abuse at start but as it get charged the current in water will be less and less as the magnetic field grow on the cell, the voltage also increases

If we make this magnetic field coil bifilar only on the outside for example it could operate like I just described

So basically we get one coil resonating with a capacitor and the other connected in series with the cell opposing dots

This way a resistor connected be tween the secondary negative and the bifilar coil going into the inner electrode would show the Milo amps going in but also show the voltage of the cell charging Vic capacitance back

I believe we need to restrict the possibilities to be able to get to the point so

I reduced the cell to a transducer that resonates within a cavity with a oscillating magnetic field that work together to generate a dc polarization inside the cell by receiving a voltage pulse that drives the transducer while allowing the cell to set the voltage of the pulse forming network at every pulse

The resistor could be maybe 10kohm 10w or more of this in parallel

If the resistance is small will be hard to see the cell charging the Vic capacitance back thru the resistor

So as the resonant coil result in zero volts and the Vic send a balanced spike we know that any current that is not charging the bif reso coil will be the cell voltage going back on the way to charge the pulse forming network that is the Vic to its charge level achieved

Here is where perhaps we can tap an electrical feedback of more value

The coils being resistive thin wire will have a greater resistance to capacitance ratio and that may reduce unwanted Vic oscilatoms

This can cause nose that we can confuse with the cell voltage trying to get back to the Vic

I’m starting to think that the Vic must be drives with a square wave instead of pulse

First because if we input only a spike although it will give ahit on the right spot it may not create the kind of acoustical wave required

It may create a higher frequency wave

While giving the full square to it the colapse would be under control and still would it give a spike over the square as the cell charges

So perhaps a diode in parallel with a low resistor or maybe a non dissipative snubbed can be used

The idea being to have a signal output that we know how it behave not an uncontrolled voltage unpredictable and unstable

What makes the Vic a pulse forming network is the diode capacitance with coils to coil capacitance they charge during on cycle and act as a voltage doubler or better saying multiplier on the other

That’s the whole point… reference charging I think we should call it

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #414 on: May 03, 2024, 09:55:35 am »
New video


Did it make any sense now?
« Last Edit: May 03, 2024, 20:16:41 pm by sebosfato »

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #415 on: May 03, 2024, 20:30:24 pm »
One thing very important that Stanley meyer said in the patent is that amp restriction can happen at all levels of applied voltage

What he meant is that we don’t need to get to the point where water will split to see it

All is needed is to look the right place, the right physics, electronics etc

Without the correct physics laws being used at our favor would be too hard to get anywhere

It’s a simple generator that is not rotating is based on acceleration of particles in a resonating cavity against magnetic fields that flip together with the same phase resulting in dc step up waveform

The conductor (resistance ) is water and it’s pushed to its limit where it simply splits apart

Without the correct fields geometry and pulsing circuit and means to know what is doing would be impossible todo it
« Last Edit: May 03, 2024, 23:02:06 pm by sebosfato »