Author Topic: My new approach  (Read 108007 times)

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #368 on: April 18, 2024, 01:16:20 am »
I’m adding some capacitors all thru the pll circuit board as it seem that it’s not very stable

The gate was very very unstable now is much better…

Still don’t know if I’m using the correct type of capacitors for this

I only have big ones and probably would be good to add some small values to absorb the high frequency noises

I tried a lm358 module for arduino to amplify the signal but no success it was just amplifying the noise

That’s why I had to start taking the noise out of the way… probably now I should test back the other amplifier

Two days over it but hope will do the job

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #369 on: April 18, 2024, 08:30:56 am »
Hope now it works maybe adding some hysteris


After more 12 hours sweating I succeed stoping the oscillation adding a 1nf capacitor in parallel with the R2

With The jumper on

It makes a clean square with 500mv clean sine input, works as a kind of zero cross detector

Now back to the piezo to see if I get it to work

At higher frequency it stop being a perfect square..  because of the capacitance need to reduce for higher frequency

Now I understand that would be better design to use a voltage regulator for each section of the pll to get cleaner voltage

I don’t seem to be able to get rid of the some noise 20mv and up

Seem to come from the frequency dividers and scanning circuit

Although I have more than 3 voltage regulators they are in parallel so I guess they are not being able to regulate well as if they were on individual sections

If it does not work with the piezo  strategy would be to use another piezo with a higher sensitivity or maybe get one of those guitar piezo that come with the pre amplifier and go on with that

It worked with the piezo too the only thing is the wave form at 1,7Mhz is not very square because of the capacitor

Now it’s time to try to detect water vibration cause by magnetic fields

« Last Edit: April 18, 2024, 16:39:57 pm by sebosfato »

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #370 on: April 18, 2024, 17:27:33 pm »
I’m going to add a switch so I can have both feedbacks ready to go

Electrical or acoustical

Also I changed the cable if my 5mohm resistor because the poor cable was giving lot of noise too

This can measure the amps into the light and the oscilloscope can show the power math function

My osciloscope has x + _ and fft

Next week I’m getting access to a physics simulator software for the coils design… hope it help me confirm my ideas at least or discover more if possible

It’s being a while already with total focus on this I need to get back to my life on Monday so I hope to make a lot of progress this weekend!

No distractions!

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #371 on: April 18, 2024, 19:15:18 pm »
Part of the noise come from the cooler I installed so I’m going to hook it direct to the main power supply and make it with a long wire so I can place it when I’m use at the heat sink

Another part of the noise come from the tlv3501it seem the capacitor give a ring and it’s visible across the 5mohm resistor so i will try to add another 5v regulator only for it

The other noises don’t see to be causing instability or reading problems but would be grea to get rid off them

Next time I design a new pcb all this will come to mind


The core of the inner electrode may be better made of ferrite to make sure it will saturate

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #372 on: April 19, 2024, 08:10:44 am »
I’m finally ready to test it… the circuit still need some improvements but maybe I’m being too precious about it

The thing is now to measure the amp restriction achieved and improve it like Stan said making a bigger coil

I found a video on YouTube of a guy making a magnetohydrodynamic thruster and he basically used the geometry I was talking about of having magnets forming a close toroidal magnetic field where the gaps have maximum field

Basically is a water particle accelerator if you put it in loop the amps will get restricted as the water gets faster and faster

The problem is that in thi manner you get the drift loss

Meyer idea is equivalent to put it in a cavity and instead make it resonate to achieve the particle velocity but with reduced drift loss

If we try to reverse engineer what he said instead of copy paste he said he had 11kohm per coil and that when the amps are restricted the amps reduce from 20 to 1ma in the water

So we can expect a current drop just like a motor spinning up at first it take 20amps and than it will speed up and reduce the amp by having a electrical polarization process of the coils by the magnets passing thru them that is you get a emf in opposite direction of the applied voltage

So the electrical polarization process is:

A process to cause electrical polarization that can be achieved in some different manners

Where Stan’s seems to be

Use electric and magnetic fields to cause acoustic resonance of a cavity generating said electrical polarization till the point where molecules split apart.

Now read again the patents with this in mind and probably you are going to not only understand what I’m talking about and if you have the needed skills probably you can come to the same conclusion I had.

That is the only plausible explanation you have ever had on this process!

And with the directions I left here some will be able to get there.

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #373 on: April 19, 2024, 18:44:50 pm »
I found that the igbt driver tc4420 was causing the noise mainly

The problem is that it’s enough to trigger the sensor amplifier so it kind of auto tune to the wrong frequency actually is like if it’s tuning to its own frequency

The problem seem to be that the dc come from 20v to the 15v regulator that is used for the driver and from this 15 I regulate again for 5v so I get a noise somehow from the switching

So I need to get it out

If nothing workes I may add another power source for the sensor and I’m done

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #374 on: April 19, 2024, 20:49:06 pm »
I used the same power supply from the fans to feed the lm7805s and now all the noise finally is gone

Everything seems ready for first tests

Hope I can make it with this coils I already have otherwise I have to buy more copper and start coiling

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #375 on: April 21, 2024, 10:49:01 am »
After another day struggling to make the pll stabilize I finally have it

It works very stable now…

The hct7046 definitely is superior although made me lot of work to get it perfect

The main difference is that is much faster and so it has less phase delay

It’s bad side is the price … I remember paying like 20 euros or more for 1 chip 15 years ago

May still cost the same

Most components had to be adapted for the 5v high speed version like the quad bllateral switches and nor gates but it was certainly worth it

I’m definitely making a pcb for it as it’s going to be useful for this project and if by any chance the project don’t work I can use it to make a ultrasonic driver or find any other use for it like motor control etc

If any of you are interested in having this pcb or if you want any of my tools ask me for the cost…
With my Dhl account is aroun 60 euros to send a box to all around the world

I’m hiring a student this week for helping me here so I can make more without loosing businesses like I did the last 3 weeks

I was many years without having a time this project, i fell bad so much you can’t imagine for having to wait so long to test the ideas. But had to make money first otherwise I would not even be here today doing this.