Author Topic: My new approach  (Read 107856 times)

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #360 on: April 15, 2024, 16:13:03 pm »
When I mean the voltage on the cell is dependent on the current timed resistance is because the resistance of the cell will increase and this current is actually coming from the higher voltage that charges the resonant coil the high impedance that makes the cell rise voltage if the resistance rise (at same time when the water resistance rises it will reduce the voltage on the resonant coil because it now have a resistance for charging it…

Understanding that try to understand the rest of the lines…most were suppositions

Did some tests today but could not prove the pumping effect… because magnetic field is too small now

It did pump however seem to be more because of the Bubbles forcing

I was considering the problem of increasing the magnetic field and realized something is really confusing me

If you consider a coil inside the hollow inside electrode with same directions it would have a north pointing up like the outer. For example

Initially I thought this would impede the magnetic field lines from the outer coil to pass thru the inner electrode however

When we look the fields on the gap it seem to subtract

The magnetic field on the channel however would be cancelling so actually the coils would need to be wound and or connected subtracting fields to maximize the magnetic field on the channel apparently… I’m not being able to logically determine what would give the highest field

The inner coil I’m doing over a 5mm screw for a small hollow electrode I have  that I want to test to check this

What I notice is that if the outer and inner coil are subtracting all induction on the electrodes will be cut out and we should be left with the least possible inductance in series and also the greatest magnetic field in the channel

I’m confuse? Did you see what is my confusion?

What is the way would give the most magnetic field in your opinion?

I think now is time to understand the power of this bucking fields like John Quincy st Clair was talking about

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #361 on: April 15, 2024, 20:38:58 pm »
I tested the piezo I took out from the sr04 on the humidifier to see if it could detect ultrasonics

I added a stainless steel ground ring around the sensor that way I could get the reading  clearer

It shows 3MHz oscillation but only when it’s very well aligned to the center

Otherwise it show the gate frequency of the umidifier I guess is 40khz

The power knob  make this frequency go lower as it goes up

I believe it’s tuned above the resonance or something…

The signal out was around 100mv or so when very in the middle focus
I think to connect this piezo to those amplifier boards gor last year to make it 5v square to use with the pll

Hope I can make the water sing

I’m winding a new coil over a 5mm screw you see in the photo

I took the screw part grinding it and wound two  kapton isolator layers to wind 24awg around…

It will fit inside a hollow electrode I have here

This coil will be in opposite direction of the other on the outside but they connected in series

Hopefully this will cause a tremendous magnetic field compression hahaha in the channel

That way I hope to get it at least have double magnetic field

Also the inductance will be smaller and if the tuns are equivalent supose to not cause zero induction on the electrodes or the least possible…

That because their magnetic field would be canceling each other however there may still remain a little

« Last Edit: April 15, 2024, 22:39:41 pm by sebosfato »

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #362 on: April 16, 2024, 09:16:14 am »
First tests with the new coil was a little deception however may still be useful

It end up with 6 layers of 80 turns

The magnetic field was 1mt near the ends and 0,5mT around

Although very small I I’ll test now if it will help avoid the field lines of the other coil in its region that would help the field to concentrate on the gap only

Now I’m just hooking the piezo to the tlv 3501 to see if can give a good square out of it

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #363 on: April 16, 2024, 15:11:32 pm »

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #364 on: April 17, 2024, 04:00:18 am »
Worked all day on the pll circuit… preparing it to pulse hard

One thing that occurred to me is that now I need to put some pure water in the cell for testing

Actually I think that the interaction of the electric fields will be important and having contaminants will reduce too much the voltage

Having higher voltage mean the particles need more speed to reach the other side…

I almost have the impression that the current makes very small effect on water for some reason

At 240v apliedit boils directly

My best guess is that when there are fewer ions the current will be less on the surface of the electrode only
« Last Edit: April 17, 2024, 05:20:58 am by sebosfato »

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #365 on: April 17, 2024, 14:21:47 pm »
Why magnetic wire?

Copper has a conductivity 58 times greater than iron

Iron has 200 times more magnetic permeability than copper

The magnetic field of a coils is zero on its avarage radius

That’s the reason the coils need to be bucking fields subtracting to get a region in between them

This is dark side of physics somehow because is where people are not looking into

Every second it pass Im more certain that Meyer was indeed using coils around and inside the electrodes

Hope to be able to at least prove the amp being restricted

For that I’m going to have a current and voltage probe at the cell so I can see their interaction

I also added the sensor to detect the vibration if is going without it I’m not sure it will restrict anything

I hooked the sensor to the pin 14 of the pll as feedback and hope to sustain the oscillation

Than I can change the cell tube by turning the bolt increasing or reducing the cavity

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #366 on: April 17, 2024, 19:12:58 pm »
The tLv 3501 is self oscillating at 140Mhz

It does even without the sensor connected

Maybe too high the input impedance

Trying to figure a way to make it work

Any ideas ?

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #367 on: April 17, 2024, 21:30:46 pm »

I couldn’t find a way to stop the oscillation… I added a capacite to the output and reduced a little but not stoped

If any of you could help I appreciate

I’m working with 5v

I believe this will be one of the most important parts of this technology