After lot of work I came to one conclusion I want you to know.
What Stanley meyer was doing with that magnetic wire was magnetic field
E= I x R
The thinner a wire is the best it is at generating a magnetic field that’s because power is proportional to the square of current so using very thin wire and higher voltage is better than low voltage high current to generate magnetic field.
So when he say you need to build a bigger coil you need a higher magnetic field
The magnetic field depends on turns density
He may use the resistive wire just for reducing the current to the needed or even to have more easy to wound since it’s harder to break than copper and also by its magnetic properties … the fact is that it would make the phase of the coil not 90degree
The resonant charging chokes on his drawings need to go around the cell… I bet if we look into the patents we going to find he may have put in some of the patents or even in the corrections …
Hope you grab the idea
I believe this is why he used high voltage… he had thousands and thousands of turns…. The voltage is needed to rise the current the resistance within the wire has no effect on the magnetic field it helps like he say in tech brief to reduce the noise and signal distortion meaning it won’t be actually resonating on itself if is resistive allowing to apply directly the needed voltage to it using a higher ratio transformer
The resistive wire also make it bad at creating currents on the electrodes since whatever current rise would simply be automatically neglected or impeded… this was something that was bothering me as I was thinking the electrodes would heat if I pulsed the coils or resonate them .. but seems not a problem if the resistance is high enough that it cannot be a primary to the electrode.
Hope you like this info
See this example :