i started looking at my tesla style bifilar i wound many years ago…
it have 150 turns each coil wound side by side bifilar on a pvc pipe having 3 inches thick 12 inches long with 0,7mm wire (i think was 22 awg)
i notice one thing… if there is imperfections on the wire and in between turns there is going to be reflections there… every impedance change would cause reflections..
the impedance would increase in the imperfection causing a reflection like if it was a open circuit… i guess a long bifilar coil would have enough imperfections to cause a lot of reflections…
this would require a higher voltage input as this reflections increase the input impedance.. Meyer even showed it as staged sets…
i would only make it in stages if i wanted to maybe pulse them in opposite directions at same time or if i wanted a determined set of reflections, maybe this reflections in stages sets creates standing waves there…
He repeatedly say in the tech brief about the bifilar being the most effective in amp restriction..
Does it make sense?
What your point of view about it?
Well my first test may be to discover whats the impedance of this bifilar coil… im going to first find the frequency shorting its ends with an amp meter and pulsing with square
than i will find a resistor that will match it at the end such that the input current is the same as output current… this will give the impedance of the line .. .
from there i will add cores to the coil to see how it affect the impedance and resonance frequency…
will be a nice experiment… im just finishing the pulsing for the alternate square wave to fit on my esp frequ generator.. .so it will drive those powerfull igbts assembly i showed few time ago…
i have the fracture cell circuit that does the same but it analog and i think will be best on digital to get the numbers out … freq.. pulse lenght.. etc… i could do it with labview but to set up would consume time too..
by the way if anyone wants to buy my labview cdaq im selling it… i believe its worth more than 3 thousand dollars… has 4 modules… one counter one with multiple inputs and 2 with multiple mili volts input.. this is a professional data acuisition system.. very cool to use… i just have no time this days to use it.. i need to find someone to help me here on the lab and experiments. if anyone is viewing this from brazil or want to have a nice trip to here send me a pm…
so for my situation i prefere go digital i guess will be easier.. just hope the esp dont keep reseting from the EM interference.. im having troubles using relays with it… perhaps i will rapidly learn how to use shields…