Author Topic: My new approach  (Read 107664 times)

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #208 on: July 01, 2023, 16:53:40 pm »
Wow, some synchronicity happening here, I just posted an update status, then came to read what you been up many concurrent ideas.
Sebo, you're on the right track, but in my opinion you're overcomplicating the conclusion a bit.

Key points to remember, polarization will stretch the covalent bond, in fact to the point of breaking. But, Hydrogen behaves like electrons and is largely non-localized quantumly. Essentially everywhere at once, and while "restricting amps" only very small amounts will nucleate and create a gaseous bubble. Because while the covalent bonds are broken, there's no neutralization happening at the electrodes. So, as soon as the voltage drops, or the ions leave the voltage zone, they just recombine to water (self discharge observed by J.L. Naudin)

Secondly, remember that Stan wrapped his chokes around the WFC and the Gas Processor....I believe J.L. Naudin's "very important" choke polarity to nullify flux fields is erroneous, as Stan said it makes an orthagonal field in the WFC. We want the fluxes to add, creating a large orthagonal field (and rephasing the 180° secondary pulse to be in line with primary flyback pulse, lowering impedance in primary during flyback, increasing voltage...more on this at another time)...the orthagonal field is perpendicular to the voltage zone's electrostatic field. The effect of such a field would eject temporary ions and solvated electrons out the top and bottom of the voltage zones.

The importance of the polarity is to make it so the field ejects temporary hydrogen ions and/or solvated electrons upwards.
This is what I'm working on now....insulate the negative tube completely (Stan's special carbon/ss "resistor"), I'm thinking of a powder coated polymer, or possibly a ceramic (but I don't have a kiln...yet lol). Then just like Naudin found, true capacitor action will occur, step-wise charging, etc...the water will still be stretched via polarization and if the 1.1kv Naudin achieved is reached, the covalent bond will break, but no amps can flow so no major gas will show.

This is where Stan's "pulse shaping" comes into play...the base pulse is the RLC resonant frequency of the Water Fuel Capacitor, Inductors, and wire resistance...we need to experimentally determine how long the resonant frequency takes to charge to maximum attainable voltage, this time becomes the compliment-gate time-off....then, arbitrarily say it's the on-time (50% duty cycle is easy enough)...have another frequency generator feed this frequency to the gating pin, or ext. Reset of the oscillator running the resonant frequency. So you get essentially a 50% duty cycle resonant pulse. Now, feed the gating-pulse through an optoisolator LED on its way to gate the resonant pulse circuit. This will give you an "ON" switch from the resonant frequency "OFF" pulse.

Now, wire a seperate isolated circuit consisting of the insulated negative electrode to a resistive load (Like Stan's LED array) and ending at stainless steel mesh in the water capacitor electrolyte (water) a few mm, to a cm above the tube(s).

The result; hydrogen ions/electrons will be in close proximity to the floating mesh due to the orthagonal field from the chokes ejecting them upwards out of the tubes, the gating-off pulse turns on the isolated path, the water being in direct contact with the uninsulated positive electrode (making the water an extension of the positive plate and electropositive), and the insulated negative electrode being offered at the grid/mesh, causes electron flow out of the water (voltage flows from -to+, electrons flow +to-) and into the resistive load.

Electron flow is minimized to primary current durring power phase (flyback operation decouples primary input from secondary pulse) , charging chokes pulsate, stepping up voltage further while decoupling voltage spikes to WFC from secondary forward pulse (the chokes self/mutual induction lags the forward pulse 90° and the pumping diode forces/bounces flyback forward to WFC...this has the lovely benefit of making the major current/voltage flow in the secondary back in phase with the primary forward pulse, which accelerates primary current across the coil and vise-versa in the secondary..."double pulse"...understand the self/mutual-induction rerouting and regauging I explained in my thread..."opposition of an opposition makes it in harmony")

Then the entire power circuit is completely shut off while the super-efficient accumulated charge across the water capacitor is rerouted to pull electrons out of the water, powering LEDs that shine into the WFC/Gas Processor to further push out hydrogen electrons and further increase yield/create atomic hydrogen.

I met an retired Boeing Engineer name Ben Missler, who asked me first time I met him; "Do you believe in over-unity?" which I said "yes", and he replied; "Good, cuz I know it's real...I worked for the US military to get rid of OU in the vacuum tube guidance system of our Minute-Man missiles, they were generating 4watts of anomalous power and burning out the heater coils"...Ben then introduced me to a man who invested in Stan's dealerships, he had not a single doubt about Stan, and first thing out of his mouth; "Do you know about Stan's magnetic gas? The gas coming off the gas processor was magnetic". We then discussed his laser driven DC generator (magnetic gas in closed loop glass tube, accelerated by pulsed laser, and picked up with coils wrapped around the glass tube). The gas processor is the exact same setup as the WFC, but it starts with the stable molecular gasses made in the WFC, the molecular hydrogen becomes atomic hydrogen, and ionized gasses come out of the voltage zone (after voltage polarization and photoelectric/photo-ionization effect plus electron extraction circuit rips the excited hydrogen electrons away)...the outlet then had a T-split with hollow-cored neodymium magnets having orthagonal fields facing opposite directions, Single hydrogen protons (magnetic gas) are repelled one direction and attracted the other...presumably paramagnetic ozone goes the other way and is discarded.

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #209 on: July 03, 2023, 13:59:24 pm »
One Thing I tested few years ago was a vector inversion generator

The idea is to use a aort of inductive capacitor that is charged and than half of it is rapidly reversed making a very narrow pulse of compressed power

Anyway is a capacitive discharge and has the problem of continuity but could be one way

Regarding jnaudim I didn’t see any results from him

I tried some to isolate the plates with Mylar and other stuff the problem is that water conductivity and dielectric constant is much higher than plastics so the field is restricted to the plastic only

It will work until you arc across the plastic and yes will look like a capacitor but not charge is acturally in water

According to Meyer description of the operation of the Vic is that during the flyback the energy accumulated during pulse on is collapsed and in opposite direction so overal sum to zero resulting in minimum current and fast as possible discharge

I’m on a different approach for now but may give this also a try

Now about the laser

I’m thinking that maybe Stan have had some laser factory to fabricate special leds for him to generate that vibrational frequency

We should try to find what company was or maybe try whatever company

Leds I’m the visible range act directly in the energy levels of electrons and is for exciting the gases to give up atomic decay

For the splitting I believe the frequency range would be inefetctive and expensive in terms of energy it simply don’t makes sense to me…

The combination of leds and voltage may have an effect or being able to keep the molecules apart

as I tried to explain before heat in water already makes it vibrate but in liquid form it will also rotate

Reaching the correct temperature will bring the molecules to a very easy to split state

The question is than to use a heat pump to recycle the heat to make it economic viable

Stan had a heat exchanger suppose to cool the scape gases but what it was to heat?

He even designed something called steam resonator…

I believe using a current density on the electrodes that is over a threshold should cause amps to be restricted

The current may not be so linear since water limited diffusion and absorption of ions in the electrode

If maybe we place a ac current thru a capacitor we are allowed to have also dc on the cell

Ac cuts thru water while dc not because of impedance

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #210 on: July 03, 2023, 18:52:05 pm »
A couple of things, the VIC used flyback, forward pulse is blocked. Then the chokes put the secondary flyback pulse 90° out of phase via self/mutual induction (amp restriction), then the "pumping diode" sends forward pulse and choke flyback together after choke flux collapses.

2nd, Stan's LEDs were normal red leds available back then, Google hydrogen absorbtion spectrum. Red is the lowest energy absorbtion spectrum of Hydrogen (pushing electron up 1 energy level). 410.1nm near UV is the highest energy absorbtion spectrum of Hydrogen (pushing electron up 4 energy levels).

 J.L. Naudin has replicated the Lawton replication (ver 1.0), He got true capacitor action in ver1.1 with waveforms identical to Stan's patent, then he went to some pancake coil driven by an induction burner in 2012.

Stan's steam resonator was two identical transformers ran from the same signal (normal AC) and then he overlapped each transformers voltage zones to block current flow, but vibrate water into steam,  for the Water Fuel plugs.

Stan's WFC/Water Capacitor system was witnessed to run cool, as the electrons are pulled from Water, not pushed into it.

Lastly, you do not arc the plastic inside the WFC, you pick a dielectric that can withstand over 1.1kv...then you reroute the charge with the EEC. I've finished the first resonant frequency generator, and starting the gating pulse generator now. I've been prepping two 316L tube sets with .91mm gap (one for water capacitor, and a shorter set to make the gas processor)...been trying to degauss the outer tube, the inner tube is extruded seemles and neodymium magnets can't hold onto it...but all I could find for outer tube is micro-welded and its much stronger ferromagnet action. For the orthagonal field to work, I have to get it down to a minimum or the outer tube will steal the orthagonal field flux too much. I've heat treated and quenched and it helped a little bit, gonna induction heat it next...pretty sure alternating flux and heat will fix it.

I'll post my CD4047B frequency gens soon with some waveforms soon. They are the nicest/easiest chips in the world. Only takes one timing cap and one timing resistor...then either hook the other pins to + or - to get different functions....I added an extra 10kohm pull down resistor on the input to keep the input from floating.

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #211 on: July 03, 2023, 19:15:42 pm »
If you read what Stan say he talks abou the diode acting as open ckt during colapse of the field so is not the flaback that push current forward

The flyback reversal of the secondary  is what allow the chokes current to indeed collapse faster

I achieved the stepchatging effect without isolating the cell just using very pure water and high frequency

It’s actually the Vic saturating and allowing more and more current and so more output power

The lower is the inductance of a transformer the more power it can deliver

During operation the inductance of the Vic is reduced some

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #212 on: July 03, 2023, 20:32:28 pm »
The diode acts as open circuit to the flyback of the chokes man...this is what forces the choke flyback forward.

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #213 on: July 03, 2023, 20:57:38 pm »
If you understand self and mutual inductance effects, then you can understand exactly what happens.

The primary operates by nullifying/reorienting the opposing mutual-induction that arises in the secondary during primary forward pulse, simply by diode path grounding it out of the secondary winding. As it moves out of the secondary winding (an inductor), it creates it's own self-induction which opposes the moving secondary flow, but harmonizes with the primary in-flow, which accelerates the secondary mutual-induction. The counter-currents all align in harmony as do the Flux fields. If you use an autotransformer, it will also re-route the primary current into the secondary coil....then when the off pulse occurs, flyback occurs, and the entire current (forward supplied amps, and mirrored/regauged induced currents is sent in the secondary forward pulse. The diode allows current flow, the voltage is instantly across inductor, waiting/pulling current into the chokes. The polarity being such that the Flux adds, the opposing forces of self/mutual induction also adds together. This is why inductors make current lag 90° from voltage any time current changes in an inductor. Having all the forces added together to restrict current in the secondary makes current flow zero in regards to current into the WFC, but the entire on-time, current was flowing into the chokes, but it doesnt make it out before off-time, as the forward flow shuts off and the coil starts to discharge...the higher reverse voltage forces the the diode shut-off (a diode cannot conduct forward current and block reverse current at the same time...the higher voltage wins and dictates diode behavior). There's nowhere for the reversed highet flyback voltage current to it "bounces" back to the WFC and conducts during the off-time of the secondary....which just so happens to be the on-time of the primary....which makes a mutual induction force in harmony with the primary current forces....further accelerating the action I stated happens in the primary. This the "reguaging" Bearden et al talked about.
Re-oreienting usually opposing forces into harmony...and then using the opposing forces in the secondary chokes to our advantage by lagging the current flow so no opposing magnetic Flux is felt in our primary currents...

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #214 on: July 03, 2023, 21:14:45 pm »
The negative effects of mutual-induction as the primary forward pulse gives rise to a an opposite current in the secondary are only opposing current in the primary. The pumping diode before the choke in the secondary will not allow this induced current to flow into the WFC. So it sits there and in the secondary and opposes the primary current's speed to distrubute across the primary coil. There's a VIC diagram that shows a common connection between primary and secondary...this is an ignition coil, aka an "autotransformer"....if you place a reversed diode from that common connection, to the opposite side of the secondary coil it will allow this opposing current to flow out of the secondary, releasing the opposing mutual-induction force felt in the primary, as current flows in a circle, as the current leaves the coils, current flows in reverse through the secondary...this causes a mutual-induction back to the primary, in harmony with the primary field....accelerating each, primary and secondary currents as they both ramp-up. Having this common connection, and the secondary having much higher potential...the secondary current flow will siphon the primary flow into the secondary....I will make you a video showing it in action very soon. It's undeniable...even ChatGPT had to admit it, lol.

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #215 on: July 03, 2023, 21:27:51 pm »
I'm going to make you a proof video right now. Give me an hour or so to put a demo together.