Yeah me too I just interested in make it work whatever it takes… no competition too
I’m not sure if you read this from post from the beginning I came thru a lot of thinking to came to this conclusions
In terms of the ultrasonic idea the basis is simple
Water is like air able to transmit sound vibrations
However when you have a closed space it will resonate according to the size and shape
Calculating I found it’s in the scale of frequencies Stanley mention
The key is that water must act as a pump or transducer for it to work
In order to get the cell to convert energy from Kinect to electric it require a certain field configuration that is not easy to achieve at least not without something inside the cell
The water cel must be considered like a subwoofer for example or a ultrasonic welding transducer the ones that are driven in anti resonance mode
When you sum up this with the Q factor of the cavity it become possible to not only induce the vibrations and sustain but generate hydrogen as long as electric energy is converted
The way to go here in my view is to have a certain transducer to cause the effect and just extract the power and feedback at the transducer
Although it seem indeed possible the kind of fields and voltage output expected are not very high thought
I decided to go other way first as I have considered that it was the most complicated way of making the cell generate voltage and also expensive and I don’t have not much time nor money to go that direction yet
So I decided to simply induce the voltage into the cell directly and I believe is what horvath and others did if any to achieve that working as I described recently with direct feedback of the resonant tank and so on
There is few ways of getting in same spot
I don’t put my hand on fire for 99% of what Stan said nor John Quincy st Clair with his hydrogen generator
Whenever there is patents and money involved secrecy is more important for the involved than anything else so I think I did the best making physics university to get the science language and theory so I can see thru what Stan was doing and not what he was talking only!
I was not the best student indeed anyway it was enough to clear things up for me…
Can’t wait to see your tests! You plan to make some videos on your theory of operation so we can maybe understand little more?
I didn’t understand completely yet ..