Hello, it's nice to see you never stopped sebo!!
Due to extenuating circumstances, I have been otherwise silent in the public domain. It's time for me to return to this endeavor. It was necessary for me to focus on other aspects of my life, but I am thankfully, now at a very comfortable place in life. I very much believe I have mentally suffered for denying my purpose.
That being said, I have never stopped working towards realizing the truth. I'm also happy to say, that the world is now ready to accept said truth. Advancements in science, specifically the intense focus on the Quantum realm, has the totality of Academia starring at the inevitable truth. That being, an aetheric reality must underpin all of existence.
That being said, I took time these last couple of days to see what kind of archive of my efforts still remained, doing so led me to Energetic Forums (I couldn't even remember I was active here for a few more years until looking for active forums and trying to register kicked me to recover password 👐). Reliving the event that got me banned over there, has proven very fruitful. Given my time to mature since my 20s, I re-analysized my theory on the "water fuel plug" and I'm pretty sure I have it ironed out now. I just want to preface this before I let it out. I was ultimately vindicated in respect to my judgement on that situation, in which Aaron totally wiped any record of. During a debate of operational theory. He shut me down, and then he attempted to belittle, and assign limits to cognitive ability on as a whole by saying "no one can ever understand how it actually works", all I did was point out the paradox of that statement, when he was, at the time running some sort of New Age Mysticism company/cult. Anyway, he went with his theory (that he and Lindemann were actually bullied into by an engineer lol) that the anomaly was caused by the forward primary pulse ionizing the airgap and then the capacitor just dumped the rest of the charge across the ion channel. Despite my attempt to offer several proofs to prove this otherwise, he never understood the true importance of that simple device (of which, someone on this thread, giving you testimony of Stan dumping a cap into the transformer, is %100 in line with my epiphany. Back then my explanation came to the correct conclusion, but was fundemental and over simplified). Out of greed he went on to patent automotive sparkplug, with his circuit, which he modified to fit, with the false theory of operation he also patented. I was bitter at first, but the plugs underperformed, were over priced, and the patents all expired due to non-payment of fees...lol
Anyway, my point is...it's now apparent that Energetic Forum, and his current forum is nothing more than free and R&D for their cult...It is my opinion, that Bearden was the only true talent, and they all faked their way to his side. They intentionally confuse and mislead to elevate their air of authority, and market themselves as gurus of this lost art to sell tickets/books.
So, I noticed that your last two video links on YouTube are broken...Is this still a safe space? I noticed hacking events taking place against this site, what is the current situation here?