The core size is one of the parameters in a transformer and especially in a pulse transformers, keeping the same gap a bigger core would have the effect of reducing the inductance or the primary and other coils by offering more flux it reduce the number of turns that effect inductance with the square function… with this coil calculator its possible to check this..
it apear to me that with one of my nc100 core would be already possible to get the power needed but having 6 stacks the inductance is much smaller so as number or turns… wire length and resistance thereof reducing power dissipation too
the window area of this C I core configuration is 1610mm2
Le 405
ur 1707
ae 645mm2
Bmax considered 0.350T
material IP12E
length of 1 turn primary 200mm 12awg 200v
secondary 400mm 18 awg. 600v
Adding more primary coils in parallel may be the needed option to increase the current capability and also to equilibrate the flux on the cores…
Do you know Reverb ? echo?
im wondering if wouldnt be possible to create a kind of electromagnetic reverberation of some kind by making the induced core to induce current on another core with its reaction to the first inducing current..
not sure if it would be possible since the secondary flux should cancel the flux of the primary but since its in the opposite direction i think that is possible that depending on the material there could be the chance to indeed extract power from the magnetic domain reconfiguration…
to improve he coupling of the primary to secondary and bifilar choke i plan to use one layer of each primary wound on 3 III cores with a clamp coil wound over it or maybe under it… another coil of same size would be placed on the 3 CCC cores too so it will drive the flux to this section only leaving the other sector of the vic “free of interference”…
A gap may exist between the III III stacks so that it wont effect much each other directly making them couple to the secondary individually.. in parallel in the same core will have about the same inductance but will share the current
coils in series could sum or subtract if coupled and if not coupled can only sum
coils not coupled connected in parallel will have the same behavior of resistors in parallel, reducing the inductance…
so i came to a conclusion that adding more cores is like adding coils not coupled to each other in parallel…