Meyer stated that the very key to this process is use the water as the source of electrons
The was I see this is reversing the electrolysis… instead of forcing electrons from copper to flow in water get the water electrons to flow into copper coil
But how
I split the theory In two
One you can generate electricity from water by using fields and making it shake within the fields to induce a useable voltage
Or second to induce directly in the water the voltage required
The reason for this I wrote few pages ago and is that the plan is when water discharge it’s energy it will produce gas at same time
Of course there will be a small voltage drop and it must be compensated by the generated voltage
The idea is that if the induction is captured by water it become a generator and shorting its outputs or using this power recycling or acummulating will make electrons flow and if they flow they will generate hydrogen on the positive relectdode since the reaction is reversed
The earth ground may be somehow important to the pois where we want to ionize it since we need to throw the electrons somehow… however I think the exhaust air flow was used for it… carrying excess electrons away … anyway I’m leaving this to the next step
I think in this induction method I’m working water may be conductive to work… or at least electronically ionized if pure water is used
Steve that’s exactly what I mean if I understood well what you mean
If water is in between this bucking field it receive a voltage induced to it and if a diode is there when it discharge it will discharge only in one direction…
Think of one turn having 10v induced to it
5 cells generating 2 volts and shorted thru a diode
Maybe just a resonant tank wound around the electrodes
Electrodes must be placed like the cuts of a pizza looking from up to catch the field inside the coil
As I’m explaining the hydrogen will be generated in the positive electrode since when electrons get this positive plate hydrogen will evolve on that electrode
That’s because the field inside is driving the reaction and not from outside
Instead of brute force electrolysis it’s a generation of energy
The challenges are
Make this work with the cells in series to be able to use only one diode to maximize the efficiency
Be able to take all this energy output and directly feedback into the power source to make it self sustaining
The 2 volts per cell being generated must be feedback into the system… it can run a generator for example
The secret is we must use power to make the hydrogen but we make electricity at same time doing it so this electricity must be reused again and again…
There is a post I wrote about why this is like this and even how much energy should be needed considering this feedback
Yesterday I worked at the frequency generation using esp32 but without the ad9833 chip
I made a simple program that can generate a frequency with 180 degrees from each other and have dutycycle adjustable from negative to positive values allowing a time between the pulses negative or positive allowing space between or superposition of the waveforms
It kind of worked but has some shaking involved to get cristal like stability it need to use a hardware timer and interrupts to make it
Can any of you help with that?
This are my attempts:
I will copy paste here
//Frquency generator
float period;
float dutycycle=0.90;
long frequency=5000;
int QA=21;
int QB=22;
float delayon;
float delayoff;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
pinMode(QA, OUTPUT);
pinMode(QB, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
if (dutycycle<1){
digitalWrite(QA, HIGH);
digitalWrite(QA, LOW);
digitalWrite(QB, HIGH);
digitalWrite(QB, LOW);
else {
digitalWrite(QA, LOW);
digitalWrite(QA, HIGH);
digitalWrite(QB, LOW);
digitalWrite(QB, HIGH);
This is the attempt to use the hardware timer
hw_timer_t *timer = NULL;
// Frquency generator settings
const float dutycycle = 0.5;
const long frequency = 2000;
const int QA = 21;
const int QB = 22;
// Variables for timer interrupt handler
volatile uint32_t timer_count = 0;
const uint32_t timer_period = 5 ; // Divided by 2 for 180 degrees out of phase
void IRAM_ATTR onTimer() {
if (timer_count >= timer_period) {
digitalWrite(QA, !digitalRead(QA));
digitalWrite(QB, !digitalRead(QB));
timer_count = 0;
void setup() {
pinMode(QA, OUTPUT);
pinMode(QB, OUTPUT);
// Initialize hardware timer
timer = timerBegin(0, 80, true);
timerAttachInterrupt(timer, &onTimer, true);
timerAlarmWrite(timer, timer_period, true);
void loop() {
// Duty cycle not used in hardware timer mode