Author Topic: My new approach  (Read 108005 times)

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Re: My new appro
« Reply #136 on: May 13, 2023, 07:56:55 am »
Fuel cells has a voltage drop by the limited diffusion of ions and others

Will be similar in this case… imagine a fuel cell that is systematically charged in between discharge cycles

Well it improves efficiency by obvious reason… the higher is the voltage you take out of the fuel cell the higher power is developed by hydrogen consumed..

It’s not the usual since they try to take the most power of it at the simplest way possible and in the way that the very sensitive electrodes can last longer

In a fuel cell the hydrogen is the negative electrode since it will give the electrons off thru the circuit when it get ionized by the catalyst and flow thru the electrolyte to the positive electrode where oxygen is oxidizing it

So the positive electrode in this case will be the outer tube because of greatest surface

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Impedance matching
« Reply #137 on: May 13, 2023, 20:58:09 pm »
Well to send more power to the cell as possible impedance matching is said to be important

For the reason that if power is reflected from the load in a direction that it don’t allow even more power to come in it’s going to block the power and even worst burn components as the energy is not able to discharge to the load

For solving that I remembered that if Q factor is 1 the energy in the coil will be forced to dissipate in one semi cycle

So if we solve the secondary to have the same reactance of the load it will be transferring most power to the load

And if the primary has a good coupling with secondary the voltage will be well limited within the range since the load is consuming  all the power

So for it I designed the core having a gap of large 4mm and a inductance of around 65mh that is close to the resistance I may have

Than primary will be simply ten times less turns than that… so I expect to have 1amp 2,5 kv going on the electrode or more

I’m going to use a diode for each primary and a capacitor in parallel with this diode the drain of each primary have a diode connected to the positive of the other primary coil in a way as to charge this capacitors instead of throwing out power… this will work was a kind of voltage doubler and will tell how much energy is being reflected by analyzing the wave form and moving the gap will be possible to match the impedance

What I mean is that if you have for example a secondary that has a big inductance compared to the resistance of the load than it will not be able to dump all its energy at once on that resistor it will instead form a high voltage thru it’s reactance

So the primary switching will suffer a high voltage pulse just because the load could not suck all the power or even any of it

If the load impedance increase is good but if it reduce don’t much

If it is bigger than reactance than the current will discharge faster and faster but the load will still absorb most power

I’m finishing this super power supply with amplifier and switches tonight

This will be the base for all or most my tests…

I still have another two power supplies that is with variac but limited power to 400 w like

Both have the variac and an isolation transformer with 100v output for 250v input with high current windings so it can give good amps at low volta too

One of them have taps and could get up to 40 amps with 20v it’s a 800w toroidal stepdown

The audio amplifier will run of a variable dc power supply for notebooks goes up to 24 v so it’s good til 5 amps

Later I can improve it’s power but for now it’s ok for what will be tested

I’m just missing some components like capacitors in my shop they are expensive and I’m short on money this month although I worked too much

I’m thinking of using some 20uf in parallel with diodes to start with and see if the impedance matching makes difference in the energy returning

My hipóteses is that as I adjust the gap and so the inductance the voltage across this capacitors will change according to the matching in the impedance

That would be the first challenge or one of them

« Last Edit: May 14, 2023, 00:03:11 am by sebosfato »

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #138 on: May 14, 2023, 00:08:33 am »
I would like to have at least 2 capacitors pairs of each





From at least 480v till 2kv

Would be nice to tests

I have only one of each kind of

Would be great to test the snubbers and all I’m mention

I found two 63v 10mf that I’m going to try

However I found a problem with this configuration as the primary will keep conducting if there is no resistance on it and also it will get a reverse voltage induced by the other primary and it would lead to it acting as a load…

So back to the clamp coil and making the regenerative snubber on only each side separately

The voltage residual in the snubbing will be equivalent to the impedance mismatch so adjusting the gap should be possible to find the point where all or most of energy is transmitted to the load

I’m just finishing the driver board for the switching and I’m going to make a program to generate a frequency with a duty cycle that can be positive or negative with a and b outputs 180 degrees of each other

Or I can maybe use the fracture cell ckt to drive it as it can make this analog way

I’m going to make a short video to show how the thing came up today on YouTube stay tuned

Take note and screenshot of the measurements

The procedure will be change the gap

Adjust the voltage and current to make the load have the same  as before on the load

Take note and screenshot of the measurements

Comparing the results and continue

When the point where minimum reflection occur most power will be on the load so now is time to get up with power and adjust accordingly from there

This is more or less the same procedure for tuning an antenna except for the differences

« Last Edit: May 14, 2023, 12:32:46 pm by sebosfato »

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #139 on: May 15, 2023, 08:47:03 am »
The bucking system is using bemf, is it?
It dumps the bemf into a capacitor, right?
So, how about the bucking circuit wit a wfc as capacitor?
I think that is what Meyer was trying to do.
And with the EEC, he could take even a charge back from the wfc. Maybe that was even needed as the voltage stayd to high in the wfc....

Just some thoughts...

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #140 on: May 15, 2023, 09:47:06 am »

(2 symbols) Ground or Chassis earth is a conductive path, which then means it has free electrons.
The car chassis or VW buggy chassis is mostly steel tubing made of Iron, FE atomic number 26 on the atomic table, which has free electrons.
The chassis is made from the same stuff as an electric fence on a farm. Sole purpose of fence is a conductive path.
The chassis is isolated from the ground by 4 rubber wheels. The fence is also isolated with plastic stand offs.
The chassis has more mass than the lead battery, Pb 82 on the atomic table.
The chassis is worth including in any research when thinking of free electrons

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #141 on: May 15, 2023, 13:00:54 pm »
Meyer stated that the very key to this process  is use the water as the source of electrons

The was I see this is reversing the electrolysis… instead of forcing electrons from copper to flow in water get the water electrons to flow into copper coil

But how

I split the theory In two

One you can generate electricity from water by using fields and making it shake within the fields to induce a useable voltage

Or second to induce directly in the water the voltage required

The reason for this I wrote few pages ago and is that the plan is when water discharge it’s energy it will produce gas at same time

Of course there will be a small voltage drop and it must be compensated by the generated voltage

The idea is that if the induction is captured by water it become a generator and shorting its outputs or using this power recycling or acummulating will make electrons flow and if they flow they will generate hydrogen on the positive relectdode since the reaction is reversed

The earth ground may be somehow important to the pois where we want to ionize it since we need to throw the electrons somehow… however I think the exhaust air flow was used for it… carrying excess electrons away … anyway I’m leaving this to the next step

I think in this induction method I’m working water may be conductive to work… or at least electronically ionized if pure water is used

Steve that’s exactly what I mean if I understood well what you mean

If water is in between this bucking field it receive a voltage induced to it and if a diode is there when it discharge it will discharge only in one direction…

Think of one turn having 10v induced to it

5 cells generating 2 volts and shorted thru a diode

Maybe just a resonant tank wound around the electrodes

Electrodes must be placed like the cuts of a pizza looking from up to catch the field inside the coil

As I’m explaining the hydrogen will be generated in the positive electrode since when electrons get this positive plate hydrogen will evolve on that electrode

That’s because the field inside is driving the reaction and not from outside

Instead of brute force electrolysis it’s a generation of energy

The challenges are

Make this work with the cells in series to be able to use only one diode to maximize the efficiency

Be able to take all this energy output and directly feedback into the power source to make it self sustaining

The 2 volts per cell being generated must be feedback into the system… it can run a generator for example
The secret is we must use power to make the hydrogen but we make electricity at same time doing it so this electricity must be reused again and again…

There is a post I wrote about why this is like this and even how much energy should be needed considering this feedback

Yesterday I worked at the frequency generation using esp32 but without the ad9833 chip

I made a simple program that can generate a frequency with 180 degrees from each other and have dutycycle adjustable from negative to positive values allowing a time between the pulses negative or positive allowing space between or superposition of the waveforms

It kind of worked but has some shaking involved to get cristal like stability it need to use a hardware timer and interrupts to make it

Can any of you help with that?

This are my attempts:
I will copy paste here

//Frquency generator

float period;
float dutycycle=0.90;
long frequency=5000;
int QA=21;
int QB=22;
float delayon;
float delayoff;

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:


pinMode(QA, OUTPUT);
pinMode(QB, OUTPUT);


void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

if (dutycycle<1){


digitalWrite(QA, HIGH);


digitalWrite(QA, LOW);


digitalWrite(QB, HIGH);


digitalWrite(QB, LOW);


else {
digitalWrite(QA, LOW);


digitalWrite(QA, HIGH);


digitalWrite(QB, LOW);


digitalWrite(QB, HIGH);




This is the attempt to use the hardware timer

hw_timer_t *timer = NULL;

// Frquency generator settings
const float dutycycle = 0.5;
const long frequency = 2000;
const int QA = 21;
const int QB = 22;

// Variables for timer interrupt handler
volatile uint32_t timer_count = 0;
const uint32_t timer_period = 5 ; // Divided by 2 for 180 degrees out of phase

void IRAM_ATTR onTimer() {
  if (timer_count >= timer_period) {
    digitalWrite(QA, !digitalRead(QA));
    digitalWrite(QB, !digitalRead(QB));
    timer_count = 0;

void setup() {
  pinMode(QA, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(QB, OUTPUT);

  // Initialize hardware timer
  timer = timerBegin(0, 80, true);
  timerAttachInterrupt(timer, &onTimer, true);
  timerAlarmWrite(timer, timer_period, true);

void loop() {
  // Duty cycle not used in hardware timer mode

« Last Edit: May 15, 2023, 17:21:55 pm by sebosfato »

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #142 on: May 16, 2023, 01:18:43 am »
I called a company to get the electrodes cut in laser but they charge too much for my pocket

I want to make 10 40mm x 22 mm x 1mm stainless steel plates just to play around and they want like 70euros equivalent for it

So I naturally will do it my self cutting one by one with my hands already have the plates from another project so I’m going to pick one and cut

The plan is to make a holder for this plates on the 3d printer and two of them will be join together with an insulator  and have wires For outputs

This is just to close the pizza and take the positive and negative potentials of the water turn

The number of cells will depend on the voltage induced per turn

Working with some holes with Egyptian kind of old technology it may be possible that the magnetic fields involved cause a pressure on one side of the electrodes

Some times I laughed out loud with the things that pass thru my mind

Here is a video with the power supply and switches!

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #143 on: May 16, 2023, 03:41:23 am »
Meyer stated that the very key to this process  is use the water as the source of electrons

Yesterday I worked at the frequency generation using esp32 but without the ad9833 chip

I made a simple program that can generate a frequency with 180 degrees from each other and have dutycycle adjustable from negative to positive values allowing a time between the pulses negative or positive allowing space between or superposition of the waveforms

It kind of worked but has some shaking involved to get cristal like stability it need to use a hardware timer and interrupts to make it

Can any of you help with that?

Which ESP board do you have?