Author Topic: My new approach  (Read 107660 times)

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Water electrical ground
« Reply #128 on: May 06, 2023, 16:31:13 pm »
In the resonant cell the ground is the region where no voltage is generated and it extends in the middle between where the water molecules acquire positive and negative potentials

Have you ever read the water energy generator patent? From John Quincy saint clair?

He uses the arrangement of a coils that he claim to open a wormhole that can bring energy into our dimension…

I wonder if he and Meyer didn’t had something to do with each other

I’m starting to think Meyer could be under fbi protection and could be living still somewhere there’s this witness programs in USA and perhaps he could have being under protection and perhaps working under the scenes laughing at us hahah …

Today is the day I’m going to be working at it till the end

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Phase angle loop
« Reply #129 on: May 06, 2023, 19:29:04 pm »
So ok I got the pll to work and now I just found that in the lock range it will go from 0 degree  At 1.1v at the VCO  til 270 degree

I thought this minimum phase lag was caused by the feedback slewrate but apparently I was wrong about that one

If we want it to lock and maintain a certain phase relationship the offset resistor must be tuned or automatically changed

The way to do that is set a voltage that would cause the phase to be the desired than feed it to a comparator and the output is sent to a controller that will read and determine if infrease or reduce the resistance… this way it will lock in frequency and than in phase

The dds module I used ad9833 don’t have the clock output so I can’t generate a square wave in sync with it directly.. however getting this sine into the feedback is possible to use the pll to generate it

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #130 on: May 08, 2023, 18:11:11 pm »

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #131 on: May 09, 2023, 01:21:39 am »
Is so much work but is getting almost done…

Lot going on here

I just finished the super Dc power supply and switching

I’m thinking that may be over kill to have 3 igbts per line but looks very nice

I just need make sure not burning them up

For that I’m going to use a clamp coil scheme and I’m going to make a very nice thing I’m going to add a capacitor in parallel with the diode from the positive to each line this way the capacitor will be charged with the excess energy in the coils from previous cycle and so on the idea is that is must be able to handle the energy that cannot couple to the load or to the clamp

I believe a 100nf would be a good starting pount maybe higher …

I ordered a new lcr meter as my old one was not working very well and I broken when trying to fix it

It’s sad because it was almost working but when I started messing with the high capacitance metering that by the way I didn’t needed

It suddenly never started again

So in some weeks a new one arrive

Without knowing the inductances and mutual inductance etc will be a guess job do snubb this stuff

Regenerative snubbing is definitely the way to go as it has the efficient use of energy and also it creates a greater output peak

It also allow the collapse of the coils while maintaining the voltage leves the switch can survive..

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #132 on: May 10, 2023, 02:15:30 am »
I found the origin of the glitch … it was because I wired only analog ground from the ad9833 chip to the pll board and was using a digital signal… wiring digital ground solved it …now it’s clean

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #133 on: May 10, 2023, 09:52:37 am »
I found the origin of the glitch … it was because I wired only analog ground from the ad9833 chip to the pll board and was using a digital signal… wiring digital ground solved it …now it’s clean

wel done!
I hate those groundwires.... :)

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #134 on: May 12, 2023, 08:56:57 am »
Very strange indeed.. I though it would be the same… but seem the analog is only good for the triangle and sine wave

But the waves output on both grounds. Strange

I wonder how it work

This weekend I hope get some hydrogen  juice out of water

Hope to make some time for it

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #135 on: May 12, 2023, 09:06:38 am »
I basically reduced the system to two possible situations

One in that the water vibrates under resonance and accumulate kinnetic energy that is later converted to electric energy

And a second where the energy is induced thru or just flowed thru the water directly by induction

In the first there are many variables and dependencies

The second need some less concern at least as it seems

I did tests in the past with a water coil however it was long and although it had a high voltage induced to it the current was minimal and so it didn’t generated gas… the resistance was so much that trying to take any current out cause a voltage drop in the coil

The coil was made of plastic tube filled with conductive water and having electrodes on its ends

Now the idea is to use the unipolar pulsing for it

And secondly to make it possible to connect in series to get the maximum voltage output to current possible

The bucking configuration of John Quincy st Clair apear to me as a good way to generate the unipolar fields in a space

Anyway I’m trying first with my gigantic ferritic cores to make the same in little different geometry

Is not actually the same thing I just found that that configuration of two toroids inside the other with different radi also can induce in the space between the toroids and in the middle a field that will be dc like if pulsed the way I described one at a time with the correct polarity and allowing each coil to collapse fast enough to not disrupt or cut the dc field created for too long… that way two regions will be created by side one in the middle and one between the coils …

The idea of bucking coils is very interesting since you can induce a voltage and result different current transformation

In my case I’m thinking of it from the perspective of having two cores side by side and pulse each primary and being the water the secondary… if I succeed the unipolar field current must be able to be taken out of water at the same voltage induced to it at least theoretically…

I think oxygen will be generated at the negative  electrode because the reaction is reversed I mean generating electricity instead of consuming

If a voltage is applied to the electrodes in this situation synchronized with the induction the current will result zero outside but during this brief moment of collapse it may be able to keep the field to avoid reversal of polarity

Basically working like a dc motor as it reach maximum speed

If you short it than you get maximum current out equal to the voltage divided by impedance

If you consider the field induced the electrons must come from the negative electrodes and so oxygen will come off from it

On the other side the positive electrode will be the one generating hydrogen… that can be showed with a multimeter or oscilloscope


« Last Edit: May 13, 2023, 07:41:42 am by sebosfato »