Author Topic: My new approach  (Read 107670 times)

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Water and antigravity
« Reply #112 on: April 22, 2023, 14:46:49 pm »
Water antigravity

Somehow I have the impression that water can be used to create an antigravity device because of its properties to change state by pressure impact and temperature….

I saw the other day some guy working a device with mercury very interesting indeed

However water can change physical state meaning that it could be launched as ice rocks and when it hits the skull become steam weightless and than become liquid and ice again…

The main thing is that if the fabric of space time exist and we tap into it there may be a combination of fields capable of giving thrust to a moving medium without the reaction force in the assembly that because you are using space time fabric as the reference..

Like the N machine or faraday disk  will create a voltage even if the magnet rotate together with the disk… that mean that the magnet creates a amplification of the space time fabric and it’s standing still… it’s deformed by gravity and can be curved electromagnetically

If momentum conservation can be violated this may be the way…

Gyroscopes are also very interesting…

So this certainly is my next project…

I mean after the water can be it’s energy source in a closed loop…

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #113 on: April 23, 2023, 21:56:18 pm »
First test was a complete failure

The  50 amp full wave bridge rectifier got burned so i need to make a substitution for a more powerful one…

Water didn’t move but it showed the creamy white milky hydrogen and produced hydrogen bubbles applying 50v 1 amp straight to it…

I’m using tap water about 80ppm contaminant

So it seem that with the configuration the cell resistance is around 50 ohm

I tried reversing the polarities and didn’t really made much difference to the current flow

I will have to take the cell apart because some components inside are not protected against the environment attacks and is getting corroded so I’m going to paint them with epoxy to make it protected and isolated

I’m also going to take the acrylic part of and design on 3d the cell to try get more juice from the components on the water channel.

The acrylic is 3mm thick so it block more than desired the effect

May not be the preferred geometry after all…

The inner electrode may be hollow for better distribution of the field…

I’m trying to have this very high current buildup at the very surface of the inner electrode such to create a strong field because of the movement of electrons…

When you apply current to something the electrons does not flow a straight line

I like imaging the electrons kind of vortex around instead of going straight and this is what cause the magnetic field to be around the wire not parallel to it

Parallel to it is the induced voltage

My intention is to get skin effect to cause a sort of field emission so I’m wiring the cell with two electrical power sources like a catholic tube

I was chatting with gpt and got the conclusion that if certain electric field is at the water does not matter how pure water is it will conduct because it will ionize into its constituents molecules and atoms…

I could see no effect because the electrode is 1/2 inch diameter so although the current is very high at dc it won’t really form skin effect… the resistance was around 10miliohm including the connectors and wiring…

I think to get a better field the electrode must be hollow and it should be very thin and perhaps have a core inside to help increase the inductance also a copper could be electroplated inside to improve conduction… or just to help soldering

The skin effect can be verified as a kind of impedance that makes the wire conduct more at its surface because of magnetic repealing
« Last Edit: April 25, 2023, 03:03:46 am by sebosfato »

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Re: My new approach
« Reply #114 on: April 29, 2023, 02:25:43 am »
There was no time this week for working in it unfortunately… hopefully this weekend I can finish it!

Spend the day working at the analog pll ckt with the 2018 new  board

It works quite decently now except for the potentiometers that are old and crappy

The gate ckt works quite well also but have some glitching being caused by old potentiometer too

Scanning ckt works but is failing at Start for some reason that I don’t know why

I found something interesting that I’m going to share…

The frequency dividers are connected to a triple 4 way switch and so it can act as a frequency divider

However I don’t think this is the best use for it

As I’m designing a cavity that works at certain frequency that is known would be much better to use another section of this switches to also switch capacitors for the pll this way is possible to maintain the same frequency range while changing the bandwidth of the ckt

For example
Here I have 1nf capacitor giving 40khz band width with a 200koum pot and lowest possible value for r1

Dividing by 10 it gives a 4khz band width and so on

The off set will bring this from 4khz to 16khz

So I believe Stan used this triple 4 way switches to not only set a different range but also a different bandwidth

For the gate a controler could be used counting the pulses by n

There is a ringing in the bnc output to the scope… maybe a resistor should be added before the bnc…

What I mean is that this pll must be set to work with some specific frequency and not to generate from zero to 10khz like what is heard

For example if the cell suppose to work from 2 to 3 kHz as an example why would I want my ckt to generate 3 hz?

The only reason would be to display frequency or as I said to have selectable bandwidth along with frequency range… like a fine tune option…

Any of you know why I may have this problem with the scanning ckt?

It’s basically a square wave going to the lm741 having a 10uf cap with a 100k in parallel with It and 2,5 volts ref at the other input..

I’m working from 5 volt maybe that is the issue with lm741… I may try substitute it for another type…

I found that a good mod to the scanning would be add a diode that shorts it on one direction to make a ramp only instead of triangle….

Also reducing the resistor in parallel with it will make the ramp less strong upon higher frequencies..

I think the best way to go would be a 10 turn 100kohm resistor for the off set at least is the higher capacitance I could find

Than use capacitors change along with the dividers

Also the lock in error capacitor could also be switched to allow it to indicate the lock when higher band width is going…

Basically the scanning occur within this bandwidth so you can use the off set to be able to have a range to look into

For example you have 100hz bandwidth this mean you can vary from 1000hz to 1100hz

The off set let you set the frequency from 1000 to 2000 for example so you can go from 2000 to 2100

Getting the frequency divided while changing the capacitor will allow to a selection of bandwidth like 1000hz 100hz 10hz and 1hz for example!

For the offset frequency and bandwidth it’s different on the hc7046 is higher for same components.. my top frequency here using. 1nf capacitor and with off set at maximum with 350khz bandwidth it goes to 2megahhz

Just my 50 cents

I recently got some lm311 for testing with feedback so I’m now substituting the lm741 for it..

I thought that maybe using the 15v supply into it and maybe use something on the off set could allow using it but I’m afraid doing anything wrong and burning the very very expensive pll chip

If I remember well I paid like 25 euros for this chip.. like 16 or 17 years ago

Something else to consider is to gate the feedback signal as to prevent differences in phase

Although when the gate kicks in the disable pin is activated in the e pll Im not sure the phase comparators stop working

So if you still have feedback it will force it out of lock or at least cause noise

I bought a 10 turn 100k pot for the offset arrive today

If I wanted to microcontrol the pll a digital pot could be used to scan thru all the range automatically for example

Having a 100hz bandwidth give it 50hz off set steps every 2 seconds so you can scan from 1000hz to 10kz in about one minute

« Last Edit: April 30, 2023, 08:40:51 am by sebosfato »

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« Reply #115 on: April 30, 2023, 09:47:56 am »
1khz is 20% of 5 kHz so is a reasonable lock range from 4,5khz to 5,5khz

10% would be 500hz

And 2% 100hz

And so on

The pll locks in phase so although the lock range is 2% it only means it will seek in that range but once locked the precision will be of the phase lag only…

The importance of having this control is to be able to skip the non desired resonance!

Also if the Q factor is too high having a vast lock range would leave too little time for the different frequencies to cause effect and resposnse in time

So basically the off set will be the most important button so it can be a multi turn with locking screw if possible…!!!!

Specially to work in a car subjected to  vibration

I’m currently using a trim por for the bandwidth resistor so basically setting it make the bandwidth  fixed

When dividing by 10 it also divide by 10…

So I plan to use 100 10 1 and lastly a variable capacitance for the last cycle… that way it can be varied in frequency and bandwidth at same time

I think 10hz for the last range may be just enough  so I’m going for something like

10000 1000 100 10 hz

So the manual or scanning ckt  tuning should go for example from 100hz to 10,1khz up to 100khz to 110khz with off set

Likely in The second case would go from 100 to 1100 hz  up to 100khz to 101khz

And so on

Of course if required just need to adjust the trim pot for more or less band

But this seem an acceptable range for working on this given my experience

The hc7046 have an internal ckt for the lock so I just need to add a capacitor… a selector could be used for it and for also the filter to allow use for multiple frequencies

But again as this is not really the case… but if constructing an equipment that could go from 1khz to 1mhz filter and lock capacitor must be also selected

From 1khz to 50khz it may not be necessary…  or not too necessary

I’m pretty happy with the results already the pcb makes a very huge difference in stability and also workability

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Almost ready…
« Reply #116 on: April 30, 2023, 15:44:01 pm »
Anxiety is the word today… 

Can’t wait to put all this to work… the 3d printer is working on the coils formers and so the first tests I’m going to do will be with the unipolar transformer

I’m going to make A B tests using the digital and the analog plls

Until I complete the feedback it’s only frequency generators…

Beating the tube with the hand and maintaining closed is  possible to detect the resonant frequency of the tube in air and so it can be derived for water… I used a guitar tunings app for phone and my pretty voice to repeat the sound of the tube for getting more easily reading

The frequency with water will be higher… around 4 times higher

After 1,30 hours struggling with the Lm311 I discovered the hard way the difference between a comparator and an amplifier

Gpt helps

Adding wires to the capacitors was not a good idea it became unstable… it would work if it was designed in the pcb… so I will have to solder the desired capacitor for the correct band width…

The 100k por works nice but it shows some non linearity in the off set with lower resistance values… upper frequency

So the last turn gives more off set… to get if more Linear A potentiometer with higher value and smaller capacitor could be used but for me is just fine…  so the minimum resistance can be higher too…

« Last Edit: April 30, 2023, 18:41:07 pm by sebosfato »

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Scanning ckt
« Reply #117 on: May 01, 2023, 10:35:12 am »
The scanning ckt now it’s better after 4 different ics I ended up using a lm358

It was smd so I soldered some wires to the chip and made a hot glue encapsulement so I can manipulate without disconnecting the wires

I used a capacitor of 1uf  across opamp and 10kohm pot for the reference voltage

From the square wave come a 1megaohm trim pot

Adding a diode in parallel with the trim pot makes the wave a ramp instead of triangle

Adding another diode and small resistor in parallel with the timing resistor in the 555 timer it can create a very low width pulse

Ding all this the frequency is 1.8hz ramp from 480mv to 3.9v

I’m still trying to stabilize this minimum and maximum voltage but I’m not that much expert with opamps… if you know how I can improve that please help me!!!

The pll need from 1.1 v and up below it the frequency won’t be varying or at least is going to be useless as is bellow the lock range

The lm358 seem to be the way to go… although some opamp with offset could be useful in that regard

If you can help please get this signal within limits let me know

« Last Edit: May 01, 2023, 15:39:23 pm by sebosfato »

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Ready to test
« Reply #118 on: May 01, 2023, 17:43:09 pm »
I believe the circuit is now useable for testing

It can go from 700hz to 18khz with the current capacitor

I tried the locking system by hardwiring the signals into the comparators and so the lock in led light up and stops the scanning at that point / frequency

I’m thinking to have the filter hardwired to pin 9 so it’s already connected and so will have the exact voltage at lock instant

I’m not sure if it’s there… I found that sort of the noise I was seeing at the scanning wave came from the filter missing the capacitor… I added 10n to start … the lock in capacitor is 1nf

The output of the led is directly connected to the pin 1 of 7046 and to a resistors and ground so it light when locked …pin one become positive

Now the system that supposed to be beautiful already look like Frankenstein with some wires going around but is still fertile soil to plant more chips and wires…

It only missing now the feedback ckt to have a working phase locked loop… now comes the hard part

For this I will use the frequency generator as a tool for driving currents into resistors and work from that … just how I start

When I get a good isolated feed back signal it’s good to start testing with water…

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Crappy components
« Reply #119 on: May 01, 2023, 19:53:50 pm »
Crappy components ruin the good work and wastes so much good time…

I lost hours because of the auto manual switch as it was crappy one and had bad contacts… maybe bad soldering in the past without flux… component substituted and now the scanning work with no flaw

Now a long way testing…

I’m going to make a follow test with the frequency gen in the feedback to see if it locks and follow if in the range and how the filter behave the multi switch is including 500ohms in series when switched on… that may be because it’s working on 5 v

The correct part would be one for 5v but I haven’t it here

Anyway it already seem to be switching when in lock so it may not be a big problem to have this 500ohm between the filter and pin 9 as it may compensate anyway…

1 de maio de 2023

1 de maio de 2023

1 de maio de 2023

The quad bilateral switch should be HCT 4066 instead of cd4016 that I’m using… this hct part has low on resistance and is faster is designed to work at 5v max… so is perfect for this board… if I notice some voltage across it during operation I may substitute it as it may be cause difference with the loop… supposedly the pin 9 has a high impedance input but who knows… the voltage across it will tell the current consumption from the pin 9

Also I added some 10nf capacitors at the trim going in the non inverting input and also at the output…just to clean up a bit

I than may use the other opamp in the lm358 for voltage follower of the output of the first so there no chance for the pin9 impedance to interfere on the scanning ckt… hopefully I can get a better voltage range regulation at least and maybe cleanup the small negative spike coming randomly
« Last Edit: May 01, 2023, 20:41:19 pm by sebosfato »