Check my YouTube channel tomorrow you will see hopefully a demonstration of current being restricted and voltage taking over
I hope to be able to show the stepped up waveform with double frequency just like Stan show
No magic
I’m starting to think that those tube cells was only for comparison with.electrolysis
Remember who wins the war tell the story
Who's at war? I've already done the wave form too.
I mean after Stan passed his stuff we’re only found years later and probably some of that stuff could be from someone who worked trying to make it work again for example … in my experience we will never know the true of what happen and how exactly he did.. so who wins the war tells the story stands for we know what they left us to know…
That said getting to the point the correct way of measuring the cell voltage would be using a resistor in series with it at least so you guarantee the voltage of the resistor is the same in both the situations… if in any way the voltage across the resistor plus cell is greater for same current flow than you can have some sort of effect
However I did it many times and found nothing I encourage you too look further
Now I’m into make the water work as the electron source… that for me is what will change its resistance
The whole process of electric polarization as I described on my thread not sure if you read it…
Im building a very nice setup so I can demonstra it well
I’m even thinking about using labview to plot the impedance curve of the cell in order to have a better understanding on how to improve it better
The way I would do it would be using a resistor in series and one in parallel with the cell as a divider
On labview than we can show the power the impedance whatever
The thing is a plot of voltage around the cavity resonating frequency