Just to re-inform the people of this forum, an overunity device that is presented or reveiled almost Everytime research is done on this subject, you or the researcher will be rewarded with (biffilar) coils.
Further researching how biffilar coil or coils is such an overunity device and produces more power than what is consumed is promising with notable examples given a names for the ones that's succeeded.
I can say, 10,000 volts at 1 amp is what I call light weight power.
I also say, 10,000 amps at only 1 volt is heavy wait power.
Clearly, trying to contain 10,000 amps seems impossible, but containing 1 amp is a worn out ideal that happens millions of times a day.
I've broughtght attention to the 500,000 volts in the milliamp range that is stepped down to household electric that just converts the voltage down and amperage up, but nobody seemed to pick up on it. So I'll say again, what must we do with that wool wheel generating millions of volts in the microamp range, how must that be converted.
Has anyone figured out why the stepdown transformer has a flat secondary winding yet? That's submerged in a fluid. Is it still not known, or learned that hv levitating over hundreds of miles charges the air around itself causing a static moving charge to capacitate itself. That is the answer to voltage doing work. Now on the dynamic side of things we have large flat secondaries. Now when you contain hv and milliamps in the same canister with low voltage and massive current, a jar could and will cause a static attack on the dynamic current that's placed around the charge. This depleteithe low voltage and small current as when the hv and high current meet, it becomes a un deacovered atomic bomb that creates a light so bright and a sound louder than thunder with a propulsion that can not be contained in a step like function.
Biffilar coils are very similar to this explanintatation, just on a much smaller scale sice, well, suck small coils produce great current and hv, but not millions of hv and massive amounts of current like a pole transformer would.
A coil is basically a capacitor that has a static charge. The frequency is nothiymore than, explained in this manner,, during the excitation of such inductor a field is created only for a brief period of time that only exists for a given time no matter the time the coil is left energized. And upon collapsing of this field a power of static is crossed, xyz, and that static is only emmited for a brief period of time. The strength depends on the coil and power exerted. The frequency is the fastest amount of time you can cause the coil to behave in this manner. At the fastest speed point a given coil can tolerate energy crosses. This is done on a microscale we call wireless transmission of energy. However the frequency at it's high point is used for this reason and you are given a formula to rack your brain on for resonate frequency of the circuit, what is not taught is that at the lowest un, resonate, none static transforming frequency static is actually at it's strongest point only when, I will use the term dead shorted in such a way to it's complementary neighboring coil just opposite in size from itself and voltage and current but yet equal in power at it's lowest transduced loss off energy confirming it's truest tune point, like that on the power pole. I will end by saying, a condenser and a capacitor is not similar. A condenser allowes a coil to condense preventing points from melting. The condenser was later replaced with a inductor, and that is not a direction one should even attempt to understand as tuning such a coil to condense in that manner as the consensus a dead short if not configured correctly, I would advise to sticking in kindagarden mode and stick to the condenser. Enough said for the moment. But there is 2 directions to choose from here, the cold standing wave, and that other, nobody has caught in to yet that I just tried to crack a bit of light on just for you, my friends here at ionization.