let's find out what happens with conservation of momentum and electromagnetism, there are many cases where the famous EM laws fail to predict the conservation of momentum, the conservation of momentum is a very fundamental principle, a very important consequence is that when you push something it pushes you back
there are many paradoxes with free charges and magnetic forces, the magnetic force never conserves the momentum of the particles
another phycisist came up with this apparatus but but but... he disregards the lorrentz force and uses an experimental equation for the EM force plus he is an anti-relativity guy, I used to think the same until I used relativity in my own theory
there is a simple cause for the misinterpretation of the lorrentz force it's because it's incomplete, it doesn't take into account the relativistic fields due to velocity and acceleration!!!!!!!!
there are 5 terms in my equation one for the regular and on for the relative field force
however when you make the coil I drew below how do the forces cancel to conserve momentum