Author Topic: Plasma Ignition Dispute Energetic Forum calling out Aaron and Luc  (Read 4929 times)

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Re: Plasma Ignition Dispute Energetic Forum calling out Aaron and Luc
« Reply #8 on: September 28, 2021, 10:17:53 am »
5% petrol , waterfog, and a high voltage spark....

Thats almost everything on water.
I wonder if he just cannot make hho or H to replace the 5% petrol...

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Re: Plasma Ignition Dispute Energetic Forum calling out Aaron and Luc
« Reply #9 on: September 28, 2021, 22:10:49 pm »
Just saw Steve’s posting above. Walter did use fuel. Ok… I have also wondered if you can replace with HHO and cause fracturing of the fog.

This is the Walter Jenkins video I watched where he talks about mixing water with fuel.
Walter Jenkins knew Stanley Meyer?
Is he helping where did he go?


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Re: Plasma Ignition Dispute Energetic Forum calling out Aaron and Luc
« Reply #10 on: August 09, 2022, 11:08:10 am »
funny you have this right before i post this here i wanna entertain you guys as well. and make a formal declaration that none of these things belong ton any of the fakes... MARCONNI'S

Feel free to copy and paste this as far as u car across Luc, Aaron, and Walters pages. Tired of being humble quiet and forth coming to get run of by douche monkeys like this.
Ionization X is the official site of release to public domain YouTube is record of first to show. this stuff is covered under electronics copyright. i hold the rights despite what these guys say and before me the other people whose work has lit my path to knowing how to get where I wanna go. I've had a hell of a group of men i've learned from.

full credit for all that I released in the past and in the future goes to Stanley Meyer,. Daniel Dinkle, Andrija Puharich, Aaron Saulter Jr. Louis Rosocha.
I unlike Aaron Marconni and his mary group of charlatans did nothing single handedly.  Credit goes to all those who come before me and after.

Hey guys he is using my design from some time ago without any credit to the original designer of the device. He is using an ultrasonic humidifier and added a small percentage of gasoline which will suspend nicely with the water as it is super-heated through cavitation. However the fuel being lighter will come out of the water at a faster rate and this will be a short run appearing that it is running on water when it is no different than just adding the fuel in the mix except here in a deceptive way to make exaggerated claims.

  I see Luc right under this comment and Aaron "Marconni" can't be far off from here. This group is such classic charlatans or those who present something as their own original ideas knowing dam well it was done elsewhere first. if you want the real mind behind this stuff. Come to Channel Fastimports3 first to show. Whatever you want to know free all the time. Any donations to work towards the next advancement would greatly be appreciated. I'm back and ready to take that place in the front again.

THE Proffesor
first to show the cold fog system
first to show build and show the plasma ignition
and I'll be first to show a working hydrogen gas gun
come to     fastimports3
i share and explain all there free of charge and please read my struggle it is posted there for all to know I'm as real and 100% as it gets. I may have been too modest for too long with this group right here. They are sucking you guys dry for free info

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Re: Plasma Ignition Dispute Energetic Forum calling out Aaron and Luc
« Reply #11 on: August 09, 2022, 11:35:01 am »
Sorry if this is too much guys but i have dumped a lot here u guys know things about me now that will add up to why I'm gonna start Breaking Bad on the bad actors in my life. tired of being the nice guy. i just wanna make a difference help be left alone and have fun doing it. meh and channel a lil oppositional defiance issues so i dont get my stuff in trouble doing dumb shit because i have no place to play Twisted Sister and get crazy. seems like it. The word NO, YOU CAN'T, YOU WONT, I'LL DARE YOU, ITS IMPOSSIBLE!!!! That's all the fire I need but the arrogance that flows from the energetic forum with the other things I've experience on the way and to know being humble and reserved while that is happening. Add anger to defiance. And is all the driving force in the world one needs finish  and do the alleged impossible. BECAUSE I CAN the things others cant imagine..,,. AND IF u COULD u Aaron and the ass hats would've u had 8 years to catch up while listen to u stroke ur sad lil EGO. ..

YOu Aaron would make a great Judge it would very complimentary to ur EGo sir

Sorry guys at the least it should be funny. Spread it whatever I just didnt think it was possible to dislike somebody so much. He definitely has a inner sanctum of frauds. Who is the bad guy/s  ouy here.

Here's what audience says about me. Where's ur testi MONEY ????       A--Ron

funnny video for the house... on Todd Miller also how I learned about Kickstarter
