Projects by members > Introduction benefits of registering
jim miller:
if you're just logging in as a guest, you may want to consider registering a a member of ionizationx
Benefits include access to many patents, documents and links to many videos, pictures not usually found
in searching the web
Additionally many team members are helpful to newbies and long timers in their research efforts
--- Quote from: jim miller on February 23, 2021, 21:53:25 pm ---if you're just logging in as a guest, you may want to consider registering a a member of ionizationx
Benefits include access to many patents, documents and links to many videos, pictures not usually found
in searching the web
Additionally many team members are helpful to newbies and long timers in their research efforts
--- End quote ---
This IS a valuable forum. Let's hope it doesn't disappear like so many others. Many thanks to Steve for keeping it going.
- tek
jim miller:
I agree, members should be greeting and welcoming new members and asking what their interests are, and to encourage them or pointing them to the helpful
resources here at ionizationx
I usually send a private message and welcome questions to me so they don't hesitate to ask questions for fear of appearing foolish or uninformed.
Thank you guys...
Cannot do all this without you...
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