The presence of ferrofluids in the series of photos released by Don Gabel shows a bottle of EFH-1
at the L3 storage unit.
One of the papers that was going to be presented at the 2020 Bremen Conference gave some conclusions about
selection process that Stan might have used in choosing the EFH series
Some charts follow:
Chart (c)2019
1. A chart showing Saturation Magnetization vs Magnetic Particle Concentration of EMG Oil Based Ferrofluids
There is a direct linear relationship between how much magnetic saturation (strength) and the percent of
magnetite in suspension
2. Although the Ms vs % magnetite is linear, the rheological ("thickness or viscosity" characteristics are not.
At concentrations of more than 10% magnetite, there is a rapid increase in viscosity.
3 FerroTech(r) only had 2 viscosity Educational Ferrofluids EFH at the time of Stan Meyer's research EFH1 and EFH-4
but EFH -1 had the most saturation but was the thinnest of the two choices
4 The EMG series ( a similar Oil Based Ferrofluid) has 5 different types with varied magnetic saturation and
viscosities so these were examined because a a greater number of data points
It is seen that in the EFH series that the EFH-1 has the highest Ms/ viscosity ratio
In the EMG series EMG-905 has the highest Ms/viscosity ratio
Stan Meyer was likely looking for a Ferrofluid that maximized Ms in relation to viscosity
If the ferrofluid is too thick it might show greater resistance to pumping
If the ferrofluid is too thin it does not maximize the Ms needed for power generation
There appears to be a "Goldilocks zone" not too thick to pump and not too weak in terms of
the magnetic saturation of flux limits.
For the oil based (actually a type of kerosene) ferrofluids having a magnetic susceptibility
of 400 gauss seem to be terms of magnetic susceptibility in relation to viscosity.
That being said is is very likely that ferrofluids were tried in the mechanical drive
EPG and possibly in other EPG types