Author Topic: The final step towards running an engine on Hydroxy  (Read 66456 times)

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Re: The final step towards running an engine on Hydroxy
« Reply #64 on: June 05, 2008, 11:44:57 am »
Well, I talked to the machinest today and he can't make the cone shape like I wanted but will make a small verson for me put on at the end of the tubes. That should get my testing to finally see if Meyer's graph data is right, and production goes up sharply. The way I understand it from a science point of view is at the base of the cone the area is the highest, and has the greatest capacitance and weakest magnetic field, and at the tip it has the lowest capacitance and the highest magnetic field. That is why Meyer calls it a wave guide and I think this suits the properties of water just right. For when water temperture changes up or down the resonance frequency changes with it, right? Now this cone shaped will have just the right capacitance somewhere along it's sides of the resonant cavity to keep up with waters ever changing needs. That's my thinking anyway.

h2, when you make the top of yr tubes smaller, conish, then you will need  more pressure from the othersite, otherwise all gas wants to escape from the bottum of yr tubes...


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Re: The final step towards running an engine on Hydroxy
« Reply #65 on: June 05, 2008, 14:01:31 pm »

 Where can I see a photo of this impossible to build, cone ??


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Re: The final step towards running an engine on Hydroxy
« Reply #66 on: June 18, 2008, 07:56:31 am »
My B20 engine is puring like a kitten at 2 deg. After TDC on pure H2, il look in on other timing too but makes more sense to me to hawe ignition as close to TDC as you can

Just a static timing since there is no carb when im runing pure H2

Need some more equipment before I can deliver consumption numbers

Il hawe some video ready when the new intake manifold is in place

Mr Brown/H2inICE

Being a mechanic for the last 30 years, it would make sense to me for the timing to be at TDC or a little after since the burn rate of H2 is almost instantaneous. Gasoline on the other hand burns slow requiring more advance to get the whole charge lit. Propane, oddly enough, requires even more advance.

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Re: The final step towards running an engine on Hydroxy
« Reply #67 on: June 18, 2008, 14:25:22 pm »
I have finally got my LEDS.
4 different types for 4 frequency's.
The question is now how to mount them.
I was thinking about using a SS tube. Or should i use a plastic tube?
I wanna use 10 leds of each frequency. So, i will have 4 rows of 5mm holes in the (gas) tube.
When i look at TL light, they use a mirror/reflector for better results in adding photons into the electrons.
Plastic or shiny SS?



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Re: The final step towards running an engine on Hydroxy
« Reply #68 on: June 19, 2008, 05:13:06 am »
My thoughts are in using the SS.

Reason 1: Reflective which would seem to multiply.

Reason 2: Eliminates outside frequency of colors from working to help or destroy what you are testing for, and it allows a more complete control of your environment for the test.

When you preform the test try doing a series in total darkness and see if there is any result. You can always allow light to enter the SS tube so that would not be a problem if you see that exterior light is needed.

Looking forward to hear how you proceed and what results you achieve.


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Re: The final step towards running an engine on Hydroxy
« Reply #69 on: June 19, 2008, 06:48:49 am »
I agree with Dr Not.  The more reflection the better, one would think. I would go SS, but it would cost more.  You could use a plastic pipe and put a flexible metal sheet or other reflective surface on the inside, however I feel that would be more work then it was worth.
I am also excited to hear the results of this experiment.  This is by far my favorite thread, and check it multiple times a day for updates!  Keep it up Stevie!

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Re: The final step towards running an engine on Hydroxy
« Reply #70 on: June 23, 2008, 15:06:48 pm »
Small update:

I started with a SS tube and drilled some test holes.
After that, i have drilled my first 10 holes. Still 30 to go!
Every hole needs to be perfect...Man....i am no monck.....I hate that work...pffffff

After drilling, i have to bring it to my metalshop for polising the inside, or maybe chroom?
They also have to weld an smaller inlet and outlet tube on the ends for this 1 inch diam tube.
Its 1 inch by 4 inches long.
Because there will be 4 different leds in it, i have to make 4 different driving circuits.
But, he. If you try, then do it right... ;D :o
See what this all bring to us.


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Re: The final step towards running an engine on Hydroxy
« Reply #71 on: June 25, 2008, 05:38:24 am »
Hi Steve.

This is going to be quite a light show when you get it done.

Here's a link on some inexpensive SS polishing compounds -->

I've had SS tubing plated before but it will eventially wear off. You probably need to buff anyways prior to plating. You might want to also consider a custom gun smith to do the plating if you want the "hard chrome" and you end up going this route. I hear they do a real good job on gun barrels. Try googling "custom chrome plating gun barrels". Maybe you might consider nickel plating, but chrome is harder.


The hydrogen embrittlement faq link at the end the above link is also interesting.

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