Author Topic: The final step towards running an engine on Hydroxy  (Read 67079 times)

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Re: The final step towards running an engine on Hydroxy
« Reply #48 on: May 31, 2008, 18:18:53 pm »
Catch the freed electrons with some kind of coil and put a lightbulp on that to consume the electrons.
HV also ionizes the gas, so if you have a combi of those 2 technics, we might get what we want.


This may be what your looking for steve


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Re: The final step towards running an engine on Hydroxy
« Reply #49 on: May 31, 2008, 20:25:40 pm »
Yeh, Hydromask,

This schematic is now making all the sence of the world.
Its or pulsing HV or extracting electrons from the gas.
And of course the windows for the LEDS or lasers or whatever he was using.


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Re: The final step towards running an engine on Hydroxy
« Reply #50 on: May 31, 2008, 21:50:45 pm »

it seams that when the electron quantum leaps it only stays at the higher energy level for a period of 10 to the power of -8 seconds (10-8s)....also when ionized the free electron imediately forms with the realesed photon to make a new hydrogen atom........however there is a higher energy state........................

An important spectral line in astronomy for measuring the gas between stars is the 21-cm line of Hydrogen.

This is in the radio part of the spectrum.
The n = 1 level (ground state) of H is actually "split" into 2 levels separated by a very small energy.
This splitting is due to the fact that the electron and proton have intrinsic spin, i.e. they behave like small magnets.
When the North poles are aligned the energy is higher than when they are not.
The figure below illustrates the "spin flip" that cause the emission of a 21-cm photon.

i need to look further to find how this is caused and how long it stays in this condition.............


Attached is a drawing thats shows the poles of the proton and electron aligned  when energized.


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Re: The final step towards running an engine on Hydroxy
« Reply #51 on: June 01, 2008, 11:23:57 am »
let me look at this from a slightly different angle............

As i understand it our gas is OH and H.............the single hydrogen doesn't like being along and easily pairs up to H2.............that leaves OH

..............ultra violet light makes ozone, so does HV corona discharge, would this not break the OH bond making very reactive ozone and also ionize the H and H2 making a step up in energy levels.......????

ozone info.....



Very good thinking and research Enlightening,

In our HV test, we seen a very colorfull and impressive flame, instead of the normal Hydroxy flame.
This is undiscoverd territory for me, so all help is welcome.


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Re: The final step towards running an engine on Hydroxy
« Reply #52 on: June 02, 2008, 06:37:29 am »

Here's some info from aquarium hobbiest who also use Ozone and injects it into and mixes it with the water and...

UV sterilizers in direct contact with water...(UV sterilizers in aquariums use special bulbs in quartz tubes that are in direct contact with water.)

... ozone can also be generated by intense ultraviolet light. The ozone generators sold by Ultralife fall into that category. These devices use a special light bulb producing short wavelength UV light (often 185 nm). During UV exposure at this wavelength, O2 molecules in air passing near the bulb absorb the light and are broken apart:

O2  -->  2O

As with electric discharge units, these oxygen atoms can then combine with O2 to form ozone:

O +  O2 --> O3 (ozone)

The manufacturers of these types of units claim that their advantages are that the air need not be dried, and that fewer nitrogen-containing byproducts are formed (e.g., nitric acid). Additionally, their bulb is said to last for two to three years before needing replacement. Competitors have claimed that these types of ozone generators lose about 20% of their rated output after a few hours of operation, and that the electrical power consumption is much higher for a UV based system than for corona discharge. The maximum concentration of ozone that can be obtained in a given air volume is lower (01 - .1% by weight O3 in air for UV systems compared to 0.5 to 1.7% O3 in air for dried air using corona discharge). Note that the UV type ozone generators' output often is not adjustable.

Also noteworthy is that these units are distinctly different from UV sterlizers. Ultraviolet sterilizers use a longer wavelength of UV light (about 254 nm, typically) and kill organisms by UV's direct interaction with the tank's water as it passes by. Molecules such as DNA in the organisms absorb the 254 nm UV and the molecules break apart, killing them. Ultraviolet light at 254 nm does not produce significant ozone.


Interestingly, information above tells us a difference of 254 nm not cause much change to oxygen (in water) where 185 nm (in air) does.


Ultraviolet radiation, referred to as UV or UVC radiation for sterilization purposes is a form of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. UVA and UVB that are can reach the Earth’s surface are primarily non-ionizing and do not have enough energy to ionize atoms. However, the longer wave UVA and UVB can cause molecules to vibrate and rotate resulting in heating up.
The shorter wave UVC (used in UV Sterilization) light will ionize many atoms and molecules as compared to the even shorter wave Gamma Rays which will ionize most atoms.

« Last Edit: June 03, 2008, 01:50:00 am by Flaghole »

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Re: The final step towards running an engine on Hydroxy
« Reply #53 on: June 03, 2008, 03:39:03 am »
I've been a reader here of these fascinating notes and projects, trials and errors. These are very interesting posts. I just read at -
that introducing ozone O3 into water will make the water H2O2 the water will take 1 oxygen leaving 2 (O2)... and H2O2 and this is Hydrogen Peroxide. What is the effect on our gas H, HO? Maybe this is to dumb to ask. Has anyone tried Hydrogen Peroxide? Any more radical bubbles? What happens to the O2? Hope you don't mind. It also states this is pretty healthy stuff.
Also look at the Aranizer -

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Re: The final step towards running an engine on Hydroxy
« Reply #54 on: June 03, 2008, 05:42:24 am »
This is interesting...Photo-assisted electrolysis


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Re: The final step towards running an engine on Hydroxy
« Reply #55 on: June 03, 2008, 12:40:58 pm »
Very good!

So Ozon is not the way?
