I love the device in the video. Where can we get more information about it so we can build it. It looks like it has great promise.
Fiditti, this is the only info I've seen on this setup.
I downloaded it from youtube before it was removed by its creator. I think he removed it because people were hounding him for info.
In the comments he said it was some older work and wouldn't reveal any details other than it was a neon transformer.
I don't remember for sure if it was this video or one of his other videos, he said something about not revealing details due to a nondisclosure agreement and hoping to make enough money to put his kids through college.
Have ten or more tubes and you'd be able to run a tank. Thanks.
This is why I'm so interested in HV dissociation, there is no current flow through the water and with proper design more "cells" or areas of dissociation can be added with no additional current draw from the power supply. The only drawback is HV is a PIA to work with and this kind of voltage potential really doesn't like to be contained.
I think the HV power supply from a powder coat machine is an ideal source if it can be pulsed. Depending on the brand, they make up to 100KV open circuit voltage, which is the same type of scenario we're looking at. Unfortunately I haven't been able to find a source or datasheet on these supplies yet.
If anyone knows of a datasheet or source for these power supplies, please let me know.
I don't know if this type of setup is ideally suited for an automotive application, but it for sure has potential for home heating, running a generator, bbq grill... our imagination is the limit. Winter is just around the corner and our utility bills are going to be ugly.